Evidence Of Mayan / ET Contact! - Alternative View

Evidence Of Mayan / ET Contact! - Alternative View
Evidence Of Mayan / ET Contact! - Alternative View

Numerous and very close contacts of the ancient representatives of the Mayan civilization with aliens are widely known, confirmed not only by myths and legends, but also by material evidence, some of which, quite recently, was announced by the Mexican president himself.


The heyday of the Mayan civilization fell on 2 thousand years BC. e., after which one and a half millennia before the arrival of the conquistadors, civilization slowly faded away. But for 2 thousand years they have created a lot. The writing system and the model of the creation of the Universe, the calendar of excellent accuracy and surgery, which is not inferior to the modern one, let alone, for example, the ancient Roman one.


With extensive knowledge in almost all areas of knowledge, the Maya, meanwhile, did not create such a simple device as a wheel. Many argue that they did not need this, since they could move the goods, as well as themselves, using teleportation.


According to one of the hypotheses, the decline of the Mayan civilization began when, for some unknown reason, the best representatives of civilization left for another space-time. Apparently having coordinated this issue with their alien curators.