The Degradation Of Humanity Is Not A Myth! - Alternative View

The Degradation Of Humanity Is Not A Myth! - Alternative View
The Degradation Of Humanity Is Not A Myth! - Alternative View

Video: The Degradation Of Humanity Is Not A Myth! - Alternative View

Video: The Degradation Of Humanity Is Not A Myth! - Alternative View
Video: We Are Living Through The Scariest Economic Experiment In History Right Now...And No One Knows It 2024, October

Albert Einstein once said that he did not know what weapon would be used in the third world war, but he was firmly convinced that in the fourth world war they would fight with clubs. Of course, if atomic weapons were used during the world war, then those people who survived would expect a return in the Stone Age. However, humanity can quite realistically get into the Stone Age without war.

You may be surprised to ask how, in the age of flights to Mars, mobile phones and computers, humanity can degrade? Easy. It should be noted that our computerization, oddly enough, leads to an increase in illiteracy. And on the Internet there is such obscurantism that even the most experienced psychiatrists cannot establish the correct diagnosis.

Yes, we created the Internet and went into space. Yes, progress is marching fast, so we are no longer surprised by it. However, there is a question, who will drive progress tomorrow? At some point, our priorities, imperceptibly, suddenly changed. Our generation was read in science fiction, dreamed of becoming astronauts and believed that flights to the moon would be available to the future generation as well as trips to the Crimea for us. However, our children have already grown up. Ask, who do they dream of being?


The problem of fathers and children has always existed. We always did not understand each other and always argued, proving our case. This went on for thousands of years, but there is one "but". My parents sincerely did not understand how one could listen to such a "howl" as "while the candle is burning," and they suggested that I listen to Duke Elington at least once. In response, I declared that I would not listen to him.

But now the years have passed. I already have grandchildren myself. I love listening to Louis Arsmtrong, and indeed any good music. My parents have long loved listening to Andrei Makarevich. Now we listen to music together. As they say, there is no serious and frivolous music - there is good music and bad.

I remember arguing about the width of the trousers. My generation considered it squalor and did not understand whether it was possible to wear bell bottoms and tight trousers below 40 centimeters. However, we have always believed that trousers should be clean and ironed.


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My generation used to read Fenimore Cooper as children, and then we would go out into the yard and play Indians. And what do children read today? Unfortunately, they almost do not read books, but only read fascist slogans on the Internet, then go out into the street and beat those whom they do not like in some way.

Our generation read, thought, reasoned. We learned to think for ourselves. If a person by the age of 20-25 has not read the minimum of books that he should have read by this age, then such a person cannot consider himself educated. After 25, these books should not be read, but already re-read. Gogol, Balzac, Hemingway and Dostoevsky should be read by the age of fifteen, and then re-read. Reading books teaches a person to think for themselves. Snatching information from the Internet will never replace turning pages, and, most importantly, will not teach you how to dream.

In order to learn to dream, you need to read about brave and big people. Of course, most of my generation themselves did not read all those necessary books, therefore, their children, who know how to use a computer, seem to them smarter than themselves.


The intellectual structure of society is a pyramid, at the top of which is the minority. However, if we made a “cut” of the age group of 15-25 years old, we would find that it is no longer a pyramid, but a flat heap. At the top of which there are a few and, unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer of them. Soon we may be completely left without an elite. Yes, we will have people who can plow the land, stand at the machine, work in executive positions in the design bureau, but there will be no elite. There will be no people who know how to invent, manage, create.

It is known that the victory always goes to those who are smarter. Only we are getting weaker every day. Unfortunately, the fact that this is happening not only with our country is a weak consolation. Yes, other countries were initially less inventive, savvy, capable, and their degradation began earlier. However, when we all become equally stupid, then a completely different relationship will begin. Victory will be for those who are stronger and who are more.