Is There A Killer Gene? - Alternative View

Is There A Killer Gene? - Alternative View
Is There A Killer Gene? - Alternative View

Works on the connection between genes and aggression were included in the textbook for investigators who are taught to catch criminals.

Siberian geneticists and neuroscientists have conducted studies that interest Americans. Our scientists have determined that the connection between genes and the fact that a person becomes a violent criminal is negligible. This conclusion was included in the textbook for future investigators in the United States "Criminology: Explaining Crime and its Context" (Criminology: an explanation of the crime and its context - Ed.).

- In the West, in connection with the flourishing of the science of genetics, they are trying to find markers that determine human behavior. The hypothesis is actively put forward that many crimes are just a consequence of the presence of certain genes, - said Petr Menshanov, KP-Novosibirsk, senior researcher at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the SB RAS.

This is the D4 dopamine receptor. Variations in the gene for this receptor will determine the type of human behavior: low attentiveness, hyperactivity, inability to concentrate, desire to quickly get something. According to a widespread hypothesis, carriers of this gene often begin with mild antisocial actions, and then move on to more violent crimes. They become maniacs, murderers, robbers. Is this so and was checked by Novosibirsk scientists.

- We decided to check how correct this thesis is. They studied whether quiet and calm people have this gene. It turned out that these genes may well occur without real hyperactivity in humans. We get the conclusion: the theory that hyperactivity in itself leads people on the path of aggressiveness and cruelty is false, the scientist explained.

I wonder how the research went? Data were collected from two groups of people on either side of the grid. The group of 161 people included criminals from all over the country who committed planned murders, beatings, robberies with violence. In the second group - ordinary people, for whom there are no criminal articles, 400 people. Their biological data have been studied. There are no definite patterns that would allow us to say that all people with a genetic seal are sitting behind bars, and those who do not have this gene are walking in freedom, it did not work out. The laws of genetics and the criminal code turned out to be incompatible.

One American forensic scientist Gilbert Geis became interested in the study of Russian scientists. He specialized in investigating white collar crimes. As a rule, these are people who are calm, balanced, quiet, who suddenly decide for no reason, for example, to murder. The American seemed to be close in spirit to the scientific work of Siberian scientists, and he included it in the textbook, which he wrote in collaboration with other criminologists.


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