Ancient Peruvian Sites And Megalithic Ruins, Which Leave Questions - Alternative View

Ancient Peruvian Sites And Megalithic Ruins, Which Leave Questions - Alternative View
Ancient Peruvian Sites And Megalithic Ruins, Which Leave Questions - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Peruvian Sites And Megalithic Ruins, Which Leave Questions - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Peruvian Sites And Megalithic Ruins, Which Leave Questions - Alternative View
Video: Caral - Supe: The oldest civilization in the Americas - HQ 2024, October

Let's start briefly with an object called Rumikolka. By the way, that this, that the next object, are located near Cusco, approximately 20-30 kilometers.

There is not much information about Rumikolka, but I decided to write about this place as well. Rumikolka is called a gate, ancient customs and whatever, but it doesn't really change much.

In general, my first question arose, why several millennia ago “customs” were required, but I don’t think this issue is so important. The most important thing about this object is the strange shapes not found in the rest of Peru.


The structures are somewhat reminiscent of pyramids, only rectangular, however strange it may sound. Several platforms that were created in descending order upwards. At first glance, in general, it really looks like some kind of checkpoint.

But the problem is that all this, surprisingly, is not even attributed to the Incas, but to an even more ancient civilization. And in principle, for small stones that were not even processed, it would seem that everything is normal and believable, if not for the traces of other civilizations.


There, in these objects, there are already remnants of large processed blocks of regular shapes and without a single millimeter of clearance. It seems to me that all this once again suggests that much in the past was built on the ruins of an even more ancient, but much more advanced civilization.

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By the way, if I'm not mistaken, these remnants also contain a technology for rounding corners in blocks, which raises additional questions. But let's go further and as I said at the beginning, there will be two objects.


The next complex is called Pikillakta and this object is located very close to the so-called "customs" about which I wrote above.


In some sources, I read that Pikilyakta is not even missing in all kinds of guidebooks, which is doubly strange, since the complex is huge. The total area of the entire complex is 34 kilometers, impressive, isn't it?


The complex is mostly ruins, but there are many similarities of corridors with walls made of the same small unworked stones that I mentioned above.

But as always, not everything is so simple. And here there are remains of huge megaliths, some remains with well-worked stones, and they were also given various regular shapes.


Unfortunately, in Pikillakta, almost everything is in ruins, but even partial remains indicate that initially all this was built on even more ancient ruins of a previous unknown civilization.

What conclusion can be drawn from all this? That in the first, that in the second object everything is made of the same material and one by one, a rather crude technology, but at the same time, everywhere there are some small remnants of megalithic, high-quality processed masonry.


And yes, to say, allegedly all this was done by one civilization is absurd, since the probability of this is practically zero. I doubt that a civilization that made walls from ordinary small stones suddenly learned how to process large megaliths, shape them and adjust them to an ideal state.


No less strange is the fact that few people know these places and do not really talk about them. By the way, as far as are known, the ruins of Pikilyakta were practically not explored, but only a few excavations were carried out, which were later abandoned.
