Polar Whirlpool. Inexplicable Currents In The Arctic - Alternative View

Polar Whirlpool. Inexplicable Currents In The Arctic - Alternative View
Polar Whirlpool. Inexplicable Currents In The Arctic - Alternative View

Video: Polar Whirlpool. Inexplicable Currents In The Arctic - Alternative View

Video: Polar Whirlpool. Inexplicable Currents In The Arctic - Alternative View
Video: How Arctic Amplification Affects the Polar Vortex 2024, July

Thanks to the Gulf Stream, there is no frost of 70-80 degrees in the Arctic like in Antarctica. And thanks to him, the European part of the continent of Asia has such a mild climate. Even the most eastern parts of Siberia feel its impact in the form of cyclones. But what is the mechanism that drives these warm water masses? Why exactly in this direction to the North Pole? In the school textbook, the explanation is simple and indistinct - due to the rotation of the Earth.

When something is not completely clear - this question remains to live in you until the next puzzle, which joins two neighboring ones into a single picture of what is happening. Here is a puzzle I received yesterday from my friend Izofatov

Take a look at the diagram above. It turns out that not only the Gulf Stream rushes to the Arctic Ocean, but also the current (albeit cold) from the Pacific Ocean. But it goes, as it were, across the rotation of the Earth. Should flow east.

Here is information on the debit of water to the Arctic seas due to currents entering here:

The Arctic Ocean has three "taps" through which water flows. A tap with warm water - the largest - from the Atlantic with the North Atlantic Current (298 thousand cubic km / year). The crane is smaller, cooler - from the Pacific Ocean through the Bering Strait (36 thousand cubic km / year). The third tap is the fresh runoff of the rivers of Siberia and Alaska (4 thousand cubic km / year) *. Atlantic waters prevail here. At the end of their journey in the Chukchi Sea, they meet a "dead end" - the Bering Strait - through which the Pacific waters go towards them. Accordingly, along the way, the Atlantic currents turn in disappointment and wander home. The path of water from Spitsbergen to the Chukchi Sea takes 5 years.

The discharge occurs into the same Atlantic in colder waters (338 thousand cubic km / year). The main runoff is through the Faro-Shetland Canal (163 thousand cubic km / year). Moving towards the warm waters that have not yet reached the Arctic, this stream turns a significant part of them back. Wikipedia has other figures: 265 thousand cubic meters. km / year. And they are tailored for inflow and flow.

But wait, 163 thousand cubic meters flows through the Faro-Shetland canal. km / year. Where are the rest of the drains? Only water flows through the Chukchi Sea. Across the Baffin Sea in North America - there are no currents. Where does the rest of the water go? Even before the information from izofatov, I expressed the idea that it should flow into the underground oceans. Otherwise, such an inflow of water from different sides, the presence of such currents to the polar region simply cannot be explained.


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For climate change in the Arctic in Soviet times, a project was even developed (link in the source below), when the Bering Strait is blocked off with a dam with a huge number of pumps and water is pumped from the Arctic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean in the amount of 140 thousand cubic meters. km / year. The waters of the Gulf Stream are moving further east and warming the Arctic coast of the USSR. A kind of overflow of water from the Atlantic through the Arctic to the Pacific Ocean. The climate is changing, the permafrost is disappearing. But this article is not about that. Let's continue our further thoughts …

Mercator's map showing the polar part with Arctida (Hyperborea)
Mercator's map showing the polar part with Arctida (Hyperborea)

Mercator's map showing the polar part with Arctida (Hyperborea).

No one is surprised why the now ice-covered region is depicted without ice cover? Tell me, the climate was different! Water-steam dome or something else. Maybe. But, and if you still think and assume that the modern Gulfstim had a much greater impact on the Arctic in the past?

There is such information from K. Fatyanov writes in the work "The Legend of Hyperborea":

