The Secret Of The All-Seeing Eye. Quantum Mega - A Computer In Your Brain - Alternative View

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The Secret Of The All-Seeing Eye. Quantum Mega - A Computer In Your Brain - Alternative View
The Secret Of The All-Seeing Eye. Quantum Mega - A Computer In Your Brain - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The All-Seeing Eye. Quantum Mega - A Computer In Your Brain - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The All-Seeing Eye. Quantum Mega - A Computer In Your Brain - Alternative View
Video: Why Will This ‘Zombie’ Mushroom Destroy Humanity? 2024, October

In our head there is a small organ called Epiphysis, it is part of the brain, and has many names, in ancient times it was called - Pineal gland, ajna chakra, eye of eternity, all-seeing eye, Eye of Shiva, eye of wisdom, third eye.


According to ancient legends, this is a sign of the Gods. With the help of this lump in the head, the Gods saw the future, could freely look into any spaces and corners of the universe of this world, they could find out what they want from the creation of the world to the secrets of the Supreme Gods about life and death.

Pineal gland - Pineal gland, Eye of Horus, All-seeing eye

The pineal epiphysis, the pineal gland, covered with a membrane and divided into many lobules like a spruce cone, is a very small organ belonging to the diencephalon, sleeping unattended in front.

Eye of Horus pineal gland …
Eye of Horus pineal gland …

Eye of Horus pineal gland …

Promotional video:

The pineal gland receives its blood supply by connecting with the branches of the cerebral arteries by the posterior middle and anterior branches. One end of the Epiphysis is located in the midbrain region, and the second to the third ventricle of its posterior part.

The pineal gland - the upper appendage of the brain, is a non-paired organ like a spruce cone, grayish red in color, 9 mm long and 6 mm wide. Pineal cells are gliocytes and pineocytes.

In an adult, the weight of the pineal gland is 0.2 grams, after 7 years in a child, the pineal gland begins to undergo etrophic changes.

The function of pineal gland cells is to secrete hormones such as melatonin and seratonin into our blood.

These hormones, when your groin begins to itch at an early age, inhibit your puberty by acting on the secretion of hormones from the Pituitary gland, which in turn is involved in ensuring the biological rhythms of a person.

The size of the pineal gland in an adult reaches up to ten millimeters in width and fifteen in length.

Examining the pineal gland

Scientists for a long time studying the pineal gland of a person (pineal gland) could not understand what functions this gland performs? And even modern killer medicine has not revealed the secret of the potential of the All-Seeing Eye (pineal gland) and does not fully understand its role in the human body.


In the twenty-first century, only certain functions of the pineal gland have been established, and this is the production of a number of hormones such as melatonin, seratonin and norepinephrine - peptide hormones.

And the fact that the gland is an endocrine gland that performs an endocrine function and is part of the human endocrine system. Attached to the brain with leashes.

Not much!!!

Researches show

That the cells of the All-Seeing Eye (pineal gland) pinealocytes in the daytime secrete serotonin into our blood, and in the dark, after sunset, melatonin, since this organ takes part in the organization of stable biological rhythms that determine sleep or wakefulness, rest or a strong surge of strength in person, physical or emotional uplift. Boosts immunity.

The structure of the Epiphysis, its properties …
The structure of the Epiphysis, its properties …

The structure of the Epiphysis, its properties …

Researchers of this organ drew attention to the amazing ability of the Epiphysis to rotate like an eye, this indicates the similarity of functions with the human eyeball, since the Epiphysis also has a lens and receptors for the perception of color and light.

The argument was that the activity of our gland is largely stimulated by light signals coming from the eyes.

Light signals hitting the pyramid …
Light signals hitting the pyramid …

Light signals hitting the pyramid …

About brain sand

It soon became known that the third eye contains the so-called brain sand - they are mineral little bodies, spherical in shape from fractions of a millimeter to two millimeters.

Everyone has brain sand from the moment of birth, but why it is needed and what its full capabilities scientists do not yet know, but hypotheses are put forward that the grains of sand contain silicon-containing crystalline structures, and experiments have shown that its microcrystals contain holographic information about the entire human body and is a kind of repository of valuable information.

A quantum mega computer in our brain

It would seem that there can be something in common between the entangled states of qubits, the element base of a quantum mega computer and occult (secret) sciences, esotericism, the science of supernaturalism, spiritualism, etc.

The source of abilities - a quantum computer is in the brain …
The source of abilities - a quantum computer is in the brain …

The source of abilities - a quantum computer is in the brain …

A person has the opportunity to use the magical non-local properties of his quantum mega computer - the All-Seeing Eye.

You can switch your inactive mega computer from normal mode to quantum mode.

By engaging in mystical practice, you can influence the body with the help of food and meditation and turn on a non-local resource of entangled states and manage them.

Physicists in many countries are doing the same now, trying to curb the technical implementation of the quantum computer.

Eye of Brahma or Third Eye

Eye of Brahma - third eye - clairvoyance …
Eye of Brahma - third eye - clairvoyance …

Eye of Brahma - third eye - clairvoyance …

A person begins to see not those small glimpses of some incomprehensible phenomena that many people experience, but conscious visions of the phenomena of the future, past, present (Akashic Chronicles) and space.

The one who activated his eye of Brahma can observe the movement and action of his organs in his body, he will be able to see through obstacles, he will be able to observe the life of the plant and mineral world, a person can hear the sounds of the spheres and the voices of heaven and earth.

Ujat - Eye of Light

Udzhat the eye of light, the all-seeing eye of God …
Udzhat the eye of light, the all-seeing eye of God …

Udzhat the eye of light, the all-seeing eye of God …

The sign was depicted with a spiral under it and at the bottom with a tear that symbolizes the sacrifice, and the spiral is the path to knowledge of the Secrets of the Universe. This is a reminder that only through a sacrifice a person can comprehend the Sacred Secrets of Nature …

Cleansing the pineal gland

It is no longer a secret for anyone that we are ruled by the Jews - the children of the Fallen, humanoid Annunaki, half-people of the Jews. Therefore, everything that a person can buy and consume should block the person's third eye and the right hemisphere of the brain.

Who Is Blocking Our Pineal Gland?
Who Is Blocking Our Pineal Gland?

Who Is Blocking Our Pineal Gland?

Through the Epiphysis, there is a connection of a person with our multidimensional Universe, hyperfields of space and information of other dimensions.

Therefore, all toothpastes contain fluoride, which blocks the functions of the pineal gland, as if it cements it rather immobilizes it. In fact, blocking its work and functions.

Therefore, avoid the use of Fluorine, the main enemy of the Epiphysis, which leads to blockage of the pineal gland (pineal gland).

Someone will say, but what about the fluorine found in nature? I will answer that from nature a person receives natural fluorine in very small doses and it is harmless for him.

What can not be said about drinking water that comes to us through the pipes, the toothpaste of which we brush our teeth twice a day or in products, seasonings and flavorings.

During World War II, the Nazis used Fluoride to keep prisoners obedient by giving them huge doses in the death camps.

All tap water is 70% fluoridated, most of the fluoride entering our body through the blood accumulates in the pineal gland and blocks its work.


Three steps to cleanse your Third Eye

The most important thing is to reduce the ingestion of Fluoride into our body for the subsequent activation of the pineal gland.


1) Use fluoride-free toothpaste and mouthwash after brushing your teeth.

2) Drink purified and pure water. This water can be bought in bottles, it is also filtered.

3) Eat fresh food better from your land. Supermarket foods contain fluorides and other chemicals.