Anomalies With The Manifestation Of An Alien World - Alternative View

Anomalies With The Manifestation Of An Alien World - Alternative View
Anomalies With The Manifestation Of An Alien World - Alternative View

Video: Anomalies With The Manifestation Of An Alien World - Alternative View

Video: Anomalies With The Manifestation Of An Alien World - Alternative View
Video: Disturbed - Land Of Confusion [Official Music Video] 2024, July

“It was the end of October 1996,” says the supervisor of the “berendey territory” of the Kuzmolovsky tract on Valdai Konstantinich, “the authorities gave the order to inspect the site where the felling was planned. The places here are deaf, swampy, the landscape is rather gloomy even on clear days, some beasts are found. So it doesn't hurt to take a gun and a dog with you. The hunter's instinct did not fail me this time either. My dog picked up the hare and chased him with a bark. I took up a position at the edge of the clearing, prepared myself. I looked, a hare jumped out just opposite, darted in a jump right under the shot. I wanted to beautifully "remove" it on the fly, but suddenly, right in the air, it seemed to hover over the clearing and … disappeared! I was dumbfounded, even rubbed my eyes - what kind of unbelievability is this? And then the dog comes out, I see - he is shy, his tail is tucked in and, whining, trots across the clearing towards me.

I look at him, and my hair stands on end - my dog right before my eyes … disappears! Gradually, his head, body and finally tail disappear in this way. I froze and I'm afraid to walk. Although in twenty years of service he had seen everyone, such devilry could not have dreamed …

But I don't think the devil is actually playing with me. Maybe it's just some kind of optical trick? I chose a longer stick and began to creep cautiously to that very place. Holding the stick in front of him, he threw it like a spear. I look, my darling flies, and nothing is done with it. I even sighed with relief, but it wasn’t there! My "spear", already sinking into the clearing, disappeared about a meter from the ground, as it never happened at all! At this point, my anger sorted out. He began frantically to collect whatever was tucked under his arm. The goal was revealed absolutely clearly: the rain began to drizzle, and in this muddy veil suddenly in the very center of the glade a round "stump", palely glowing from within, appeared!

Returning home, the forester told his wife about what had happened to him, but asked the hostess not to spread - they would not believe. But, as usual, women keep secrets together. One way or another, the rumor about the unprecedentedness reached the authorities. There was also an enthusiastic reporter who persuaded the forester to escort him to the scene. The reliability of the anomaly was confirmed. Then it was as usual: “from above” they let go the recommendation to throw this nonsense out of my head. And send the talkative forester and the reporter somewhere far away. And that was done: the forester disappeared in a certain direction, and the journalist chose to leave for … Switzerland. It would seem that this Valdai story has ended. So she would have sunk into oblivion, if not for a new, surprisingly similar message, now received from the Siberian taiga.

The shepherds were the first to raise the alarm. In the vicinity of the village of Kezhma, they have long chosen the edge covered with lush grass - the animals felt at ease here, and it was handy to look after them. The whole clearing was in full view, viewed from edge to edge. And suddenly, in broad daylight, the cows began to disappear! When about a dozen heifers disappeared in this ill-fated meadow, the villagers were alarmed. Moreover, the shepherds unanimously testified: the unclean "steals" the animals!

They began to bypass the damned place, they found another pasture, and rumor called the unclean land a "damn graveyard." So it would have overgrown with taiga and overgrown with frightening legends, if not for the visit of Tashkent scientists. Having studied the phenomenon with the help of instruments, they put forward a hypothesis: a clearing under Kezhma is an anomalous echo of the mysterious Tunguska alien from space! It seems that some part of the celestial alien that exploded in 1908 ricocheted away from the main line of movement and fell just near the village of Kezhma. In any case, a local center of deadly radiation has been registered here! But the disappearance of the cows did not find an intelligible explanation. The villagers were advised to bypass the "devil's cemetery" three miles away.

