Secrets Of Siberia - Mysterious Okunevo - Alternative View

Secrets Of Siberia - Mysterious Okunevo - Alternative View
Secrets Of Siberia - Mysterious Okunevo - Alternative View

Not far from the regional center Muromtsevo (about 250 km from Omsk to the north), there is an unremarkable village of Okunevo. In this village, local residents have been observing mysterious phenomena for many years.

After reading a lot of materials on this topic, we decided to go there ourselves. In 2002 and 2003, we visited this village twice. What is so unusual about this place? The Okunevo village is located on the high bank of the Tara River. Ordinary log houses, like, ordinary villagers, but there are some inexplicable things in nature.


For example, in the forest around the village, very many trees have their tops knocked down, as if something, flying, caught them. There are a lot of trees twisted, or growing straight, and then, in some incomprehensible way bent, and then growing straight again.

Local residents have been living next to the Babajist community for several years, who made it from a single house in the village about seven years ago. They outlined a circle, about 3 meters in diameter, through which, supposedly, energy goes from space to the Earth. This circle is located 2 kilometers from the village.


There are about 5 people permanently living in the community, the rest come for a few days, not only from our region, but even from other countries. A very large group of Babajists gathers, which meditates near the chapel in a circle for several hours, trying to see what is inaccessible to an ordinary person. The locals call the most dedicated of them wizards. All this could not fail to find a response from our Christian church, which after a while installed a chapel and a cross for Christians in the place of the circle.

The stay of the Babajists and other believers in the village could not but affect the local residents, who, although they say that there are no aliens here, but in the conversation there is always some respect and fear for the place where they live.

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For example, in a store, communicating with two sellers, the latter told us that unexplained phenomena occur here mainly in winter. Unusual glow at night, when it becomes light as day, glowing balls across the river were seen by both women. There is no reason not to believe them, they are ordinary villagers.

Another unusual place is Shaitan Lake, which is located 7 km from the village. On the last trip, we tried three times to get to the lake, in which, according to legend, lies a crystal. But the weather conditions did not allow us to do this, as soon as we started to get there - clouds came and it rained, as soon as we refused to hike - the rain stopped. As if the prophecy came true that not everyone is given to visit the lake. Local residents regard the Shaitan Lake as a place of destruction. They say that the horses refuse to approach the lake, that the lake has a double bottom, that it will only be crazy to swim in the lake, because the water is clear and the bottom seems to be visible, but in fact there is practically no bottom. But we could not see it with our own eyes.


Not only Babajists come to Okunevo, but also people of other faiths. On the last trip, we saw a group of 17 people who went to the lake during the day, and in the evening they arranged a meditation around the fire, sang songs, all together chanted incantations. It all ended with a night hike with candles from the fire to the river. On the planks, candles were lowered into the water, I must say, a very beautiful sight when at night 17 candles float along the river.

In general, summing up the results of our two trips, I must say: there is something incomprehensible in this place, at least everything that happens in Okunevo should be treated without mockery.

Below we cite material from the newspaper "Top secret", 04.09.2001, n9, after reading which we went to Okunevo.

Siberian writer Mikhail Rechkin said that in his native land, namely in the village of Okunevo, Muromtsevsky district, Omsk region, which stands on the high bank of the Tara River, for a long time they see strange flying objects ("saucers") in the form of glowing balls and large spots of yellow, orange and red. They were noticed in the forest and in the meadows, on the Tatar ridge (hills), on the banks of the Tara, or even in their own garden. When people approach, objects quickly soar up or disappear. But the "plates" don't make anyone thin, and peacefully coexist with Okunevites.

According to the writer, at different times, the villagers have witnessed inexplicable visions. I saw a column of light in the meadow behind the village outskirts, and next to it were the figures of girls in bright sundresses. Then two huge translucent figures of women in mournful poses appeared over the girls.

That former front-line soldier, not a timid man, seriously frightened, said that on a moonlit summer night he saw a huge dog, which, having swum to the other side of Tara, turned into a huge human being, dressed in white clothes.

In 1947, a local teacher near Shaitan Lake suddenly heard a gentle, unearthly ringing of bells coming from somewhere above. She raised her head to the sky and with amazement saw horses rushing through the air, but so beautiful that it was impossible to convey. “I can still see their golden manes curling in the wind, if you just close your eyes,” she said. Other village women saw some signs in the sky.


Not far from Okunevo there are lakes - Linevo, Shchuchye, Danilovo, Shaitan Lake, where there is both water and healing mud. Siberian clairvoyants assure that these lakes were "born by the Cosmos" - allegedly formed as a result of the falling of the fragments of a huge meteorite to the Earth, that there were five of them. And now it is imperative to find the fifth "magic" lake, for soon there will be diseases that can be cured only with water taken from five lakes. It is curious that the author of the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" Pyotr Ershov lived in Omsk at one time. According to Rechkin, in the 19th century he could hear legends about horses flying across the sky, about miraculous lakes, after swimming in which one by one, one can become a good-looking good fellow …

According to the hypothesis put forward by a group of Siberian historians, 300 thousand years ago, a highly developed civilization existed on the territory of Western Siberia, where many religions of the world originated.

