Mystery Of Aliens: Meeting With A Man - Alternative View

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Mystery Of Aliens: Meeting With A Man - Alternative View
Mystery Of Aliens: Meeting With A Man - Alternative View

Video: Mystery Of Aliens: Meeting With A Man - Alternative View

Video: Mystery Of Aliens: Meeting With A Man - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, October

Veteran NASA astronaut Leroy Chao, who served as commander of the International Space Station (ISS), completed four missions, traveled six times into outer space, and confirmed aliens were there. And of course, he was not the only one who thought so.

Not only are people now mentioning aliens, but it seems that this is a problem in all of human history. And recently declassified documents from other governments have confirmed this.

Archaeological relics

In 1973, a group of masons in Ayuda, Romania, discovered three objects underground at a depth of 10 meters. Two were animal fossils and the other looked like artificial metal. According to the test results, metal objects are made from 12 metals with 90% aluminum, which are 250,000 years old.

This is truly a shocking discovery because people only learned how to make aluminum about 200 years ago. What confuses experts is that the metal is concave as part of a complex system of machines. Many UFO hunters consider the object to be a fragment of a flying saucer, and evidence that alien civilizations have visited Earth in the past. The artifact is on display at the Cluj-Napoca Historical Museum.

At Chhattisgarh, India, stone carvings 10,000 years ago were described depicting strange life forms, suspected aliens and UFOs.

Archaeologist J. R. Bhagat commented:

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Since prehistoric times, people have seen or imagined life forms from other planets.


Many artifacts or drawings of aliens and UFOs dating back millennia have been discovered around the world. For example, archaeologists have recently discovered 350 unique artifacts, such as drawings of aliens and UFOs in the Mayan pyramids in Mexico. These artifacts date back over 2000 years. Some researchers believe that it was thanks to contact with extraterrestrials that the Mayan civilization developed.

In the French cave of Pech-Merle, a 20,000-year-old rock formation was discovered, depicting objects of a flying saucer and aliens. At Kimberley Cave, Australia, there are 5,000-year-old drawings of people known as Wandijina, or "heavenly" people. This person is characterized by his large head, 2 large eyes. In the same way that modern people think about aliens.

In the Tassili Cave (Algerian Desert), images from 8,000–10,000 BC depict strange people with round heads and shapeless bodies, floating in space, wearing unusual suits and hats, like those of modern astronauts.

42 years ago, a French company imported uranium ore from Oklo, Gabon (Africa). It contains 0.3% uranium-235, and uranium ore contains 0.7% uranium-235. So where did the remaining 0.4% go? The site where the uranium ore was found was found to be an extremely advanced underground nuclear reactor that is beyond our current scientific understanding. This nuclear reactor is … 1.8 billion years old. And it has been working for about half a million years.


It is believed that many historical figures have encountered aliens. In the 41st volume of the book "The Tale of Migration" from Qin Shihuang in 259-210. BC. it says:

While there is still much controversy over this record, many Chinese scholars and historians believe that this strange ethnic group is the aliens who helped Qin Shi Huang unite the people and build the Great Wall.

The chip was found in Napoleon's skull
The chip was found in Napoleon's skull

The chip was found in Napoleon's skull.

It is believed that Napoleon Bonaparte, the talented emperor of France, met with aliens. Because after his death, archaeologists discovered a strange object in his skull. The strange object was firmly embedded in Napoleon's skull, like a small microchip, half an inch long. André Dubois believes it was implanted in Napoleon's head when he was young. So what is the origin of the chip?

Turning to history, in 1794, when Napoleon was 25, he went missing for several days. After this mysterious disappearance, Napoleon earned his career and fame. Even stranger, he was able to save the army from hunger, lethargy, and prepare for hundreds of battles. After a series of surprising victories, Napoleon ascended the throne, quickly expanding the country and invading Prussia (now Germany), Austria, Switzerland and Denmark.

“Perhaps it was the microchip that expanded Napoleon's ability to think and brought him to an extraordinary memory, flexible mind, the ability to very quickly read thoughts in his head,” commented the candidate. Dubois. While conducting research on the microchip, scientists discovered a wave that constantly transmits strange signals that affect the human brain. It is possible that the waves affected Napoleon's brain, causing him mental problems, he was often overly angry and depressed.