Modern Architecture: Why Many Cannot Accept This Style - Alternative View

Modern Architecture: Why Many Cannot Accept This Style - Alternative View
Modern Architecture: Why Many Cannot Accept This Style - Alternative View

Video: Modern Architecture: Why Many Cannot Accept This Style - Alternative View

Video: Modern Architecture: Why Many Cannot Accept This Style - Alternative View
Video: Why Do People Hate Modern Architecture? 2024, July

Some houses, without exaggeration, can be called a work of art, others simply do not notice, but there are structures that do not leave anyone indifferent. This is especially true for objects of modern architecture, it is they that cause a strong emotional response and not always positive. Despite the fact that architects strive to create ideal spaces for work, leisure and human life, their works are constantly criticized and sometimes completely rejected.

Modern architecture, incomprehensible to many, leaves no one indifferent
Modern architecture, incomprehensible to many, leaves no one indifferent

Modern architecture, incomprehensible to many, leaves no one indifferent.

Architecture has long gone beyond the definition of such a concept as art, because thanks to it, it is possible to create space and decorations that reflect the cultural characteristics and technical capabilities of the time and place where a person is. Considering the centuries-old history of the existence of mankind, on the streets of our cities and villages you can find buildings of all eras, which architects created in different styles and directions. And if some arouse admiration, then others - complete rejection.

At the very origins of Art Nouveau (Eliseevsky store was built in 1902-1903, St. Petersburg)
At the very origins of Art Nouveau (Eliseevsky store was built in 1902-1903, St. Petersburg)

At the very origins of Art Nouveau (Eliseevsky store was built in 1902-1903, St. Petersburg).

The concept of "modern architecture" includes several styles and trends that have been forming for over 100 years. For such a long period, unique works of architects have appeared. Most importantly, no matter what direction they create, whether it is pure modernism, brutalism, constructivism, deconstructivism, minimalism, hi-tech or neo-modernism, everything is of great interest. Moreover, the opinion of people, both ordinary people and expert experts, about a particular object is fundamentally different.

Fantastic architecture of the Salk Institute, considered by many to be too futuristic. Architect Louis Kahn, California
Fantastic architecture of the Salk Institute, considered by many to be too futuristic. Architect Louis Kahn, California

Fantastic architecture of the Salk Institute, considered by many to be too futuristic. Architect Louis Kahn, California.

If we take into account the indisputable fact that the newly created objects are better suited for organizing the most comfortable space for people to live, then the question of the inevitable change in the existing appearance of cities fades into the background. But no one has canceled the aesthetic perception of the surrounding space, and if a modern object is discordant with an established architectural picture, then it causes a storm of discontent, and sometimes active protest of local residents and luminaries.

Modern architecture of the Netherlands
Modern architecture of the Netherlands

Modern architecture of the Netherlands.

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Reference: Modern architecture arose at the beginning of the last century, when architects argued that creative expression should be free from historical baggage and that architectural forms should rather obey functionality, rather than generally accepted dogmas. The architects tried to avoid unnecessary details in the design, believing that simplicity and ordinary elements can be beautiful too. Proponents of classical rules argued and still do that modern architecture with its philosophy is complete bad taste, dullness and impersonality.

Artworks by Frank Wright (House Above the Falls, Guggenheim Museum, New York
Artworks by Frank Wright (House Above the Falls, Guggenheim Museum, New York

Artworks by Frank Wright (House Above the Falls, Guggenheim Museum, New York.

But this is which side to look at. If we take, for example, the implemented projects of Frank Loyd Wright and Rudolf Schindler, who stood at the origins of modernism, then there is simply no "neither monotonous nor inhuman" in them. And the language will not turn to call these creations "faceless and gloomy", although in their appearance you will not find either carved arches, or pompous columns, or luxurious elements, etc. They have not only practicality and functionality, but also a special beauty (with the absolute minimalism of the decor!), Which is simply breathtaking.

