The Mystery Of The Empty Lake - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Empty Lake - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Empty Lake - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Empty Lake - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Empty Lake - Alternative View

One of the most unusual and mysterious bodies of water on Earth is the Empty Lake. This lake is located in Western Siberia on the territory of the Kuznetsk Alatau.

This lake is called empty because not a single representative of the fauna lives in it: neither fish, nor amphibians, nor crustaceans, nor other representatives of the underwater world are able to survive here. Immediately in my memory, associations with the Dead Sea and other salt water bodies arise, in which practically nothing lives either. But, the waters of the Empty Lake are not salty, and moreover, multiple studies of scientists show that the chemical composition of the water practically does not differ from the many neighboring Alatau lakes, which are simply teeming with fish. By the way, about a dozen small rivers flow from the neighboring lakes into the Empty Lake, but the fish either simply does not swim here, or dies.


There is only one riddle at the Empty Lake, but not a single scientist who investigated this reservoir has put forward a single hypothesis that reveals the secret of the lake.


Many researchers and scientists have repeatedly carried out analyzes of the lake's water, but all of them were unsuccessful: no poisonous substances were found.

Local residents have not once tried to populate the Empty Lake with fish. The most unpretentious fish were chosen for breeding - crucian carp, perch and pike. However, even these species did not take root, they all died in the waters of the Empty Lake.


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