A whole "sheaf" of such details about one region of Yakutia also excites the imagination. On the right tributary of the Vilyui River, the hunters found a source of some radiation. One inquisitive St. John's wort settled down here for the night. He was attracted by the magnificent flora of the meadow - giant burdocks, lush crowns of trees with vines, velvety grass one and a half to two meters high. And this is in the permafrost region, where, as a rule, there is only wretched woodland of gnarled pines and firs! But in the morning the Yakut "Eden" was resounding with the screams and groans of "Adam", for along with the cap all his hair fell from his head. The wretched man still managed to ransack the surroundings and saw something here that he was speechless. And there was a reason: in the immediate vicinity of the treacherous glade, strange, reddish, clearly metal hemispheres appeared from the petrified earth! Looking into one, the hunter was dumbfounded:inside lay "helluva lot thin, black one-eyed people in iron clothes"!

Mikhail Koretsky, a quite trustworthy Vladivostok prospector, has also visited the same area, three times. He not only confirmed the presence in the lost Vilyui "museum" of 7 huge, up to 9 m in diameter, circular "exhibits", but also took with him a fragment in the form of a half of an ideal ball, the size of a tennis ball. It was black in color, there were no visible traces of processing, but the ball was very smooth, as if polished, the prospector said in his letter. He brought his find home to the village of Samarka, Primorsky Territory. The souvenir would have been useless, but somehow the windows had to be glazed, and there was no glass cutter. I accidentally tried to draw the glass with the sharp edge of the found hemisphere - a complete openwork! It cuts, but so beautifully and smoothly that the "diamond", as they say, does not suit him!

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It seems that these intriguing details were supposed to raise a detachment of specialists in rapid scientific response in the fire brigade. Moreover, alarming news about the death of amateur "stalkers" who, unfortunately, arranged "picnics" in an amazing meadow, began to come from the place. But, alas, unfortunately no one has yet found the time and means to lift the veil of mystery from the Yakut phenomenon. In the meantime, he slowly but surely disappears. The ring structures are collapsing under their own weight, and two of them have already partially split - unable to withstand the local 50-degree frost. Year or two - and there will be nothing to explore.

To what has been said about the “manifestations of an alien world”, it is worth adding information about another unusual observation, this time with the coordinates of … Moscow! Few people know that in Moscow, as well as in other ancient cities, from time to time incredible events take place. And, as a rule, at night. A young scientist-physicist Evgeny K. several years ago organized a group of enthusiasts who began to investigate the cases of unbelievability allegedly observed on the night streets of old Moscow.

- In our portfolio there are already hundreds of documented and verified phenomena, - says Evgeny K. - But one of the last cases just confuses even us, who have already become skilled in the field of various kinds of miracles. The signal went to the police station. A witness to the incident assured that several gray creatures resembling cats jumped from the wall of the house to a man walking down the street! The "cats" passed through the man, and when he fell, the animals returned in the same way and went through the wall again!

The police realized that the witness is a candidate for ward No. 6. But the statement had to be accepted, because there was a victim. He was taken to the hospital, where, after a while, he died without regaining consciousness. After this terrible incident, we set up our post on that "street of ghosts." I confess, goosebumps began to creep when we, three quite normal, one might even say, refined intellectuals, watched at four o'clock in the morning, as from a blank wall, on which there were not only doors and windows, but even a crack, really jumped out onto the pavement three beast. Outwardly, they really looked like harmless cats. Without looking around, we confidently walked in single file across the street, reached the wall of the opposite building, sat down in a row and for five minutes, without moving, looked up, as if there was a window, and there was someone in it. Then the animals just as calmly turned back, going up to their wall, without hesitation passed through it …

Anyone who happens to encounter such a mysterious anomalous phenomenon should be warned: in no case should you interfere in the episode, make contact, shoot a gun, in general, show some kind of activity. Trouble can happen. Surely all these anomalies are associated with the emergence of some completely alien world to the surface. Perhaps, some of the unsolved disappearances of people are “on the conscience” of this kind of phenomenon …

From the book: "The greatest mysteries of anomalous phenomena." Author: Nikolai Nepomniachtchi