Rudolf Schindler's projects have already been recognized as a property, although at one time they were criticized (Laurelwood Apartments Studio City, Fitzpatrick-Leland's mansion)
Rudolf Schindler's projects have already been recognized as a property, although at one time they were criticized (Laurelwood Apartments Studio City, Fitzpatrick-Leland's mansion)

Rudolf Schindler's projects have already been recognized as a property, although at one time they were criticized (Laurelwood Apartments Studio City, Fitzpatrick-Leland's mansion).

Yes, they, like many other modernists, deviated from the generally accepted rules in architecture, their work shows an individual style and vision. At one time, someone immediately fell in love with the simplicity and practicality of the houses they built, and adherents of classical norms and rules criticized them mercilessly. But in spite of everything, these creations occupy a worthy place in modern architecture, because they have become iconic structures and a real attraction. And this is because the authors managed to combine practicality and simplicity with the surrounding landscape, both urban space and natural areas.

There are also such strange combinations of a modern origami house with ancient architecture (Malmö, Netherlands)
There are also such strange combinations of a modern origami house with ancient architecture (Malmö, Netherlands)

There are also such strange combinations of a modern origami house with ancient architecture (Malmö, Netherlands).

Unfortunately, not everyone manages to find such harmony and the necessary points of contact, and then rather awkward objects appear that clearly stand out against the general background of urban architecture.

This is what happens when they try to do stylization, with a reference to the past (the historical part of Podil, Kiev)
This is what happens when they try to do stylization, with a reference to the past (the historical part of Podil, Kiev)

This is what happens when they try to do stylization, with a reference to the past (the historical part of Podil, Kiev).

Of course, adherents of creating a single, albeit miserable in their imitation, pictures of the general style will be delighted, but such a building will never become a landmark (just an example of how you can not build!). Scientists have proven that "good" or "bad" architecture directly affects the quality of life and the nature of the surrounding space, raising the mood or suppressing the human spirit.

Sleeping areas built in 60-70s of the last century, unattractive and the same in different countries (high-rise buildings in Hungary and Russia)
Sleeping areas built in 60-70s of the last century, unattractive and the same in different countries (high-rise buildings in Hungary and Russia)

Sleeping areas built in 60-70s of the last century, unattractive and the same in different countries (high-rise buildings in Hungary and Russia).

Of course, if you take the mass development of residential quarters with faceless massive high-rise buildings that have no aesthetics, and often no comfort either, you can really hate such "modern architecture" and consider these objects as complete crap, killing even the most optimistic outlook on life. Although the mass construction of multi-apartment high-rise buildings is difficult to call architecture, and sometimes even impossible.

Modern architects and designers already look at the aesthetics of multi-storey buildings in a completely different way
Modern architects and designers already look at the aesthetics of multi-storey buildings in a completely different way

Modern architects and designers already look at the aesthetics of multi-storey buildings in a completely different way.

But everything does not look so deplorable if really professionals get down to business, not chasing the deadlines and the number of residential meters. In this case, the sleeping areas look no less attractive (according to the current fashion trends) than the historical centers, where the Victorian style or the Empire style prevails, which were also fashionable at the time they were being built.

Modern residential complexes can only cause admiration for both functionality and aesthetics
Modern residential complexes can only cause admiration for both functionality and aesthetics

Modern residential complexes can only cause admiration for both functionality and aesthetics.

Agree, in our time to build multi-storey buildings in the Gothic or romantic style would be complete absurdity. This should also be understood by those who do not want to perceive and accept modern architecture as an inevitable phenomenon of human society.

Nothing superfluous, but eye-catching (Towers of the former World Trade Center before the tragic event in 2001)
Nothing superfluous, but eye-catching (Towers of the former World Trade Center before the tragic event in 2001)

Nothing superfluous, but eye-catching (Towers of the former World Trade Center before the tragic event in 2001).

Of course, the situation is different if skyscrapers, public buildings, sports complexes, airports and train stations were built in the Art Nouveau style. It is in no way to accuse modern architects of facelessness here. Due to the fact that new materials and technologies are actively used in the construction industry, and this allows increasing the number of storeys of buildings, increasing the scale of arches and the area of windows, complicating the shape of buildings, etc.

