How Ideology And Politics Interfere With Science And Education - Alternative View

How Ideology And Politics Interfere With Science And Education - Alternative View
How Ideology And Politics Interfere With Science And Education - Alternative View

The fact that often politics and ideology actively interferes in scientific affairs, many know not by hearsay. Even during the years of Soviet power, those scientific discoveries that contradicted the teachings of Marxism-Leninism were either hushed up or declared charlatanism. Genetics and cybernetics, which were declared "servants of imperialism", are a typical example. However, with regard to historical science, there are a great many examples of falsification of real events and their interpretation. And such a vicious practice began long before the emergence of communist ideology and in some places continues to this day.

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A. Burovsky, who is the author of about 180 scientific works, draws attention to one of such "forbidden topics" in our history. Here is what he writes about the reasons for hushing up the true history of our ancestors - the ancient Aryans in his book "Aryan Siberia":

But the same applies not only to Soviet science. The world ruling "elite" and its masters just need conscientious executors of other people's ideas, who are not allowed to think for themselves, analyze and draw conclusions, especially those that go beyond the framework of orthodox science. It is for this that the entire system of secondary and higher education is "sharpened". After all, it is always much easier to manage and rule for a stupid and unable to think independently "herd".

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