Long-headed, Or Russian Nefertiti - Alternative View

Long-headed, Or Russian Nefertiti - Alternative View
Long-headed, Or Russian Nefertiti - Alternative View

Video: Long-headed, Or Russian Nefertiti - Alternative View

Video: Long-headed, Or Russian Nefertiti - Alternative View
Video: Controversy Over a Historical Woman 2024, October

An incredible find was made by Chelyabinsk archaeologists near Arkaim. In ancient burials dating back about 4200 years, they found the remains of a man and a woman with unusual elongated skulls. But the most striking thing is that this age corresponds to the time of existence of Arkaim himself and many other settlements of the so-called Country of Cities.


Scientists managed to restore the appearance of an ancient resident of Arkaim, who had European facial features. Some researchers have already named her the Russian Nefertiti for its unusual skull shape and beauty.


But the most striking thing is that this is not the only find of long-headed people made on the territory of our country. Earlier, elongated skulls have already been found in the Crimea, Omsk region, Kabardino-Balkaria. And in the summer of 2017, in Kerch, a sensational find was made of the remains of a one and a half year old baby in an elongated skull.


According to scientists, this tradition was widespread in the period from 4000 to 2000 years ago among the Scythian-Sarmatian tribes. But scientists cannot yet answer one question - why our ancient ancestors performed such a painful operation to deform the head. Whom could they imitate?

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Long-headed skulls are found in the burials of ancient Egyptians in northern Africa, in the graves of the Aztecs, Incas and other Indian tribes of Mesoamerica and South America, in the necropolises of Central Asia and Khorezm, in burials in the territories that today belong to Malta, Iran, Syria, Cyprus, Crete, France, Norway, many other countries.

For what reason such a strange tradition arose almost simultaneously in different countries and on different continents? Researchers believe that the tradition of artificial skull deformation gave their owners the status of a higher position in society. But who did they seek to emulate? And who was the first to adopt this tradition from other peoples?


The most unusual skulls are found in Paracas, however, their age is much less ancient than the skull of the Russian Nefertiti. However, the researchers claim that among artificially deformed skulls, about 10% are natural, i.e. in ancient times, an unknown race could really exist with an elongated skull shape. There is a real hunt for such skulls, there are cases of theft of such skulls from museums.

In not far from Arkaim, during the excavation of the ancient necropolis of Sintashta, another sensational discovery was made that shocked the entire world scientific community. It was in the territory of Strange Cities that the oldest chariot on the planet was discovered. Long before the appearance of Egyptian and Greek war chariots, almost 700 years before their first mention in the annals, the ancient Arkaimians had already used this effective mode of transport in everyday life and in hostilities. Greek and Egyptian chariots exactly copy the find made in Sintashta!


But the most striking thing is that it is this incredible discovery that can give an answer to whom exactly the Eastern peoples could imitate, lengthening their skulls to become like the "white gods" that are mentioned in numerous myths and legends. Approximately 3,500 years ago, many scientists note the decline of the ancient culture of proto-cities in the Urals and Siberia, as well as the possible migration of their inhabitants - ancient Indo-Europeans, to the East. But the most striking thing is that it was during this period that a cultural upsurge and the creation of new religions in Iran, Khorezm, Central Asia, Syria, Cyprus, Egypt were noted, during the same period legends about the alien white gods who carried amazing knowledge, the Rigveda, the Avesta, and also new foundations of public administration. Perhaps some climatic catastrophe or a global epidemic forced the inhabitants of the steppes to leave their proto-cities,moving east, carrying not only culture but technology.


The numbers inexorably prove that the skull of the Russian Nefertiti is the oldest deformed skull. However, the most important question remains, if the Indo-Aryans could spread this tradition throughout the world, as an introduction to the caste of priests initiated into scientific secret, then who did the inhabitants of the Country of Cities imitate?

Author: Nikolay Subbotin