How And How The Guilty Women Were Punished In Russia - Alternative View

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How And How The Guilty Women Were Punished In Russia - Alternative View
How And How The Guilty Women Were Punished In Russia - Alternative View

Video: How And How The Guilty Women Were Punished In Russia - Alternative View

Video: How And How The Guilty Women Were Punished In Russia - Alternative View
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If you are a lady, this does not mean immunity at all: a fact as old as the world. At all times, women could not get away from just and not very punishment. How did women suffer in different eras, bearing punishment?

There were differences between female punishment in Russia, in Europe and in Asia. In the Middle Ages, society calmly and loyally treated corporal punishment, and then, and enlightened Europe and Asia beat their women and scolded what the world was worth. And in Russia grandmothers remember such a phenomenon as "Domostroy".


"Domostroy": woman - livestock

Within the framework of this theory, a woman was practically equated with … livestock. This means that it was not customary to beat her, because a mare, a donkey or a cow does not understand human speech, which means that they must be subordinated to physical strength.

The wife could be beaten with a hand or a whip. A woman was considered by nature inclined to sin, because the authors of "Domostroi" reasonably considered it possible to use physical punishment of lovely ladies for minor offenses.

It was unacceptable to use metal objects, the blows of which could cause injury and lead to disability. But who was listening to this?

Promotional video:

In Russian families, women were beaten so desperately that sometimes they had to celebrate a funeral. If the wife raised her hand to her husband, she had to pay 3 hryvnia fines to the treasury by order of Yaroslav.

If a woman committed a grave offense, she was flogged. Today, these traditions are supported by the countries of the East, where male full rights wreak havoc.

In medieval Europe, men also calmly beat their dearest halves, and there was no case that husbands were condemned for this.

Treason ?

The most serious crime of his wife was her betrayal in all countries. At the same time, adultery was generously forgiven to men both in Russia and in Europe. If the wife was caught red-handed, the husband could whip both of them, or somehow punish them bodily - at his discretion.


Bloodthirsty society with zealous delight often invented sophisticated punishments for both the dishonest wife and the "horned" husband. For example, the traitor walked in front and led the spouse astride a donkey, and a herald followed them and savagely informed the world about the family's shame. This ritual was especially widespread in Western Europe.

In Russia, there was no such public "execution", the criminal was fined and sent as punishment to the spinning house. A man could divorce an infidel, and then marry another. The cheating woman was no longer eligible to marry.

In Byzantium, the noses of the traitors were cut off, and the Muslims publicly stoned the infidels to death.

Punishment for serious crimes

If a Russian woman had an abortion or killed a newborn, she was impaled for that. In Europe, for such deeds, the "witch" was burned at the stake.

Russkaya Pravda (X-XI centuries) regulated punishment for especially grave crimes for murder or acts against the sovereign: women were executed, at best, they were mercilessly flogged and exiled to the wilderness.

In Russia, pregnant women, mothers of small children, as well as daughters of the nobility could count on mitigation of the sentence. For the murder of a person equal to or inferior in status, they only had to pay a fine.

Author: Ekaterina Kholodova
