Living Stones - Alternative View

Living Stones - Alternative View
Living Stones - Alternative View

Video: Living Stones - Alternative View

Video: Living Stones - Alternative View
Video: The Living Stones of Sacsayhuaman 2024, October

In southern and central Romania, there are amazing and unique stones that are located in mountainous and forest areas far from cities. The locals came up with a name for the stones - Trovanti. These stones are known to grow and multiply, which is why they are considered alive.

The trowans have a rounded and oval shape, completely devoid of sharp corners and chips. The streamlined shape of the stones and the hole in them resembles a bowling ball. In most cases, trowants are no different from other local boulders, but as soon as it rains, an incredible and surprising fact occurs, the stones, like mushrooms, begin to grow, becoming larger and larger. Initially, each trowant weighs only a few grams, but over the years the stone can gain more than a ton. It is worth noting that young trowants grow faster when the stone reaches a certain age, its growth slows down. For the most part, living stones are composed of sandstone.


Their internal structure is just as unusual. If you cut the trovant in half, then on the cut you can find circular rings around the core, which indicate the age of the stone. Although the Trovenants are amazing and unique in nature, geologists are in no hurry to relate them as a scientifically inexplicable fact.

According to scientists, growing stones are a completely understandable natural phenomenon. The process of long-term cementation of sand, according to geologists, which took place for millions of years deep in the earth, led to the birth of the Trowans. And thanks to strong seismic activity, the stones ended up on the surface of the earth. The constant growth of trovants is also scientifically explainable. This is due to the content in the stones of a large amount of mineral salts that are under the shell. After rain, the stone gains moisture, which is why a reaction occurs, chemical compounds are distributed and put pressure on the sand, from which the stone grows.


Yet geologists cannot explain one amazing phenomenon that occurs with rocks - their reproduction. The reproduction process takes place in this way: the surface of the trovant gets wet, after which a small bulge forms on it. After a certain period of time, the bulge becomes larger, and when the weight of the newly formed stone reaches its maximum limit, it breaks off from the mother stone. The new trovant has the same structure as the old one. It also has a solid core, which is a mystery to scientists. If the growth of a stone is a completely explainable process from the point of view of science, then the process of fission of a stone core remains an inexplicable fact for scientists.


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Basically, the reproduction of growing stones resembles budding, which is why most geologists began to think about the question, are not the Trovants an inorganic form of life unknown to this day? Almost every resident of Romania has known for hundreds of years about the unnatural properties of trowans, but does not attach much importance to this. Previously, living stones were often used in construction. Now they can be found in local cemeteries, trowants serve there as tombstones, because of their special external qualities. One supernatural ability should be noted behind some of the trovants. They move from place to place, like stones from California's Death Valley Nature Reserve, which crawl just like trowants.


Today Trovante is one of the most important sights of Central Romania. Most tourists from different countries come to see these extraordinary stones. In turn, local residents make various souvenirs and decorations from small trowels, and each guest of the country has the opportunity to take a piece of the stone miracle with him. Most tourists who bought souvenir products from trowans claim that the stones begin to grow after water gets on them, among other things, stones sometimes move independently around the house, which is quite impressive. The largest variety of trovants is in the Romanian County of Valcea. There is a huge number of living stones of various sizes, shapes and colors.

The second place where you can see Trovants is the village of Otesani, 15 km from Horezu. Walking along the local stream, you can find trovants of various shapes and sizes.


In 2006, due to the greater interest of tourists, the Romanian authorities created the only open-air museum in the country, where the exhibits are trovants. The museum is located in the village of Costesti. The total area of the museum is 1.1 hectares. A wide variety of trovants are located on the territory of the museum. Anyone can get acquainted with the ancient expositions for a small fee and even purchase souvenirs made from living stones.


It is known that there are stones that are similar to the Romanian trovants and that are found in Russia and other countries of the world. In the village of Andreevka, Oryol Region, on the territory of the Kolpnyansky District, for several years round-shaped boulders have appeared from the ground. They can be seen in fields, vegetable gardens, near houses and personal plots. In appearance, the Oryol growing stones resemble stuck together sand, but to the touch, fragility in the blocks is completely absent. In order to break off a piece of stone, great efforts are required. The sizes of the Andreevsky trovants are various. There are both large boulders several meters high, resembling building slabs, and small growing stones. Local historians and geologists are trying to understand the nature of stones. Locals believe that the growing stones are endowed with the mystical healing power of Mother Earth.


Most of the residents move stones closer to their homesteads, decorating the road and making decorative rockeries out of them. Some people just use large boulders to build their home. There are many implausible opinions and hypotheses about the unusualness of the trowans, which modern science is in no hurry to recognize. As mentioned above, a number of researchers argue that Trovens are representatives of an inorganic form of life. The principle of their life and structure has nothing to do with the same properties of the studied varieties of flora and fauna.


At the same time, the growing stones can turn out to be both the indigenous inhabitants of our planet, who have imperceptibly existed for thousands of years side by side with humans, and representatives of unearthly life forms that have fallen to earth with meteorites or brought by aliens.

It is possible that people are looking for other forms of life in the wrong place, real aliens have long been among us, and we simply do not notice them.


Mikhail KUZMIN. Secrets of the XX century