Back in 1945, the famous Western seer Edgar Cayce predicted that as a result of a global cataclysm, most of the Americas, England, and Japan would be flooded. The revival of civilization will begin in Western Siberia, which is designed to become the "Noah's Ark" for earthlings who survived the "end of the world." Cayce's predictions echo the teachings of another prophet, miracle worker and clairvoyant Satya Say Baba, according to legend, who appeared in India in November 1926. Satya Baba is called to establish a "golden age" on Earth - to unite humanity into one fraternal family, to awaken the desire to live in love and cooperation.

As the disciples of the prophet assure, he preaches a religion that was allegedly brought to India from Siberia. Satya Baba himself said that in the center of Siberia in ancient times there was a temple of Hanuman, where he was the High Priest. In Indian mythology, Hanuman is “a divine monkey, the son of the wind god Vayu. He is able to fly through the air, change his appearance and size, has the power to pull hills and mountains out of the ground. Hanuman was granted eternal youth, he is revered as the greatest healer and patron of sciences. The priests of this god allegedly possessed a magic crystal sent down from Space, contributing to the spiritual uplift of mankind. (One of the Siberian clairvoyants claimed that the temple was built by aliens, and the crystal is a means of cosmic communication with extraterrestrial civilizations; another assured,that the history of the disappeared Siberian civilization is recorded on the crystal).

In 1989, a student of Indian guru Shri Babaji, a native of Latvia, Rasma Rositis, went in search of the place where the Hanuman temple was located.

From the story of Rasma Rositis: “Archaeologists suggested to me that in the Okunevo area a place was found where rituals were carried out in ancient times. I stopped in a tent near the village. I fasted and prayed for five days. On the fifth night I watched light phenomena: the light floated around, luminous creatures came to me, I saw the likeness of machines woven from light, and heard unearthly music."

Behind the village, on the Tatar ridge, Rasma and members of her community built an altar out of stone. It is interesting that in the 1960s, it was on these hills that local children found two stone slabs polished to a high shine. Without delving into thinking about their mysterious origin, the village housewives found a use for them - breaking the plates into pieces, they used it as oppression when salting cabbage.

Several years ago, a large wooden cross and an Orthodox chapel appeared on the Tatar Uval, where a priest from Omsk serves on major holidays. Old Believers who call themselves Inglings come here. They believe that the famous Belovodye was located here 100 thousand years ago. And in the Okunevo area there was a large temple complex and … "channels of intergalactic communication." The Ynglings allegedly even saw a large alien ship over one of the lakes.


Ufologists also paid attention to Okunevo. For most of them, local UFOs are alien probes that collect information about the inhabitants of the Earth. But some people believe that "plates" are spaceships that can change shape and size.

Not only lovers of all sorts of riddles, but also people who simply dream of taking a break from the noise of big cities, are frequent visitors to Okunevo. Rest here is wonderful: in the rivers and lakes - fish, in the forest - mushrooms, in the meadows - berries, in the meadows - a riot of herbs and flowers. Swim, sunbathe, walk, get muddy. Silence - ringing, air - no breath (there are no industrial enterprises in the area), landscapes, sunsets and sunrises - unwritten beauty! It is clear that these places leave these places pacified and rejuvenated, and most importantly, convinced that they have received a powerful energy "recharge".

A couple of years ago, several businessmen, natives of the Muromtsevsky district, decided to build a health center near Okunevo. And to better plan everything, we turned to Moscow geophysicists for help.

Last year, scientists surveyed the area and found two types of anomalous areas. Jokingly, the first was called the "dark place", and the second - "the luminary".

In the "dark places" (there are few such areas around Okunevo), the level of natural electromagnetic radiation is much lower than in the entire district. There is little vegetation here, the trees twisted by an unknown force have dried up. In such places, Muscovites felt very uncomfortable, they felt a kind of oppressive state, they wanted to get away as soon as possible.

Local residents showed geophysicists an abandoned village house. His owners celebrated a housewarming, but they could not live in the house - they were constantly sick, everything was not going well for them. When examining the house, it turned out that the level of the electromagnetic field here is the same as in the "dungeon".


