Nazi Gold Train And Amber Room - Alternative View

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Nazi Gold Train And Amber Room - Alternative View
Nazi Gold Train And Amber Room - Alternative View

Video: Nazi Gold Train And Amber Room - Alternative View

Video: Nazi Gold Train And Amber Room - Alternative View
Video: Brit journo: Amber Room hidden in Nazi Gold Train 2024, October

I doubt the existence of a squad with plundered Nazi gold valuables. I also count all reports of the found Nazi gold train as a duck. Therefore, the gold of the Nazis cannot in any way replenish the reserves of the Central Bank, and no one here pays attention to this news. Marek Bel, head of the Central Bank of Poland.

Polish-German tandem

Yet another treasure hunt of the Third Reich seems to have ended again to no avail. As a result of excavations in the place where, according to the assumptions, there was a "golden train" with the gold of the Nazis, three huge holes were dug, which later had to be carefully filled up.

Much of the gold was hidden in a salt mine near the village of Merkers
Much of the gold was hidden in a salt mine near the village of Merkers

Much of the gold was hidden in a salt mine near the village of Merkers.

The Pole Peter Kohler and the German Andreas Richter cost almost $ 40,000 for their curiosity and self-righteousness. Prior to this, Koper and Richter conducted a survey using a GPR and a magnetometer and found signs of a train in an underground tunnel. However, the experts from the Jagiellonian University were right, claiming that they had not previously found any traces of a train or a tunnel. So now is the time to remember the main details of the Polish-German tandem project.

Sensational find

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Adventurers and "black archaeologists" have long been spreading rumors that the Nazis, just before the end of the war, began to secretly evacuate their countless treasures looted in the USSR and Europe. So one of the echelons with gold and valuables ended up somewhere in the tunnel system in southwestern Poland.

According to unclear where the information received, crypto historians and conspiracy theorists believe that the golden train is a train about 150 meters long with an unclear, but undoubtedly very valuable cargo. At the end of World War II, the train left the German fortress of Breslau (now the Polish city of Wroclaw) in the direction of Walbrzych, where it mysteriously disappeared. Historians and ethnographers have repeatedly tried to find written or at least oral evidence of the mysterious echelon.

Today, most researchers of this issue believe that if the ghostly armored train existed, then it could have been hidden in one of the tunnels, the arches of which were blown up or collapsed as a result of bombing.

In full accordance with the classic urban legend, an elderly local resident who allegedly participated in their burial informed the treasure seekers about the whereabouts of the train before his death. So more than a year ago, enthusiasts appeared in the Polish Walbrzych, who reported that they managed to find the disappeared "golden train" with the help of a georadar.

The German invaders took out a huge part of the masterpieces of world importance
The German invaders took out a huge part of the masterpieces of world importance

The German invaders took out a huge part of the masterpieces of world importance.

The sensational discovery was immediately reported by Radio Wroclaw. At the same time, Koper and Richter were so confident in their discovery of an enormous amount of gold, precious stones and weapons that they demanded from the authorities a tenth of the value of what was in the cars in advance. Later they said that the train was allegedly in a secret German tunnel between the 61st and 65th kilometers of the Wroclaw-Walbrzych railway, between the Swiebodzice and Walbrzych-Schavenko stations.

Despite the illusory nature of the find, the division of the treasures that had not yet been found began immediately. The claims were presented by the World Jewish Congress, which considered that in this case we are talking about values confiscated from Jews who were trapped in Nazi concentration camps. Meanwhile, the Deputy Minister of Culture and National Heritage of Poland Piotr Zhukovsky said that the hypothetical values entirely "belong to the Polish people."

Treasure hunting fever

Reports of an armored train triggered a treasure hunting fever in Poland. Local authorities had to restrict the vast area of the proposed search after hundreds of people rushed into the Walbrzych neighborhood.

A crisis headquarters was set up and police squads were posted on the approaches to the tunnel. It was especially difficult for the employees of the nearby castle and park complex Ksenzh, in the tunnels near which the "golden train" of the Nazis could be hiding. After the first attacks of adventurers, which ended with excavations in the alleys of the castle park, Ksenzh began to patrol the police.

