Aliens On Earth, Secret Project SERPO: Exchange Between Aliens And Humans - Alternative View

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Aliens On Earth, Secret Project SERPO: Exchange Between Aliens And Humans - Alternative View
Aliens On Earth, Secret Project SERPO: Exchange Between Aliens And Humans - Alternative View

Video: Aliens On Earth, Secret Project SERPO: Exchange Between Aliens And Humans - Alternative View

Video: Aliens On Earth, Secret Project SERPO: Exchange Between Aliens And Humans - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, July

There are many planets or systems in space that are not supported by scientific evidence but suggested by conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy experts who can penetrate the most hidden secrets have unveiled the secret "Serpo Project" (SERPO), launched several decades ago.

The truth of the "Serpo Project" is shocking - this is a supposed top-secret program for the exchange of its representatives between the American government and the extraterrestrial planet Serpo in the binary star system Zeta Reticuli. As part of this project, 12 people from our planet volunteered to the planet Serpo.

The curious story of extraterrestrial contact dates back to the famous Roswell event in 1947, when an alien flying saucer crashed. By the way, despite the denial by the Pentagon, it was confirmed by retired military personnel, and by the statement of more than two dozen eyewitnesses about the flight of a fast yellow ball.


Details of the alleged exchange program have appeared in several UFO conspiracy stories. In 1983, a man identifying himself as US Air Force Sergeant Richard Doty contacted research journalist Linda Moulton Howe, claiming he could provide documentary footage and documents about Project Serpo. However, all this remained at the level of rumors, since no documents have appeared.

In 2005, an anonymous source sent a series of news reports to a UFO discussion group led by former US government official Victor Martinez. The "anonymous person" reports detailed plans for an exchange between the American government and Ebens, extraterrestrial beings on the planet Serpo.

The program was named "Project Serpo" after the distant planet where the aliens came from. Serpo is a planet located in the binary star system Zeta Reticuli, located in the constellation Reticuli.

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The author of the disclosure identified himself as a retired civil servant, claiming that he participated in a special program for the exchange of sentient beings between the two civilizations.


The origins of the program were associated with two UFO crashes in New Mexico in 1947, as well as the crash of a flying saucer in Roswell. An anonymous source told of the surviving alien from the Roswell crash, and then being taken to the secret Los Alamos base. The six dead aliens were placed in the freezers of the laboratory of the same base.

After communicating with the base's scientist staff, the survivor reported the location of his home planet and continued to cooperate until his death in 1952.

The alien explained the purpose of the objects and devices found inside the crashed UFOs. Among the surviving objects was a communications device that the military allowed the alien to use to communicate with their home planet.


By the way, Zeta Reticuli has a bright history in ufology, including the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill, as well as the story of Bob Lazar, and was declared by the "contactees" as the home system of an alien race called the "Grays".

The meeting of representatives of the two civilizations took place in April 1964. The alien spacecraft was hosted at the Alamogordo test site, New Mexico, which was closed in 1945. After identifying the bodies of the dead compatriots, the aliens participated in the exchange of information with people in English, thanks to the alien translator.

In 1965, an agreement was reached that the aliens would take several people to their home planet.

As part of this arrangement, twelve soldiers risked spending the next ten years of their lives in an alien world. Ten men and two women were selected from a large number of applicants. The main task of the military "tourists" was to collect information about the life and technologies of extraterrestrial civilization.

It was never found out exactly what happened there, but the return of earthlings happened three years later than planned - by 1978, and four people remained forever on a foreign land.

A man and a woman remained on the planet of their own free will, two soldiers died due to circumstances. The journey to the planet Serpo, located 37 light years from Earth, took 7 or 9 months aboard an alien ship.


As the military found out, the alien planet strongly resembles Earth, although it is smaller in size. Rotating in a system of two stars, the planet maintains an environment comparable to ours. However, the two suns gave high levels of radiation, so earthlings, leaving the room, were constantly in protective suits.

The heat was extremely high and the arrivals had difficulty adapting to the local conditions for several years, but two of the team members died.

Another problem of brave earthlings is food. The team had enough food for two years, but ended up having to resort to local produce. At first, people had problems with the consumption of local products, although eventually they successfully adapted to foreign habitats.

Another problem was the length of the day at Serpo, which was 43 hours. In addition, the planet was never dark because the night skies were illuminated by a small sun.

The Earth team was given absolute freedom in exploring the planet, where geology looked very boring, represented only by a dry plain and mountains.

There were no oceans on the planet - there was generally an impression of uninhabitedness, especially for a culture that had reached high space technologies. As a result, the suspicion arose that the aliens hid their home planet from earthlings.

On the alien planet, there were species of animal life, with some large animals being used for work and other tasks, but were never food sources. The locals produced food using industrial complexes located here in huge numbers.

And this fact also spoke - the aliens hid their home planet, bringing earthlings to the industrial planet of their civilization with a population of about 650,000 inhabitants, extremely disciplined in all aspects of life.

According to our compatriots, there were no other civilizations on Serpo, except for Ebens, and as they understood there were serious problems with offspring. Perhaps the radiation of two stars or something else is to blame, but local women rarely successfully carried children, civilization seemed to be dying out.

The only problem the group of earthlings faced was trying to photograph the children living in some isolation and under strict guardianship. This provoked, though not aggressive, but firm resistance - the people were immediately intercepted by soldiers and asked not to try again.


Eight people who returned to Earth spent a whole year in quarantine, telling specialists the details of their years in a foreign society. By this time, all members of the unique expedition have already died due to various complications caused by the negative influence of the radiation of two stars. The fate of the two people who decided to stay on Serpo is unknown, since communication has ceased on the part of aliens since 1985.

The authenticity of this story has been questioned since its inception. Nonetheless, this is one of the most interesting extraterrestrial cases, standing next to the story of Captain Kay, who told about Mars.

Since the stars are widely separated (several thousand AU), claims of excess radiation from the presence of a second star seem like strange claims. At the same time, the story can be a custom hoax, some ufologists say: the American military and special organizations use such stories as a cover for real secret programs.

Further criticism of this story includes the usual arguments against conspiracy theories, UFOs, and the possibility of faster-than-light travel, including astronomical knowledge of the Zeta Reticuli system. There is currently no evidence of life in the system, or local planets.

However, many secret projects have been implemented in the world, the secret of which we have learned thanks to anonymous informants who reveal interesting stories.