In the "luminaries" the level of the natural electromagnetic field was one to two orders of magnitude higher than in the surrounding area. Such a field affects the human body in two ways. If its level is an order of magnitude higher (zone A), then it kind of "feeds" the person - the state of health improves, the efficiency increases. In areas with the level of electromagnetic radiation higher by one and a half to two orders of magnitude (zone B), it is undesirable to linger. Zone B is located ten kilometers from Okunevo, next to a huge field. This is an oblong meadow (200x50 meters), overgrown with grass and bordered with bright wildflowers. There is a rather dense forest around the clearing. One of the pilgrims, who followed the geophysicists, chatted in the zone for two or three hours, suddenly began to dance, as he later assured me, to the music, but no one except him heard this music. But on a businessman,who traveled a long way to Okunevo after lengthy negotiations and a sleepless night, a short stay in the clearing had a beneficial effect. After lying on the grass for about an hour, he got up vigorous and full of strength.

Zone B has presented many surprises for geophysicists. Firstly, magnetic and gravitational anomalies were noted here, as in the iron ore deposit, which is not even mentioned here. Secondly, the seismic receivers recorded continuous oscillations, unusual for this area. In an urban environment, such fluctuations are caused by the operation of transport, industrial enterprises, power lines, etc. But where did they come from in this desolate place?

After the results of the seismic survey were processed, it turned out that in zone B, in the thickness of soils consisting of loams, sands and loose sandstones, at a depth of 8 to 15 meters there is some kind of large dense massif.

One could assume that there is some kind of artificial structure under the ground and that it is this that is the source of the recorded oscillations, but only here no one has ever built anything … Neither scientists nor customers dare to drill a well. And the glade will lose its original appearance, and it is not known what will happen to the "object".

By the way, Moscow scientists recorded the same fluctuations this summer during the second expedition in two more places - on the northern shore of Shaitan Lake (where the temple of Hanuman supposedly stood) and in the bend of the Tara River. It is possible that mysterious objects may be found underground here as well. And in the very center of the bend they found a small "dark place".

In Okunevo, a woman who came here on vacation from Omsk turned to geophysicists. For the second year, her family rented a house in the village for the summer. And in this house in the evenings, somewhere after 10 pm, strange music began to sound.

Where it comes from is impossible to understand. At first, they sinned on the neighbors, but they were either already asleep or watching the news on TV.

The music did not cause much concern. Perhaps, one thing was unpleasant - people involuntarily began to wait for the "musical hour". Evening comes and there is no music; the next day they no longer expect her, but she suddenly sounded. Quietly. But the melody could be heard. To someone she reminded the sounds of an organ, interspersed with the ringing of bells, to someone - the work of some mechanism. Unfortunately, it was not possible to record on a dictaphone. But several times a UFO was seen near this house.


Muscovites did not immediately get to know these flying objects. On their first visit, only two weeks later they began to notice orange highlights, yellow-orange fog and white balls. We tried to photograph objects using Samsung-zoom-145C and a four-layer Fuzikolor film with a sensitivity of 800 units. In Moscow, they printed pictures taken at the foot of the Tatarsky Uval and in a field six kilometers from Okunevo. On all - a large orange "whirligig", in configuration reminiscent of the UFO that was observed in 1961 in the sky of Latvia.

"Yula" in its wide part looks like a bluish-green dish, in the center of which, if you look closely, there is something like a rocket nozzle, and a little below a ball, bright like an electric light bulb. The same ball is on the sharp end of the whirligig. Most often it moved downward with the "nozzle".

This summer, the Yulu was photographed in a field south-west of Lake Shaitan, at the Bergamak cordon, in the bend of Tara and in a ravine that lies just beyond Okunevo.

"Yula", which landed under a large tree in the bend of Tara, even played pranks with the photographer: only he was going to "click" her, and she rr-az - and flew to another place. He crept up to her again, but the minx disappeared behind a tree. Finally, she descended, allowed herself to be photographed, and then flew up and melted …

And somehow the "whirligig" sat down next to a working geophysicist. He didn't even feel it. But when one of the Muscovites tried to touch the whirligig with an antenna (it was used to measure the electric component of the electromagnetic field), the device immediately went off scale: the whirligig could strike, perhaps, no worse than ball lightning.

At the Bergamak cordon, Muscovites saw an unusual lizard - forty centimeters long, thick, gray-spotted, it looked more like a monitor lizard. It is possible that the reptile was affected by a long stay in zone B.

Next year, Moscow geophysicists plan to complete their work in Okunevo. Doctors should start research.

So what is happening in Okunevo? So far, three hypotheses have been put forward explaining the existence of anomalous zones, flying objects and other things there. The disciples of Satya Baba and the Old Believers-Inglids believe that all these are traces of ancient civilizations. Ufologists believe that Okunevo is a kind of base of spaceships, messengers of extraterrestrial civilizations. According to metropolitan scientists, in the Okunevo area, there may be channels for the "overflow" of energy and information from parallel worlds. Then signals in the form of vibrations, UFOs with a certain spectrum, and strange music should be perceived as messages from these worlds. Messages that are awaiting decryption.