Abnormal Zones In The Moscow Region - Alternative View

Abnormal Zones In The Moscow Region - Alternative View
Abnormal Zones In The Moscow Region - Alternative View

Video: Abnormal Zones In The Moscow Region - Alternative View

Video: Abnormal Zones In The Moscow Region - Alternative View
Video: Understanding Russia. Episode 3. The Unusual Life of a British Russian. Part 1. 2024, October

As you know, everyone sees what he wants to see. Perhaps this psychological feature also applies to the “visions” of many ufologists, from whom one so often hears about encounters with phenomena unknown to science. This is especially true for the so-called "zones". They, judging by the publications, are found not only in every region, but also in every region and city of Russia.

The word "zone" came into use among ufologists from the pages of the fantastic story "Roadside Picnic" by the Strugatsky brothers.


Those who have read this wonderful book will remember for a long time the area drawn with large expressive strokes of writers, where the familiar - earthly is closely intertwined with the unusual and "alien" that arose after aliens visited the Earth. The concept of "zone" quickly got accustomed to the most famous "zone" in the country - the mysterious "Perm Triangle".

It is usually believed that all the most interesting, the most mysterious is far from home. But this is not the case. On the territory of the well-traveled Moscow region, there are several "zones" no less mysterious than the famous Medveditskaya ridge in the Volgograd region or the legendary lake Brosno in Tverskaya, which were studied by the International Research Association "Cosmopoisk".

For many years in a row, an amateur ufologist Konstantin Chernyshov has been visiting one of them, located in the vicinity of Chekhov. Local residents, in the evenings meeting him walking towards the darkening forest, scared aside in fear. Behind the eyes, they call the adventurer "crazy and suicidal."

Proceeding and climbing the "zone" up and down and alone, and in the company of the same fans from ufology, Konstantin came to the final conclusion that this place would be "worse" than the famous "zone" described in the Strugatskys' story.

Here are excerpts from a diary written by a ufologist on one of these expeditions:

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02.15. The condition is pretty terrible. Some of ours hold on to the heart, some to the solar plexus, some to the head. The feeling is as if something is pressing on these organs. In the depths of the forest, against the background of trees, distinct white and blue lights periodically flash …

02.30. Flickers very often, at different heights. The flares are almost all white, occasionally blue. Last time it was red and orange. We shoot the fourth shot along the road. We turn in the opposite direction and see a "classic" silhouette moving across the road a dozen meters away from us. Two meters tall, dark, almost black, thin, hiding in a dense bush … The feeling is that we are asked to leave. We begin to fold the equipment.

02.50. There is pressure in the solar plexus area, but no pain. There is a kind of half-forgotten lightness in the body. I want to take off. It seems that a person is completely loaded with very "dense", so far unclear information. But the brain and the body are gradually adapting …

03.00. On the way to the camp, we vigorously discuss the results of the trip, talk about the degree of self-hypnosis, express doubts about the outbreaks we saw … And then all at the same time we see in the same place a long white flash, “blazing” across the road!

Meticulous journalists often ask Konstantin: "Isn't it scary to be in the zone?" and get an honest answer: "Scary, sometimes even very" But still, almost every week he gets on a train near Moscow and goes on another trip.

Quite fantastic things are told about the zone where Konstantin "got into the habit" of walking, as if descended from the pages of another story by the Strugatsky brothers "Hotel" At the Deceased Mountaineer ". Those who read this story remember how frightened the hardened bandit Hinkus, who met his double on the stairs of the hotel.


The next trip of Konstantin and his constant companion to visit the "zones" of the ufologist Dasha took place in early spring. The night was unusually quiet and clear. Nothing reminded of the "zone". Everything was familiar, earthly and even a little romantic: the moon, nightingales, light whispering leaves overhead. Dasha, who was suddenly lagging behind, screamed. Konstantin's footsteps, just ahead, echoed from the right. Turning to the voice of his companion, Konstantin was surprised to see another familiar white knitted hat and glasses shining in the moonlight.

"This was just not enough!" - flashed through his head. Another Dasha quickly passed along the clearing and disappeared among the trees, an exact copy of the one standing near him.