“Floods are the scourge of all planets with polar ice caps. The planetary mechanics of the worldwide flood are as follows. More and more ice accumulates in the colder regions of the planet over time. But the ice cap cannot be located strictly symmetrically (if only because there is no geometrically correct coastline). A heavy ice cap always turns out to be on one side, and therefore, as the ice accumulates, an overturning moment develops. Sooner or later, the lithosphere (hard shell) of the planet shifts relative to its incandescent liquid core. The entire mass of accumulated ice ends up at the equator, and this ice begins to melt. The released water floods all continents, except for mountain ranges and very high plateaus. Then the excess water gradually condenses again at the (already new) poles in the form of ice caps. So it was on Earth before the arrival of the Hyperboreans. The solar equatorial fire and the polar cold of the cosmic abyss worked with the regularity of a clockwork. Every 6-7 millennia there was a flood. The races that inhabited the Earth before the past era of Aquarius did not know how to oppose this, and some, perhaps, did not even know about the blade of the scythe of death that periodically hangs over the world. " I will also quote from our book "The Hyperborean Faith of the Rus". “The Hyperboreans knew the law of recurring catastrophes and the fateful role played by ice accumulating in the polar region. And, moreover, the ancients managed to suspend the course of these "ice hours"! The polar continent Arctida (then not yet flooded and not covered with an ice cap) was all transformed by the titanic activity of the Hyperboreans. In the middle of it was an inland sea of regular round shape, called the Great Rotating Lake. The waters of this sea never knew storms, but certain death awaited the ships that fell into it. The Hyperborean Sea was indeed in constant rotation: in its center, geographically coinciding exactly with the Pole, there was a gigantic depression in the earth's crust, in depth exceeding the modern Mariana Sea. Through this grandiose pit, which seemed to be an abyss, the ocean waters were drawn into the earth's interior by a funnel, where they warmed up, absorbing the heat of the core magma, and then, passing through the labyrinths of underground seas-caves, they again emerged through the mouths of underwater grottoes to the surface of the planet. This circulation of warm currents prevented the formation of excessive ice masses on land areas near the Pole. That "speck"which could eventually lead to the overturning of the lithosphere, as if constantly "washed away" into the whirlpool of the inner sea of Arctida. The ocean waters rushed to the Pole in the form of four wide streams, so that the continent resembled a cross-cut circle in outline. Arctida was thus an ideal structure to limit the growth of ice in the polar region of the planet. The location of the great pit exactly in place of the planetary axis ensured maximum stability of the suction vortex. The intermittent wide ring of land around prevented large masses of ice from clogging the space above the depression. Four symmetrical straits gave uniform heating of the polar region from all four cardinal directions. During the prosperity of Arctida, the lithosphere could not topple over. The Flood was postponed indefinitely. This period of planetary rest is captured in the ancient legend of a titan who held the sky. Indeed, from the point of view of an observer on earth, the displacement of the lithosphere appears to be nothing more than a "overturning firmament". Only not Atlas, but Hyperboreus "held the sky." For many millennia, Arctida ruled over the entire pre-antique world. And since those distant times, the power and the scepter - the ball symbolizing the planet, and the rod, personifying its axis - remain the signs of imperial dignity. It was a golden age, the Earth flourished under the rule of the Polar civilization. However, times have changed. A war broke out between Hyperborea and its colony - Atlantis. The result of this collision was sad: the rebellious island sank to the bottom of the sea, and the continent of Arctida received such serious damage that the Polar Maelstrom ceased to operate. "But the Polar Maelstrom did not completely disappear. The funnel works, otherwise the currents, as we see, would not enter the Arctic latitudes, they would not be sucked there.

POLAR WATER ROTARY August 4, 2016 at 10:57

From school, I was surprised by the fact that the Gulf Stream, this powerful warm current, climbs far north, and its influence is felt throughout the Arctic. I thank him in the Arctic there is no frost of 70-80 degrees as in Antarctica. And thanks to him, the European part of the continent of Asia has such a mild climate. Even the most eastern parts of Siberia feel its impact in the form of cyclones. But what is the mechanism that drives these warm water masses? Why exactly in this direction to the North Pole? In the school textbook, the explanation is simple and indistinct - due to the rotation of the Earth.

When something is not completely clear - this question remains to live in you until the next puzzle, which joins two neighboring ones into a single picture of what is happening. Here is a puzzle I received yesterday from my friend Izofatov

Take a look at the diagram above. It turns out that not only the Gulf Stream rushes to the Arctic Ocean, but also the current (albeit cold) from the Pacific Ocean. But it goes, as it were, across the rotation of the Earth. Should flow east.

Here is information on the debit of water to the Arctic seas due to currents entering here:

The Arctic Ocean has three "taps" through which water flows. A tap with warm water - the largest - from the Atlantic with the North Atlantic Current (298 thousand cubic km / year). The crane is smaller, cooler - from the Pacific Ocean through the Bering Strait (36 thousand cubic km / year). The third tap is the fresh runoff of the rivers of Siberia and Alaska (4 thousand cubic km / year) *. Atlantic waters prevail here. At the end of their journey in the Chukchi Sea, they meet a "dead end" - the Bering Strait - through which the Pacific waters go towards them. Accordingly, along the way, the Atlantic currents turn in disappointment and wander home. The path of water from Spitsbergen to the Chukchi Sea takes 5 years.

