The Invasion Of Vampires - Alternative View

The Invasion Of Vampires - Alternative View
The Invasion Of Vampires - Alternative View

Video: The Invasion Of Vampires - Alternative View

Video: The Invasion Of Vampires - Alternative View
Video: 1963 Invasion of the Vampires Spooky Movie Dave 2024, July

The popular television series "The X-Files" is becoming a nightmare reality for many US cities.

The information, in the strictest confidence discussed by the police, the FBI and the CIA, concerns more than 100 unsolved murders in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and other metropolitan areas.

The Sun magazine learned that the security forces were forced to seek help from a leading Hungarian vampirologist, who must not only give an explanation of what is happening, but also prepare advice on the creation of special units, trained and capable …. exterminate vampires. Whether this information is a real or fabricated sensation, we will talk about this later, but for now let's turn to the facts.

All crimes took place at night, and the victims, as a rule, were prostitutes or the homeless. According to the testimony of eyewitnesses, a description of the criminals was compiled: tall, thin men, dressed in black. On the bodies of all victims, where large vessels passed, traces of two punctures made by two thin cone-shaped sharp objects were found. The wounds are located at a small, approximately equal distance; the depth of punctures is also slightly different. But the most important thing in this epidemic of murders is that the bodies of all those killed are largely or completely drained of blood.

Two most reliable versions were put forward: the crime is committed by a serial killer, or it is an explosion of activity of satanic and black magic sects that have proliferated in recent years. However, after careful verification, both of these versions were found to be incorrect.

The FBI attracted a large number of highly qualified specialists, but no other explanation, other than the invasion of vampires, was found. Then Professor Istvan Czerny from Budapest was summoned. After reviewing the facts, he said: “Before, America read about cases of vampirism in Eastern Europe, watched Hollywood films about Prince Dracula and other living dead. Now that after the collapse of the socialist camp the borders have become "transparent", the United States is faced with this problem in reality. In the power structures and in the Church of European countries, there are units for the destruction of vampires, which by all known means are fighting this ancient, but still poorly understood phenomenon.

It is impossible to distinguish a vampire traveling by plane or boat from an ordinary person if he chooses night flights and does not appear on deck during the day.

Obviously, the nests of these monsters have existed for more than one year in the largest cities of the United States. However, until now they have managed, as the saying goes, "to hide the ends in the water."

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Apparently, their number has increased so much that they are unable to hide their victims. Or maybe they don't feel it necessary to hide as carefully as they used to. In Europe, such a fact has always been a sign that the vampire community is large and strong enough not to fear destruction.

Such actions are designed to intimidate people, especially the police, and thereby facilitate the conditions of night hunting and existence. What exactly is happening in the United States, it still needs to be figured out.

However, for the majority of ordinary people and even the employees of the special services, vampires still remain the product of legends, literary and director's fiction that affects the mass consciousness. After all, it is no secret that many people suddenly begin to see simultaneously UFOs, either angels, or Jesus on their TV screens, etc. Scientists believe that such "epidemics" are explained by the fact that we are all connected at a subconscious level and perceive some of the information unconsciously, which also explains the "invasion of vampires."

And yet the secret services are hastily preparing vampire hunters. Perhaps it means something?..

Larisa Muravskaya