Of course, not every trip ends with meetings with anomalous phenomena, and even more so with your own double. Often nights pass quietly, and disaffected enthusiasts head home arguing hoarsely about the origins of the zones.

There are also less spectacular "zones" in the Moscow Region. For example, in the "zone" near the city of Klimovsk, residents often see flying UFOs in the sky. Sometimes these objects flying in the sky land on the ground and then using a dowsing frame, ufologists find round or oval anomalies on the lawns, considering them "traces" of the landing of alien spaceships.

They are considered to be the energetic effect on the soil of UFOs that have landed or hovered low above the ground. Some especially sensitive people even have headaches. Such "traces" were found along the highway leading to Sergeev Posad.

There are quite a few “zones” in the vicinity of which residents see flying UFOs, mushroom pickers discover strange “losses” of time, and ufologists encounter their own “counterparts” and other unexplained phenomena on the inhabited land near Moscow. Moreover, very often they are associated with ancient legends about the "damned", "lost" or, on the contrary - "holy" places.

Their traces, which, according to legend, are the concentration of occult forces, are lost in ancient times. Today, all these incredible phenomena, our modern imagination, saturated with impressions of science fiction novels, dressed not in religious or fairy clothes, but in "alien" clothes.

But not only in the "hoary" antiquity are traces from the "zones" studied by ufologists. You can clearly trace their connection with very real natural objects and, above all, with water. This has long been noticed by researchers of mysterious phenomena.

It is not for nothing that water is an integral element of ancient legends. It was in the above the water of the forest lakes that the sorceresses were slandering, it was the priests who sprinkled a person with holy water in order to save him from damage. Spring water helped rural healers to heal the sick, "wizards" - to look into the past and predict the future.

What are these strange "zones"? Why do they affect people so much? What explains their connection with water, especially with underground?

The leading expert of the Association "Ecology of the Unknown" S. Ermakov conducted a detailed study of the so-called "sacred places" of the Moscow region. Under the "sacred place" he understood the area of the earth's surface, due to certain circumstances, marked by religious buildings, revered in the folk tradition as a "holy place", or as a place of "concentration of magical powers."

The leading expert selected churches located in Luzhki, Davydova Pustyn and other places in the Moscow region as objects of research. According to Ermakov, underground water streams occur at various depths under all surveyed temples. Usually, two or more streams intersect under the place where the altar stone is located. One stream usually flows under the apses of the temple, and two or three more - under the main room. The depth of occurrence is on average from 2-3 to 8-10 meters.

What are these streams over which for some reason temples are being built? S. Ermakov suggested that such flows, and especially the places of their intersection, may be the upper, close to the earth's surface, part of the energy frame of our planet. The energy-information exchange of the Earth with the Cosmos takes place along it. The same streams were found by dowsing operators in the "zones".

The assumption about the connection of "zones" with streams explains quite well many of the phenomena occurring in them. Ghosts, "doubles" that one observer sees, may be the result of the informational impact of flows directly on the human psyche. Flickering lights, “flashes” in “zones”, to which several people simultaneously react, can be associated with purely energetic phenomena that arise in “zones”.

This is something like the "lights of St. Elmo" that sailors see on the tops of the masts of ships. "Oval" and "rounded" spots on the soil, sometimes reflected in vegetation, can be formed as a result of periodically arising "bursts" of the Earth's energy during the energy-information exchange with the Cosmos.

And what do geologists and hydrogeologists who study rocks and groundwaters from the point of view of traditional science think about the possibility of the existence of such an energy frame of the Earth, to which the flows of groundwater are confined?

At the All-Russian Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, located in the village of Zelenoy along the Gorkovskoye Highway, 20 years ago I had to talk with Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences A. Chubasov. Among the problems of interest to him was the study of the nature of energy active zones.

Many of them, according to the scientist, were associated with the movement of groundwater flows, which are most actively manifested in ancient buried river channels and in zones of increased rock fracturing.

Together with water, ions dissolved in it move underground, creating electrostatic and electromagnetic fields. The combined effect of modern tectonic movements, sometimes "stretching", then compressing rocks and the movement of groundwater along them, led, according to A. Chubasov, to the appearance of periodically called "flickering" tectonic structures, the main sign of the existence of which is an impulse release of energy affecting biological objects, including people.