Mysterious Blue Lake - Alternative View

Mysterious Blue Lake - Alternative View
Mysterious Blue Lake - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Blue Lake - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Blue Lake - Alternative View
Video: Nastya and the story about mysterious surprises 2024, October

From childhood, everyone remembers Russian folk tales, where dead water heals wounds, and living water revives the body. Dead water is also called healing water. Not everyone knew where this water was, only sorcerers, sorcerers, wise elders, a gray wolf. It was difficult to get it, you had to travel far behind it … But there is a place in the Samara region where there is water, both living and dead.

The lake has been known since antiquity. In Chuvash, Blue Lake is called Semiz-kyule. An ancient legend says that if you plunge into the waters of the Blue Lake, then the soul and body of a person heals, it seems that he was born again! The Blue Lake has a rounded shape, it is a karst funnel filled with water coming from powerful deep hydrogen sulphide springs. And next to the Blue Lake there is a shallow fresh Black Lake. Moreover, they are separated by a narrow strip of land, 15 meters.

Refracting in clear water, sunlight paints the surface in a deep blue color. But even standing on the shore, peering into the water column, looking at the bizarre formations at the very bottom, you refuse to believe that all this is happening to you, and you really see it.


The beauty of the lake is mesmerizing, you want to look at it again and again. But most of all, those who know how to dive are lucky.

After all, if you dive into the depths of a blue lake and look up, then, as in the picture, you can see clouds floating across the sky, trees growing on the shore and your comrades waiting for you. Beginners diving for the first time on the Blue Sea experience a certain shock (in a good way). Cold water, transparency like the sea, fantastic formations of silt, all this penetrates to the depths of the diving soul.

True, not everyone will dare to dive in the lake, because the water temperature is around +8 degrees all year round. The lake does not freeze even in winter.


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Many legends and funny stories are associated with the Blue Lake. For example, that in the old days a horse with a cart fell into the lake, and, allegedly, they were never found. They also talked about tarred boards with mysterious letters that sometimes float to the surface, and how the Mongol Khan forced his captives to measure the depth with tied reins … and the length of the reins was not enough.

Many locals still believe that it is bottomless.