The discharge occurs into the same Atlantic in colder waters (338 thousand cubic km / year). The main runoff is through the Faro-Shetland Canal (163 thousand cubic km / year). Moving towards the warm waters that have not yet reached the Arctic, this stream turns a significant part of them back. Wikipedia has other figures: 265 thousand cubic meters. km / year. And they are tailored for inflow and flow.

But wait, 163 thousand cubic meters flows through the Faro-Shetland canal. km / year. Where are the rest of the drains? Only water flows through the Chukchi Sea. Across the Baffin Sea in North America - there are no currents. Where does the rest of the water go? Even before the information from izofatov, I expressed the idea that it should flow into the underground oceans. Otherwise, such an inflow of water from different sides, the presence of such currents to the polar region simply cannot be explained.

For climate change in the Arctic in Soviet times, a project was even developed (link in the source below), when the Bering Strait is blocked off with a dam with a huge number of pumps and water is pumped from the Arctic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean in the amount of 140 thousand cubic meters. km / year. The waters of the Gulf Stream are moving further east and warming the Arctic coast of the USSR. A kind of overflow of water from the Atlantic through the Arctic to the Pacific Ocean. The climate is changing, the permafrost is disappearing. But this article is not about that. Let's continue our further thoughts …

Mercator's map showing the polar part with Arctida (Hyperborea).

No one is surprised why the now ice-covered region is depicted without ice cover? Tell me, the climate was different! Water-steam dome or something else. Maybe. But, and if you still think and assume that the modern Gulfstim had a much greater impact on the Arctic in the past?

There is such information from K. Fatyanov writes in the work "The Legend of Hyperborea":

“Floods are the scourge of all planets with polar ice caps. The planetary mechanics of the worldwide flood are as follows. More and more ice accumulates in the colder regions of the planet over time. But the ice cap cannot be located strictly symmetrically (if only because there is no geometrically correct coastline). A heavy ice cap always turns out to be on one side, and therefore, as the ice accumulates, an overturning moment develops. Sooner or later, the lithosphere (hard shell) of the planet shifts relative to its incandescent liquid core. The entire mass of accumulated ice ends up at the equator, and this ice begins to melt. The released water floods all continents, except for mountain ranges and very high plateaus. Then the excess water gradually condenses again at the (already new) poles in the form of ice caps. So it was on Earth before the arrival of the Hyperboreans. The solar equatorial fire and the polar cold of the cosmic abyss worked with the regularity of a clockwork. Every 6-7 millennia there was a flood. The races that inhabited the Earth before the past era of Aquarius did not know how to oppose this, and some, perhaps, did not even know about the blade of the scythe of death that periodically hangs over the world."

I will also quote from our book "The Hyperborean Faith of the Rus".

“The Hyperboreans knew the law of recurring catastrophes and the fateful role played by ice accumulating in the polar region. And, moreover, the ancients managed to suspend the course of these "ice hours"! The polar continent Arctida (then not yet flooded and not covered with an ice cap) was all transformed by the titanic activity of the Hyperboreans. In the middle of it was an inland sea of regular round shape, called the Great Rotating Lake. The waters of this sea never knew storms, but certain death awaited the ships that fell into it. The Hyperborean Sea was indeed in constant rotation: in its center, geographically coinciding exactly with the Pole, there was a gigantic depression in the earth's crust, in depth exceeding the modern Mariana Sea. Through this grandiose pit, which seemed to be an abyss, the waters of the ocean were drawn by a funnel into the bowels of the earth,where they warmed up, absorbing the heat of the core magma, and then, passing through the labyrinths of underground seas-caves, again emerged through the mouths of underwater grottoes to the surface of the planet. This circulation of warm currents prevented the formation of excessive ice masses on land areas near the Pole. That "speck" that could eventually lead to the overturning of the lithosphere, as if constantly "washed away" into the whirlpool of the inner sea of Arctida. The ocean waters rushed to the Pole in the form of four wide streams, so that the continent resembled a cross-cut circle in outline. Arctida was thus an ideal structure to limit the growth of ice in the polar region of the planet. The location of the great pit exactly in place of the planetary axis ensured maximum stability of the suction vortex. The intermittent wide ring of land around prevented large masses of ice from clogging the space above the depression. Four symmetrical straits gave uniform heating of the polar region from all four cardinal directions. During the prosperity of Arctida, the lithosphere could not topple over. The Flood was postponed indefinitely. This period of planetary rest is captured in the ancient legend of a titan who held the sky. Indeed, from the point of view of an observer on earth, the displacement of the lithosphere appears to be nothing more than a "overturning firmament". Only not Atlas, but Hyperboreus "held the sky." For many millennia, Arctida ruled over the entire pre-antique world. And since those distant times, the power and the scepter - the ball symbolizing the planet, and the rod, personifying its axis - remain the signs of imperial dignity. It was a golden ageThe earth flourished under the rule of the Polar civilization. However, times have changed. A war broke out between Hyperborea and its colony - Atlantis. The result of this collision was sad: the rebellious island sank to the bottom of the sea, and the continent of Arctida received such serious damage that the Polar Maelstrom ceased to operate."

