The GDV Method Is Recognized As An Advanced Science - Alternative View

The GDV Method Is Recognized As An Advanced Science - Alternative View
The GDV Method Is Recognized As An Advanced Science - Alternative View

Video: The GDV Method Is Recognized As An Advanced Science - Alternative View

Video: The GDV Method Is Recognized As An Advanced Science - Alternative View
Video: 2017 08 BioClip tutorial 2024, October

The method of gas discharge visualization (GDV), developed by a group of Russian scientists under the guidance of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor K. Korotkov, based on the "Kirlian effect", has already been written earlier. In particular, the essence of this technique was revealed, which has nothing to do with the unfounded cries of "fighters against pseudoscience" and their labels, which they so love to hang on any "forbidden" knowledge from the point of view of their masters.

Long-term activity of members of the RAS commission "to combat pseudoscience" to discredit scientific methods proving the existence of the human biofield (including the "Kirlian effect" and the GDV method developed on its basis), in fact, proved only the pseudoscience of this commission itself. But the true - advanced science and the "Kirlian effect" and GDV have long been recognized and actively applied in practice.

Here is what Professor K. Korotkov writes about this in his book "The Energy of Our Thoughts":

Early diagnosis of diseases will make it possible not in words but in deeds to reduce mortality and increase the life expectancy of the population. But the point is that the tasks of the servants of the parasites are exactly the opposite - reducing the population of the Earth to the 500 million people declared by the owners. And this fully explains the fact that these methods, developed more than 10 years ago, have not yet found active implementation in public medical institutions. For the same reason, "fighters against pseudoscience", like other servants of parasites, continue to "hang noodles" on the gullible inhabitants, declaring "pseudoscience" and "charlatanism" everything that prevents their owners from quickly driving the stupid "herd" into the "stall" so-called "New world order", having previously reduced its "livestock" with the help of anti-national reforms and ineffective methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

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