Trowants - Romanian "live" Stones - Alternative View

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Trowants - Romanian "live" Stones - Alternative View
Trowants - Romanian "live" Stones - Alternative View

"Living" stones capable of multiplying, fragments of meteorites with unexplored life forms, strange metal artifacts from an unknown alloy - how can all this be explained by modern science? Where could all these objects come from on planet Earth?

The southern part of Romania has recently become known for its amazing finds - "living" stones that can grow, breathe and even multiply. The local population began to call them Trovants. Often these cobblestones are dominated by a rounded shape, without sharp edges. As soon as the rain passes, the stones expand in volume and begin to grow like mushrooms. A small cobblestone weighing only a few grams can grow thousands of times. The researchers of the unusual find noticed that stones of a younger age grow faster, and if the trovant is already old, the process of its growth slows down significantly. The stones consist mainly of sandstone. However, the internal structure of the boulder looks very strange: when cut in half, age circles are visible, resembling rings as when cutting a tree trunk. All of them are located around a solid core in the center of the stone.

Trovanta are part of the organism of planet Earth

Some experts are convinced that trovants are part of the integral “organism” of the Earth and perform their specific functions. However, no one guesses what the mysterious "living" cobblestones hide, what is their role in human life and the history of their origin. It is assumed that trowants may be the result of a long process of cementation of sandstone, and due to earthquakes they rise to the earth's surface. Scientists also managed to explain the growth of cobblestones. During rains, the surface of the stone gets wet and the mineral salts located under the shell expand. So we can say that the stone "grows".

Recently, the stones of Romania began to arouse increased interest of scientists. The fact is that they have a mystery that no one can explain - the Trovants multiply. And it looks like this: as soon as the stone comes into contact with water, a bulge appears on its surface, which further grows. If the weight of the cobblestone is large, then the process breaks off from the main stone and continues to grow on its own. Many new processes can appear from one stone. This process of breeding Trovant resembles budding. Many experts studying unusual stones are wondering: perhaps these cobblestones are representatives of an inorganic form of life that is still unknown to science?

Breathing stones and mystical stories

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The living stones of Romania continue to amaze with their mystery. It turns out that trowants can breathe. With the help of cameras, the scientists managed to shoot how the object takes a “breath” once every few days. Troviant's "heartbeat" lasts almost a day. In addition, experts are confident that the cobblestones can move independently. For example, grain growers say that boulders grow and move. How else to explain their appearance on sown fields, which are harvested every year.

It is hard to believe that simple stones are capable of growth, reproduction, breathing and locomotion. There are mystics who claim that powerful invisible creatures live in the Troants. To do this, they provide a number of evidence in favor of this theory.

For example, the following: it happened in 1942 in the county of Essex in England. All local residents were familiar with the legend about an evil invisible creature that lived in a large granite boulder. When the road widened, this cobblestone had to be pushed aside. The events that happened next made everyone nervous: bells rang in the abandoned bell tower, and road poles, machinery and agricultural implements hung in the air. This continued for several days until the stone was returned to its place. The return of the boulder was accompanied by ancient magical rites. Only in this way, according to eyewitnesses, it was possible to calm the evil spirit.

There is a theory that the mysterious stones could be meteorites or their fragments. They acquired their craving for movement during space travel, in which they were for hundreds of years. Experts concluded that geomagnetic disturbance affects their movement on the earth's surface. But how the geomagnetic field can turn into anti-gravity and move the boulder to another place, no one can explain.

To date, there is no scientific explanation for the phenomenon of growing, multiplying and moving stones. There are many hypotheses put forward by scientists: destruction and oxidation of the earth, underground water currents, geomagnetic fields, earthquakes and strong winds. But no one knows the exact answer.

Fersman's version

There is another theory that was put forward by the Russian geochemist and the founder of Russian mineralogy, academician Alexander Fersman. He suggested that Trovantes may be the oldest example of another life based on silicon. These boulders embody a completely different, incomprehensible form of life for us.

Perhaps the "living" stones are not only in Romania. The local population just turned out to be more curious and observant. If this hypothesis is indeed confirmed, then humanity will be obliged to consider these boulders as living beings. It may turn out that the stones have thinking and can be intelligent. Then it turns out that man is not the only creature on the planet with consciousness!

We shouldn't think that any pebble under our feet is alive. Our environment in the form of shapeless stones, gravel, rubble or jewelry made of precious metals has been technically processed. Now these are just pieces of stones that once existed. With these "remains" human society decorates its life, builds highways, erects cities and monuments. Today, there are many mysterious objects on the planet that were created by ancient civilizations, came to us from space, or were the only form of life that existed long before the appearance of man. All these places and objects are carefully studied by scientists, archaeologists and historians. Maybe someday we will find out about the purpose of at least some of them, and we will understand that we are not alone.
