How To Understand That You Have Seen A Prophetic Dream - Alternative View

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How To Understand That You Have Seen A Prophetic Dream - Alternative View
How To Understand That You Have Seen A Prophetic Dream - Alternative View

Video: How To Understand That You Have Seen A Prophetic Dream - Alternative View

Video: How To Understand That You Have Seen A Prophetic Dream - Alternative View
Video: SPIRITUAL MEANING OF TOILET DREAM - Evangelist Joshua TV 2024, July

Often we have chaotic, meaningless dreams.

But dreams can also be prophetic. Thus, the higher powers are trying to warn us about upcoming events, and perhaps even about impending danger.

How to understand that we were dreaming exactly a prophetic dream?

First you need to understand the very concept of a prophetic dream. What it is?

What is a prophetic dream?

Dreams that predict an upcoming event are considered prophetic or prophetic. In a dream, you can see fragments of the future and have a strong feeling that something bad is about to happen.


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Sometimes you will experience in a dream what is about to happen (for example, choking on black smoke or being among people running in panic).

How to understand a prophetic dream or not?

The fact is that a prophetic dream is not easy to recognize. Typically, you will not know if the dream is prophetic until the event occurs. Only then will you be able to connect all the puzzles and understand: what appeared to you in a dream was a preview of what should have happened in reality.

The only way to know for sure whether a dream is prophetic or not is to know your dreams for sure.


They differ only in the obviousness of prediction - in some dreams, pictures can be clear and easy to remember. However, as a rule, prophetic dreams are veiled messages.

Sometimes, in dreams, completely fantastic non-existent images come to us that have nothing to do with our real life.

To understand what these images carry, you can start keeping a dream journal and carefully monitor what you dream about.

Pay attention to the fact that often prophetic dreams are recurring.

All you need is to write down your dreams in detail. Try to do this in the morning, when the memories of the night's sleep are still quite clear and have not had time to dissipate.


It is enough just to sketch the plot of the dream in a few key words or phrases. But if you have time, write down your dream in as much detail and detail as possible.

Then describe the events that happen to you during the day and identify the similarities between reality and dreams.

It is possible that some time later, after you start keeping a dream diary, you will be able to trace some coincidences or patterns that will help determine whether the dream was prophetic or not.

It is worth noting that this process is not fast. It is important to be patient and be extremely careful here.


However, the result may please you: after a while you will receive a reliable tool for anticipating future events.

Pay attention to the fact that the clearer and brighter your dream is, the more important information it carries.

As a rule, prophetic dreams prophesy to people the events of the coming day, sometimes weeks or months. Try to memorize the voices from your dreams. Very often it is the voices that convey important information to us.

However, there is no need to unconditionally believe everything that comes to us in dreams. You just need to take this information into account.

Here are the main signs that make it possible to understand that the dream is prophetic:

• Generally, prophetic dreams are more intense than normal dreams and can induce you to a state of emotional urgency.

• You may not understand what your sleep means, but it still puts you in a state of anxiety and increased excitability.

• In addition, your premonitions in dreams are rarely personal and concern only yourself. As a rule, events that concern other people are predicted in a dream.

• Usually a prophetic dream is very strong, and the sensations it causes remain with you long after you wake up.

What are prophetic dreams?

Types of prophetic dreams

It is important to know that the prophecy in a dream can come to you in different forms:


• Through phenomena

Your spirit guide, guardian angel, or deceased loved one may appear to you in a dream in order to tell you about what is about to happen. It can be either a direct message or a message that needs to be decrypted.

• Through clairvoyance

You can witness a specific event as if it were happening before your very eyes. You can clearly see the faces of people, buildings and objects, as well as unfolding events.

• Through voices

You can hear voices and sounds that are as clear as if they are around you.

• Through sensations

You can feel fear, fear, anguish and other emotions that people experience in their sleep. You can also feel energy at the scene of the dream event.

You may also have a real sense of something. For example, you can distinctly smell smoke, which makes your dream more vivid and real.

Usually, when a danger that is about to occur affects many other people, you may find that other people have similar dreams at about the same time period.

Always remember that events in a dream can very closely resemble an event coming in reality, or they can only be a symbol that something is about to happen.


What to do when you had a prophetic dream?

First of all, you need to stay calm and not panic, even if you saw something terrible in your dream. Remember that the future is not fixed by anyone or anything, and even if your dream tells about a bad event in the future, it can still change.

It is a good idea to consult a specialist. A psychiatrist can clarify your visions and give you a deeper understanding of what your dream could mean.

Since time immemorial, people have believed in the prophetic power of dreams. Dreams have always aroused interest among different peoples of the world, who were looking for interpretation and decoding of future events in their dreams.

In the Old and New Testaments, it is often mentioned about the apostles and prophets who had prophetic dreams. The most famous case is the moment when an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and informed him that Mary was pregnant by the Holy Spirit.


In the late 40s of the twentieth century, it was decided to collect in one place all the prophetic dreams that predict important events in the history of mankind.

For this purpose, the so-called Bureau of Prophetic Dreams was created in New York. Every day, data on hundreds of dreams were collected in this place, which supposedly predicted various disasters and important events. These events were to take place in the world.

After more than half a century of the work of this center, experts have carried out a statistical analysis. It turned out that there were only about 10 real prophetic dreams that actually predicted global changes in the world.

But the dreams of personal content, kept in the bureau, almost all turned out to be prophetic and came true in time.