The first Manhattan skyscrapers, built in the 30s. last century (New York, USA)
The first Manhattan skyscrapers, built in the 30s. last century (New York, USA)

The first Manhattan skyscrapers, built in the 30s. last century (New York, USA).

Even in the first objects of modern architecture, interest in unobtrusive decor is noticeable, and the brick itself becomes a bright detail of the facade design, not to mention the fashion for tiled cladding (majolica panels) and the presence of forged metal structures. This is what concerns the external side of architectural structures, in the interior, first of all, attention was paid to comfort and functionality with simplicity of forms and a minimum of decor.

Misunderstood Brutalism in Post-War Architecture
Misunderstood Brutalism in Post-War Architecture

Misunderstood Brutalism in Post-War Architecture.

In the post-war years, architects began to gravitate more towards brutalism and monumentalism. The search for new means of expression through rough and massive concrete structures is most criticized and rejected. Despite the fact that such a fascination faded very quickly, the remaining objects are still actively rejected. Although in modern buildings you can increasingly see massive concrete elements of a cubic shape, but such a vision of the beauty and practicality of the authors of the projects and they also have a right to exist.

Elements of brutalism are back in fashion
Elements of brutalism are back in fashion

Elements of brutalism are back in fashion.

Opponents of the trend in modern architecture argue that the buildings built by brutalists by this time are practically all abandoned, because no one wants to live in such "ugly" houses (if they are residential buildings). If these are museums, institutions or train stations, then they were abandoned because "they evoke horror."

The suburbs of Paris are abandoned due to lack of work, not because of the "ugliness" of the buildings
The suburbs of Paris are abandoned due to lack of work, not because of the "ugliness" of the buildings

The suburbs of Paris are abandoned due to lack of work, not because of the "ugliness" of the buildings.

As it became known to the authors of Novate. Ru, these statements are pure speculation of those who criticize the works of brutalists in everything. In fact, some buildings and even residential neighborhoods were abandoned, but for completely different reasons and have nothing to do with their appearance.

When designing your own home, everyone is free to choose for himself: stylization like Versailles or harmonious fusion with nature
When designing your own home, everyone is free to choose for himself: stylization like Versailles or harmonious fusion with nature

When designing your own home, everyone is free to choose for himself: stylization like Versailles or harmonious fusion with nature.

A vision of modern architecture in Japan and the USA
A vision of modern architecture in Japan and the USA

A vision of modern architecture in Japan and the USA.

And the most interesting thing is that each country and even locality has its own vision and understanding of modern architecture and what is acceptable and what causes opposition. This is due to many factors - from mentality and standard of living to forms and materials for buildings. Therefore, if during construction modern architects will take into account the perception of the aesthetics of the population, the geography of the area, culture and traditions, then there will be no confrontation.

Contemporary masterpieces in glass, concrete and steel
Contemporary masterpieces in glass, concrete and steel

Contemporary masterpieces in glass, concrete and steel.

Even if this building is made of concrete, glass and steel and it has a simple, technological form without obvious decorative elements, the structure will cause increased interest, but not protest.

A modern kindergarten in Russia and Germany (our parents would be afraid to take them to such a kindergarten!)
A modern kindergarten in Russia and Germany (our parents would be afraid to take them to such a kindergarten!)

A modern kindergarten in Russia and Germany (our parents would be afraid to take them to such a kindergarten!).

As practice shows, what modern architects in Germany create (if all of the above was taken into account in the project), most Germans perceive it as an absolutely normal phenomenon - in Russia, these objects will certainly cause indignation, a flurry of indignation and condemnation. Or what looks very organic in Japan - Americans will never accept and will consider it impersonal and simply nothing.

Modern architecture is quite diverse and not everyone accepts and understands it
Modern architecture is quite diverse and not everyone accepts and understands it

Modern architecture is quite diverse and not everyone accepts and understands it.

Naturally, over time, the term "modern architecture" has become much broader than it was originally, because many trends and branches have appeared, which change priorities every day. But this is understandable, new rates of life, innovative materials, frequently changing fashion trends dictate their own rules and needs, and the public will not be able to appreciate all the creations of architects and designers.