Mysterious Vologda Artifact - Alternative View

Mysterious Vologda Artifact - Alternative View
Mysterious Vologda Artifact - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Vologda Artifact - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Vologda Artifact - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Mysterious Out of Place Artifacts 2024, July

This article will focus on a mysterious artifact that was discovered by an archaeological group in Vologda.

It happened in 2013, and news of the find quickly leaked online. Archaeologists could not explain exactly what this artifact is, and why it was intended.

It was discovered in layers from the 18th century, but archaeologists have questioned its true age. The artifact may be older than the layer in which it was discovered.

Some researchers have suggested that it may be part of a mechanism. In the comments on some sites, people noticed that this artifact looks like an astronomical calendar, or something related to astronomy.

The artifact is made of stone, which one is not specified. It is quite small in size; everywhere it is compared with a matchbox.

As noted by the archaeologists who found it, this artifact is unique and one of a kind. Nothing like him has ever been found.

When the artifact caused information resonance in 2013, he was sent for research, after which he safely disappeared. The results of his research were not reported, and there was no more mention of the artifact itself.

This is how unique finds disappear, which can shed light on more ancient history.

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