The Mummy Of Vavita - The Probable Daughter Of Mary - Alternative View

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The Mummy Of Vavita - The Probable Daughter Of Mary - Alternative View
The Mummy Of Vavita - The Probable Daughter Of Mary - Alternative View

Video: The Mummy Of Vavita - The Probable Daughter Of Mary - Alternative View

Video: The Mummy Of Vavita - The Probable Daughter Of Mary - Alternative View
Video: DIY Egg Rolls with Mom 2024, October

The first part is here.

Professor Konstantin Korotkov visited Peru, where, together with foreign colleagues, he examined a mysterious three-toed mummy discovered there, which scientists named Maria. He brought samples of her tissues to Russia, connected several reputable scientific institutions of St. Petersburg to their analysis.

Analyzes showed: the gender of the mummy is female, about 1800 years old, the tissues seem to be human, but the appearance … In some places this Mary is directly, as they say, not of this world.

Creatures with claws

Mummy and totally impressive. But from her inhuman fingers, she is simply taken aback. Some kind of fantasy. But at one time she pulled them to someone. When she was alive.

- Maria also clicked her toes, - assures Konstantin Korotkov. - They have preserved nail plates, which are not located horizontally, like ours, but vertically, resembling the claws of an animal. When they walked, they probably made sounds.

“No doubt,” I say, “the strangest thing about a mummy is her fingers. Thanks to them, it arouses keen interest. Since the fingers are clearly different from humans in both length and shape, and especially in number, there are three of them on the hands and feet, and not five, as in most mammals. But what if this very distinction was carefully made by someone? That is, he put someone else's fingers on Maria. Or not fingers at all, but some kind of dummies specially made from biological tissues

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- Such an assumption, of course, was born first, - the professor does not hide. “So I took tissue samples from the body of the mummy and from her fingers. In Russia, we conducted a comparative analysis. Both in age and in chemical composition, the fabrics turned out to be identical. Therefore, Maria's fingers are her own.

Eliminates fake and anatomical structure of the limbs. X-rays show that the phalanges of the fingers serve as an extension of the bones that are inside the hands and feet.

Both Vavita (left) and Mary had three fingers. They were clearly the same species
Both Vavita (left) and Mary had three fingers. They were clearly the same species

Both Vavita (left) and Mary had three fingers. They were clearly the same species.

“By the way,” Konstantin Korotkov continues, “it happens that people’s fingers grow together. Out of five, it seems like three. But anatomically, the palms do not change - they remain five-fingered. Maria also has three-fingered palms.

Have you come across mummies like Maria before? - I am interested. - To do the same - with three fingers?

- We came across separately three-fingered hands and feet, - the professor answers, - and recently there was another whole mummy. It was brought by the same black archaeologist. He assures that she was in the same cave with Maria.

Do you know what this cave is? Where's she?

- The exact location is not given - they say, next to the Nazca plateau. They only say that the cave is double. The entrance to the part in which the mummies lay was located in the depths of the first and was covered with a stone slab.

Victims of ritual murders

The new mummy is also female, also humanoid, also sits curled up in a fetal position, but it is much smaller in size than Mary. Scientists have determined that this is a girl who died at the age of approximately 9 to 10 months. She was given the name Vavita.

Vavita was killed. They pierced him through with something sharp - either a spear or a knife.

By the way, there is a mutilation on the body of Mary - even more strange. Her reproductive organs were cut out.

Having learned such nightmarish details from the professor, I set out to him a hypothesis, which quickly came to my mind. Vavita is the daughter of Mary. Both are not exactly people, but some creatures that caused fear in people. Or they look like these creatures - just with those three fingers. So they were killed. Out of fear. And the reproductive organs were removed for ritual purposes. To suppress the appearance of three-toed. The Indians were quite capable of such atrocities. Hearts, for example, were easily cut out.


“So far, any hypothesis has the right to exist,” Konstantin Korotkov is not surprised at my fantasies. - One can even assume that Maria and Vavita are aliens.

What kind of aliens? - I object. - You said that mummies have human DNA

- So what? - the professor retorts. - We do not know what genetic characteristics the aliens have. Some of my colleagues are of the opinion that life in the Universe must develop according to the same laws. Therefore, aliens, if they ever find themselves, should be like us. This means that their DNA can be similar to that of a human.

According to Konstantin Korotkov, it will be possible to make more or less reasonable assumptions about who we are dealing with after experts decipher the genomes of mummies - they determine the exact nucleotide sequences in fragments of their DNA molecules. This so-called sequencing is a laborious and time-consuming process. He is now occupied by the Department of Genomic Analysis of St. Petersburg State University. Next, mathematicians will be involved who will compare the obtained sequences with those that are available in genetic data banks. Now scientists know three types of people that differ genetically: we are homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans. It is hoped that sequencing will make it possible to understand which of them is closer to Maria and Vavita. Or they will be different.

The end follows.

And in the final part, we will talk about the mummies of three-toed creatures, but much more supernatural in appearance than Mary and Vavita. They were also taken from a Peruvian cave. That's really who the aliens are. They are very similar to those with whom the heroes of the movie "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" met. Only small ones - about 70 centimeters tall. Humanoids, preliminary analysis showed.

Read the continuation here.