Akasha Chronicles: Connection Algorithm - Alternative View

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Akasha Chronicles: Connection Algorithm - Alternative View
Akasha Chronicles: Connection Algorithm - Alternative View

Video: Akasha Chronicles: Connection Algorithm - Alternative View

Video: Akasha Chronicles: Connection Algorithm - Alternative View
Video: Access the Akashic Records to receive pertinent information - Guided Meditation 2024, October

The Akashic Chronicles is a mystical library containing the entire experience of the universe, located in the subtle, transcendental sphere of the universe. Here knowledge and ideas, eternal metaphysical truths, life scenarios and their alternatives are stored.

The magical Akasha Chronicles contain information about everything: what was, is and will be and what can only happen. We come into contact with them through dreams and intuitions, reading the codes of reality. Great people in history drew ideas from this source. René Descartes, Otto Levy, Niels Bohr and many other scientists made their discoveries when they saw their symbolic representation in a dream. So mankind learned about the structure of the atom, about the periodic table of elements, about chemical mediators and coordinates of space.

It is believed that the Akashic libraries are closed and keys are needed to them. Since interference in such delicate connections of the Universe entails global consequences, this is half the truth. On the other hand, Akashic libraries are available to everyone, albeit with a certain depth of access. And the further the individual consciousness goes in its esoteric and spiritual search, the more subtle and universal connections become available to it.

Edgar Cayce and the Akashic Chronicles

A renowned twentieth century mystic, Edgar Cayce connected to the Akashic Chronicle through a trance state and "scanned" his patient's body condition. After this kind of analysis, he uttered a diagnosis and prescribed treatment, in most cases successful.


Along with the practice of healing, Cayce revealed the mysteries of ancient civilizations, predicted future events, expounded metaphysical truths, talked about past lives.

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Many of Cayce's prophecies have come true, though not all. It is worth noting that reading the future from the Akashic Chronicles is aerobatics. Chronicles exist outside of time and space, their informative field contains everything: both what will happen and what will never happen in our alternative. Therefore, the mystic, extracting predictions from the etheric sphere, must be able not only to connect to it, but also to tune in to the scenario of events he needs.

Chronicles are changeable due to the existence of free choice. Their wildlife makes it difficult to read the answers to the “when” and “is it right” questions. From the perspective of the etheric level of reality, everything exists at once, and there is no wrong alternative. Akashs are the most responsive in queries related to self-knowledge, understanding the world, searching for subtle connections and the essence of things.

How to read the Akasha Chronicles

To read information from the subtle energy layers, the practitioner must be himself as pure as possible in spirit and body. Defense mechanisms are arranged in such a way that consciousness does not penetrate deeper than it is allowed to and cannot assimilate information for which it is not prepared. But the doors of the library may simply not open if you are guided by bad motives, if your mind is tossing, if your emotional plan is unstable.

To get the answer from the Akashic Chronicle:

  1. Do relaxation meditation, calm your mind and senses, stabilize your breathing;
  2. Tune in mentally to the etheric sphere of reality, feel the pure energy-informational structure of the unified field of the world;
  3. Greet the higher powers of light, introduce yourself by your real name and open the sphere with the power of the word "Chronicles are open." Do not do this practice for other people unless they ask you to. If you are asked to do this, remember the responsibility that you bear for how the person will act with the information received from you;
  4. Ask Chronicles a pre-prepared question. Be as specific and precise as possible;
  5. Turn off internal dialogue and try to catch the answer. It can come in the form of visual visions, in the form of an inner voice or sensation;
  6. Write down all the information and experiences received;
  7. Thank the Chronicles and close them with the power of the intention: "The Chronicles are closed."

After reading, it is recommended to conduct a grounding practice. From the lower chakra (sacrum) through your feet, put down roots to the very center of the planet and through these roots breathe a little with the energy of the earth, thereby strengthening your connection with it.

Remember the highest universal laws of the universe, observe ethics and carefully check your motives for engaging in such practices. Observe the purity of intentions and set external goals and objectives solely out of love and striving for evolution and development of the spirit.

Elena Zakharchenko