Stargate Prototype Discovered On The Island Of Sri Lanka - Alternative View

Stargate Prototype Discovered On The Island Of Sri Lanka - Alternative View
Stargate Prototype Discovered On The Island Of Sri Lanka - Alternative View

Video: Stargate Prototype Discovered On The Island Of Sri Lanka - Alternative View

Video: Stargate Prototype Discovered On The Island Of Sri Lanka - Alternative View
Video: Stargate SG1 prototype -Il Prototipo- Music Video 2024, October

India and the island of Sri Lanka are truly filled with various mysteries that amaze more and more every day.

Enthusiasts have once again stumbled upon a completely amazing creation of ancient history. The famous Indian explorer Praven Mohan decided to visit the Royal Park of the island of Sri Lanka in order to study a small monument, about 6.5 thousand years old.


On the imposing boulder there is a hollowed out regular circle with incomprehensible images. Archaeologists claim that this circle is much older than the very first pyramids of Egypt.


Local residents from generation to generation believe that this is a kind of map or portal through which the ancient gods came to our world from more sublime worlds. This is very reminiscent of the movie Stargate, in which similar events take place. Even the circle itself is somewhat similar to that depicted in the film. Perhaps the filmmakers were inspired by this circle when creating their "Stargate".


Of course, this fact is quite entertaining, but the study of this circle in more detail is of greater interest. The tour guide in the park claims that this circle has a unique energy. For the sake of demonstration, he shows how a metal pendulum rotates near this stone. However, Praven Mohan decided to check his statement and took with him a device for determining energy activity. The arrow of the device went off scale immediately after switching on, which indicates a strong magnetic field near this boulder. But another fact is noteworthy, this magnetic field is unstable, bursts of energy occur with some periodicity. This phenomenon has not yet been explained.

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If you look closely at the circle, you get the impression that this is an electrical circuit of some device. There are certain connections on it, and in the center, as if there is a coil.


Various animals are depicted on the outer ring of the circle.


It is not clear what the ancient builders wanted to show by this. If you follow the logic of the "Stargate", then the combinations of these animals can open a portal to the world of the gods, but how to start this combination?


Many skeptics claim that this circle is some kind of map of the area or even the galaxy, but this does not explain the reason for the bursts of energy near the boulder.

Surprisingly, over the centuries, people have constantly come to this place for long meditations. They believed that being close to the circle, you can make a journey into the world of the gods. Near the boulder there are several depressions in the stone, which were formed as a result of the monks' long-term sitting.


Such ancient finds amaze modern man and make one think that our civilization is not the first, but earlier there could have been civilizations much more highly developed than us.

A recent find in Laos has turned the world of scientists upside down. Earlier, it was assumed that Homo sapiens arrived from Africa to Asia about 50 thousand years ago, but a group of French researchers discovered in a cave in Laos the skull of a girl who was Homo sapiens. Studies of the skull have established that the girl lived in this place more than 80 thousand years ago. For so much time, the epochs of civilizations, from which not a trace remained, could well have changed more than once.

However, there are still in the secluded corners of our planet various evidences that are still not clear to us.

If you are interested, then you can also look for new hypotheses that can shed light on this phenomenon.