Magdalena Voh, the cultural director of the Ksi castle, told a press conference that in 1945 three mysterious freight trains entered the city, which then disappeared without a trace. The gold may not be in the discovered train, but in another, hidden in a more reliable place. This is indicated by discrepancies between maps of the area compiled in the 1920s and 1940s, which may be due to the construction of secret tunnels under the city. At the same time, only a third of the tunnels built by the Nazis during World War II are well studied. Journalists even calculated that almost 300 tons of gold could be hidden in each of the mysterious trains.

Unknown tunnels "Giant"

This spring, in the midst of the excitement around the ghosts of golden trains, the governor (post of the governor's type) of Lower Silesia Tomasz Smolyazh decided to involve special military units of sappers, chemical and radiation protection in the search for treasures. By doing this, he drove out the loitering treasure hunters from the search area, organized systematic surveys and decided the issue of the safety of valuables if they were found. The main chain of military research was called the safety of local residents, because the mysterious trains, most likely, were carefully mined.

In some ways, the governor really turned out to be right, and a systematic search for specialists led to some success. A complex of previously unknown tunnels built by Nazi engineers in the rock massif on which Ksenzh Castle is located was opened.

Polish researcher Krzysztof Shpakovsky announced at a press conference about a new military find. According to him, this is part of the famous Nazi underground complex "Giant" in the Owl Mountains of Lower Silesia. It is assumed that the headquarters of the SS Order or one of Hitler's reserve headquarters was built here, but the close end of the war confused the plans of the Nazis.

Amber box from Königsberg craftsmen
Amber box from Königsberg craftsmen

Amber box from Königsberg craftsmen.

From the story of Shpakovsky it follows that the military discovered three objects connected in a chain and together resembling an operational command point. The new tunnels are located in the mountains at a depth of two dozen meters under the rock mass. The historian believes that these structures are part of a multi-level complex of premises with underground railways stretching for many tens of kilometers. It may well be that the disappeared "golden train" is hidden near underground warehouses in the massifs of the Owl Mountains, so they are looking for it in the wrong place.

Traces of the Amber Room?

An unsuccessful project to find a gold train gave rise to all sorts of rumors and speculations. Some crypto historians immediately proposed a new version of the location of the Amber Room, which could occupy one of the carriages of an armored train. However, their Polish colleagues believe that the amber treasure is immured somewhere in a complex of bunkers on the border of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship and the Kaliningrad Region.

The Amber Room was created by German craftsmen in the 18th century. The Prussian king Frederick I presented it to Peter I, who made a priceless exhibit the main pearl of the residence of the Russian emperors in Tsarskoe Selo. During World War II in 1941, the Germans took the room to the Royal Castle of Königsberg (now Kaliningrad).

Shortly before the storming of Koenigsberg, in the spring of 1945, the room disappeared without a trace. In 1967, the state commission for the search for the masterpiece was created, which was abolished in 1984 after an unsuccessful search.

Attempts to find the Amber Room do not stop even now, although experts say that after many years of improper storage, amber should have already collapsed. There are many versions about where it is hidden. There are opinions that the treasures may be in the Kaliningrad region (the former territory of East Prussia), Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and even at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. There are also hypotheses "about the" Giant's "treasure hall" in which, like in Hollywood movies, the Nazis gathered artistic masterpieces from all over the world.

The discovery of a mysterious concrete well in the bunker complex of the town of Mamerki, not far from the town of Węgorzewo, Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship, practically coincided with the fiasco of the seekers of the golden train. Treasure seekers rushed to a new adventure location.

According to the manager of the Mamerka bunker complex Bartolomey Plebanchik, most likely there is something valuable in the mysterious room - the Amber Room or looted works of art. Or maybe the "golden train" itself.

The discovery was made during a scan of underground rooms, when the analysis of the georadar data showed that below there is a walled up cavity measuring three by two meters. Archival searches have yielded no results; this bunker is missing on the plan. Local old-timers recall how, in the 1950s, a man working as a security guard turned to the command of a sapper unit of the Polish Army stationed in neighboring Węgorzewo. He said that in the winter of 1945 he witnessed the entry of German military trucks into the territory of facility No. 3, which were unloaded inside the facility. After this place was walled up … So is it worth continuing to look for gold trains and artistic treasures stolen by the Nazis?
