&Ldquo; Zone Of Silence &Rdquo;: An Abnormal Place In The Mexican Desert - Alternative View

&Ldquo; Zone Of Silence &Rdquo;: An Abnormal Place In The Mexican Desert - Alternative View
&Ldquo; Zone Of Silence &Rdquo;: An Abnormal Place In The Mexican Desert - Alternative View

Not far from the Mexican city of El Paso, an amazing anomalous “Zone of Silence” stretches, where instruments and compass arrows immediately start to fail, as if they have gone crazy. But apart from such events, many eyewitnesses have witnessed the appearance of extraterrestrial beings, for whom the desert has become a real refuge, and scientists still cannot understand this riddle.

At first glance, there is nothing mystical in this corner of the world, as guests see before their eyes dull areas of sand with stunted vegetation and poisonous snakes, sometimes flickering among such landscapes. People used to live here near the springs, which still continue to delight travelers with moisture, but then they decided to leave the damned place, where technology simply declares a strike. In nearby Seballos, the radio is barely audible at full power, and TVs do not pick up signals at all. Such oddities of the desert were known back in the 19th century, and there are also documents confirming the fall of hot stones from heaven in broad daylight, after which the stars began to move. None of the scientists had previously been involved in researching the zone, until in the 30s a local pilot, finding himself over its territory, noticed the disconnection of the devices, which later became to work properly after the further flight.


A long time passed when the geologist Harry de la Peña came here in the 60s, faced with the impossibility of contacting his colleagues during work. At the base, all the equipment showed no malfunctions, but when the situation repeated itself, the scientist had to contact the population to find out the cause of such an anomaly. Then he learned about the mysterious falls of meteor showers, often observed by people, but science again ignored interesting information. It can be assumed that the military conducted their weapons tests in the desert, or built their base here, although at that time no modern technology was developed. Only 10 years later, the "Zone of Silence" finally attracted the attention of specialists after the tests of the "Athena" launched from White Sands. The rocket itself decided to change the course of the flight and exploded, and then a similar fate befell a new weapon. The Americans urgently sent an expedition to the desert to study the strange events of the area.


The base camp was built in the very center of the "Sea of Tethys", named by scientists because of the ancient ocean that existed on our planet millions of years ago. The world's best minds are still working in the desert, and also created the "Biosphere", where studies of unknown life forms are carried out, since they really exist among the sands. Many eyewitnesses of the events gave identical descriptions of creatures resembling humans, but striking in their unusual appearance and manners. The first to encounter them were the spouses-archaeologists, who decided to find ancient fossils. They were so carried away by research that they did not notice how the sunny weather gave way to pouring rain with a thunderstorm. Their vehicles were nearby, so you could quickly pack up and go home, but the road became a muddy mess and people got stuck.


Suddenly, men appeared in front of them, whose faces were covered with hoods, and then they offered their help to scientists, although people were immediately alarmed by the unusual appearance of these faces in such a place. They didn't even see why the car suddenly jumped out of the hole onto solid ground, and when they wanted to thank their rescuers, there was no one around. Also, the rancher near the zone told reporters how a company of beautiful male and female creatures often comes here. They all had blond hair and spoke Spanish perfectly, but they were dressed in unusual outfits and overly polite. During the conversation, the sounds of the voice resembled metal, and most often they asked for water, paying in gold pieces. The guests only smiled at the questions of the amazed people, answering that they had come from heaven.

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Aliens were also seen landing, arriving in the desert on a UFO in the form of a bright ball. They also emitted an unusual glow and lights flashed in the sky at night, and in the morning, together with ships, people found burnt areas of the earth along with the remains of plants. One man was able to record on camera the flights of objects over Magnetic Mountain, and in the late 70s, the Spanish journalist Luis Reyes arrived here along with colleagues to interview scientists working in the laboratory. The man wanted to quickly find himself in the anomalous zone, so he and the photographer decided to get there in a jeep, but only after passing half the way, it was noticed that food along with water remained in another transport. In the desert, you can easily get lost and turn off an almost invisible road, which happened to our heroes.


The reporter noticed people walking in their direction, and already wanted to find out about the right path, but the driver braked sharply, saying that there was no one in this place. Deciding that this was the beginning of fever and hallucinations, the man and his friend drove on, but the mysterious creatures again appeared before his eyes. They talked about the search for their sheep and accurately described the further way, although the second person did not see anyone, and the tired Spaniard did not even pay attention to the fact that the travelers wandered through the territory without things and water. Arriving at the base, the man told about his meeting, after which he was shocked by the answers regarding a deserted area where there are no animals. Scientist Santiago Garcia believes the military may have tested solar-powered robots that caused night lights. Also, silence could be caused by deposits of uranium and iron ores, however,the high level of ultraviolet radiation and the constant invasion of UFOs still remain a mystery to specialists, as well as invisible creatures helping earthlings.


Author: Irina Reshetnikova
