What Is Hidden In The Mysterious Zone Of Silence In Mesquica - Alternative View

What Is Hidden In The Mysterious Zone Of Silence In Mesquica - Alternative View
What Is Hidden In The Mysterious Zone Of Silence In Mesquica - Alternative View

Video: What Is Hidden In The Mysterious Zone Of Silence In Mesquica - Alternative View

Video: What Is Hidden In The Mysterious Zone Of Silence In Mesquica - Alternative View
Video: Planet Occurrence Rates and eta-Earth 2024, July

There is one mysterious zone in Mexico, information about which is very fragmentary and contradictory. It is located in the desert, 400 km from the American town of El Paso, Texas. It is called the Zone of Silence or the Zone of Silence.


It looks like a desert like a desert: sand and cacti. The most important oddity of this mysterious territory is that all radio receivers are deafened here, the TV does not receive transmissions, and any electrical appliances generally fail.


People have always known about the strangeness of this zone. In ancient books, numerous cases of "hot" stones falling from the sky and stars moving randomly across the sky are described. However, the study of desert "oddities" began to be seriously studied only in the 30s of the XX century: the pilots of the Mexican airlines during the flight over the desert began to fail for no apparent reason.


Later, the "quirks" of the zone brought other troubles - when in the 70s the Americans from the White Sand test site launched the first Athena ballistic missile, it suddenly deviated from the course, rushed towards the Mexican desert and, upon reaching it, collapsed into the sand.


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Such cases began to occur with enviable regularity, which forced the US military to seriously address the mysterious features of the ill-fated territory. True, this department has not submitted any reports on these studies.

In the Zone of Silence, there are also mysterious ruins of an ancient complex of gigantic stone structures, most likely an astronomical observatory built several millennia ago. Some archaeologists believe that this observatory could not have been created by the local primitive primitive tribes …

It was not possible to find photos of the mysterious ruins of the Zone of Silence on the Internet, but there is such a picture of stones. There is no information about him either.


Researchers who have been working in this zone for more than a decade in a laboratory created specifically for the study of local paranormal phenomena and unusual forms of biological life, have not been able to provide an exhaustive report on the events taking place here.

The expedition, led by the scientist Harry de la Pena, managed to find out that there was an ancient ocean in the Mexican desert millions of years ago, and some powerful magnetic force is acting here, suppressing radio waves.

There is also an opinion that there are huge deposits of iron ore in this area, and it is this that is the reason for the suppression of electromagnetic waves. In addition, it has been proven that the rocks of the ridges surrounding the desert contain significant amounts of uranium.

Be that as it may, no convincing explanations for everything that is happening here have been found and, it seems, will not be found in the near future.