But the Polar Maelstrom did not completely disappear. The funnel works, otherwise the currents, as we see, would not enter the Arctic latitudes, they would not be sucked there. More details

In addition to the fact of currents in the Arctic, there are many indirect confirmations that the Polar Vortex is working. Here are some of them (excerpts):

By order of Stalin in 1948, the North-2 expedition was organized. No one doubted, of course, that its participants would face any surprises. But hardly anyone expected that the discoveries made would be exactly those about which they say: it is impossible even to imagine!.. The materials of the expedition were declassified only in 1956. Three planes took off from Kotelny Island and headed for the North Pole. Among the members of the expedition on board were, of course, veterans of the Papanin odyssey. They were the first to understand: something is wrong! - at the moment when the view opening under the wing suddenly changes sharply.

Ilya Mazuruk with alarm reported on the radio to Vitaly Maslennikov, the commander of one of the vehicles: there is a disproportionate amount of open water below! This, Mazuruk said, looks like some kind of flood!

What was the first impression of the conquerors of the Pole? The famous polar cold? - it is almost not felt! The members of the expedition were greeted by the weather reminiscent of a gloomy thaw during winter in the middle zone. This in itself could not but live on. A difficult flight is behind and it is not a sin to get enough sleep before the upcoming work at an intense pace. But the rest did not take place. - Anxiety! All of the tents urgently go out on the ice!

The lives of the members of the North-2 expedition were saved by the fact that a prudently exposed observer noticed a crack. She silently and quickly split the carapace and passed under the ski-equipped chassis of one of the airplanes. The gaping black rift widened before our eyes. Water became visible in it - a rapid and stormy stream - and steam was coming from this water!

The wider and wider sleeves of water grew black all around. The pieces of the newly complete shield, swaying, set sail. The hummock slowly sank into the swirling misty haze, on which a red banner fluttered. It was intended to crown the conquered "point zero" of the Arctic shield, but the shield was gone! Only a few small ice floes drifted around, carried away somewhere by the mighty current. “The ice was rushing at an incredible speed,” Pavel Senko, a specialist in the study of the Earth's magnetic field, will tell later, “how it can be imagined only on a river in an ice drift. And this movement continued for more than a day!"

At first, the sextant showed that the members of the expedition were being carried south at high speed. But then the direction of movement began to change from measurement to measurement. The survivors do not remember which of them was the first to be struck by an unthinkable guess: they are carrying an ice floe in a circle! Those who set foot on the Pole were now swimming around the Pole. The circles described by the ice floe were about nine nautical miles in diameter. During the day of drifting in a circle, one remarkable fact occurred. A seal swiftly swam past the ice floe with polar explorers; the animal even tried to climb onto it, but the speed of the stream did not allow it to do so. This fact amazed the veterans of the Papanin expedition almost even more than everything else. To meet a seal at the Pole ?! Where did it come from and how? After all, these animals live only at the borders of the Arctic Circle!

Meanwhile, there were reasons to believe that the radius of the described circles decreases. The trajectory of the ice floe with polar explorers is, therefore, a centripetal spiral. Hardly at least one of the researchers did not ask the question then: what awaits them at the end of the path - at the "point zero"?

The desperate situation of the expedition began to change only on the third day. Suddenly the speed of the circular drift decreased, but at the same time the fragments of the ice shell were almost in a straight line drawn to the north. As if the plant of some kind of spring was running out and all the movement caused by it began to subside.

