Fortress "Great Zimbabwe". Zimbabwe - Alternative View

Fortress "Great Zimbabwe". Zimbabwe - Alternative View
Fortress "Great Zimbabwe". Zimbabwe - Alternative View

Video: Fortress "Great Zimbabwe". Zimbabwe - Alternative View

Video: Fortress
Video: Great Zimbabwe & The First Cities of Southern Africa // History Documentary 2024, July

Great Zimbabwe is the name of the South African ruins of an ancient city in the province of Masvingo. In the 16th century, there were many travelers in these parts that tried to find here the famous mines of King Solomon, the legends of which have long spread all over the world. And rumors led some gold diggers to a bizarre old building.


The ruins that hide in a small grove, atypical for the desert savannah, still cause a lot of controversy. In places where houses were built from clay, sticks and leaves, the almost perfect stonework of Great Zimbabwe is amazing. The length of the surrounding wall is 252 meters, the height is more than 10, the thickness is about 5. It is simply unimaginable!


Presumably the stone fortress belongs to the XII century, but the skill of its builders was at the highest level: initially the complex consisted of several million heavy blocks (15 thousand tons of stone), perfectly matched and kept without mortar.

The design of the city itself is very strange: there are no straight lines, it is impossible to find the corner of the building, since all the walls are made in the form of curves. The purpose of the nine-meter cone-shaped tower without windows and doors is also unclear.


There are many versions of who could have owned Great Zimbabwe. But no matter how the researchers argue, they agree on one thing: it was a developed and organized society.

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And while people are trying to unravel the blank spots of history, mysterious stone ruins proudly rise above the surroundings, giving rise to more and more questions …