The areas of open water between the ice floes were shrinking, and at the same time the polar cold regained its rights. The movement finally stopped, and all the ice floes that had just drifted separately, rubbed very tightly against each other. The polar ice began again to give the impression of an integral shield, which was only in some places cut through by extended openings. Everything that happened resembled a children's puzzle-picture, first disassembled and then rebuilt from fragments, albeit very casually. *

Somewhere in the late 90s, a message flashed in the periodicals that an artificial satellite, flying over the Catfish Field, transmitted an image of a "huge round hole in the ice sheet." The incredible result of the shooting was attributed to an equipment malfunction and was treated as a curiosity. Meanwhile, it is likely that this was a "top view" of the same phenomenon that Russian polar explorers observed on the spot. *

More serious attention was drawn to the topic by a report by marine geologist Margot Edward, a professor at the University of Hawaii. Edward, who is leading the development of a detailed map of the Arctic Ocean floor, was able to access a classified report from the US Navy archives. There was an interesting piece of evidence. In the 70s, the crew of an American submarine was tasked with mapping the seabed in the area immediately adjacent to the Pole. But it was possible to complete the task only to a limited extent. The reason was that the crew members heard a strong and constant rumble that came from the ocean depths. This inexplicable sound kept laughing in constant fear of American researchers. Something else, much more threatening and practically significant, was noted: constant strong deviations from the course, such aswhat only a giant acting whirlpool could cause. “We thought that we already knew almost everything about the structure of our planet, but it turns out that we were mistaken,” concludes Edward. *


The resolution of the international group of scientists, which worked on the instructions of the Arctic Council, is close to the same conclusion, although they prefer more cautious expressions. The Arctic Council was created by the governments of states whose territories are located in whole or in part in the Arctic. It includes: Denmark (representing Greenland), Iceland, Canada, Norway, Russia, USA, Finland, Sweden. A group of 300 scientists studied the North Pole for four years, and here are the conclusions made by the researchers. The Arctic is now warming up twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Over the past thirty years, the thickness of the Arctic ice has decreased at least twice. “You can be sure,” said Pavel Demchenko, a senior researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, “that the water circulation in the World Ocean will change. But how is unknown. After all, we know almost nothing about how the water streams are now located under the Arctic ice sheet. *

There is one more evidence that the Polar Maelstrom is now beginning to gradually revive its former power. Unfortunately, this incident is tragic. The disappearance at "point zero" of Andrei Rozhkov - the most experienced scuba diver, rescuer with a worldwide reputation. He was called the pride of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

Rozhkov organized his own expedition to the North Pole in 1998. We prepared it carefully. The sequence of all actions was worked out to the smallest detail during numerous training dives under the ice. The subsea equipment, selected for polar conditions, has been rigorously tested. The scuba diving professional did not find dives done in exactly the same conditions as at Pole especially difficult. He had no doubts about the success of his plans, and an expedition of six people under the command of Andrei Rozhkov went to the North Pole.

On April 22, 1998 (again April and again its third decade - exactly half a century after Kuznetsov's expedition) a dive was undertaken. At first everything went according to plan. The geographic point of the Pole was determined with maximum accuracy. The members of the expedition cut a well for scuba divers and strengthened its walls in case of fracture and ice movement. Rozhkov and his partner were lowered into an ice well and went under water. Soon the partner surfaced, as it was planned. Andrei continued to dive, wanting not only to be the first scuba diver on the Pole, but also to conquer the depth of 50 meters. And this was also included in the plan. The underwater equipment had the necessary safety margin. And so the computer recorded a depth of 50.3 meters, but … it turned out to be the last signal that sent out! What exactly happened next - no one knows. Rozhkov did not appear on the surface of the water in an ice well, and his further fate is unknown. The abruptly increased speed of water movement under the ice excluded the possibility of other dives. Andrey Rozhkov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia. *

In 1968, the American meteorological satellite Essa-7 transmitted strange images of the North Pole to Earth
In 1968, the American meteorological satellite Essa-7 transmitted strange images of the North Pole to Earth

In 1968, the American meteorological satellite Essa-7 transmitted strange images of the North Pole to Earth.

In the complete absence of clouds, which is extremely rare on such images, a huge hole of regular round shape can be seen in the area of the pole … The photograph is genuine - the examinations were carried out several times. Without denying the authenticity, as a counterargument, they argue that this is the result of the inclination of the planet in relation to the sun's rays … this is not a hole … but a play of light and shadow … *

For me, the most interesting thing about this information is a possible explanation of the causes of the floods, and maybe the pole shifts, which preceded it. The model looks quite logical when, due to the asymmetric accumulation of ice in the polar caps of the planet, nutation occurs, a short-term shift of the Earth's axis of rotation. Of course, this leads to inertial movements of water and ice masses over the planet's surface.

Perhaps our secret scientists under the USSR knew about such a catastrophic mechanism and undertook, developed for this very purpose projects on how to melt ice in the Arctic. And if this is so, then it is time for the countries to unite and implement this project.