"Cosmodrome" Of Kyshtymsky Aliens - Alternative View

"Cosmodrome" Of Kyshtymsky Aliens - Alternative View
"Cosmodrome" Of Kyshtymsky Aliens - Alternative View

Video: "Cosmodrome" Of Kyshtymsky Aliens - Alternative View

Video: COSMODROME - "STARCHILD" 2024, October

Disputes about the origin of the “Kyshtym newcomer” named Alyoshenka still continue. On the Internet you can find a lot of various materials on this issue, so if you suddenly forgot the main convoy of this story, you can easily refresh your memory of the events of twenty-two years ago. There are a lot of questions to the version about the alien origin of this creature, and we will definitely consider all the "FOR" and "AGAINST" in one of the following materials devoted to this undoubtedly interesting topic.


In this article, I would like to tell you about one of the least known aspects of this "space story" - it will focus on the search by a group of enthusiasts for a spacecraft, on which, in their opinion, Aleshenka arrived on our planet. It is worth noting that this topic has never been the object of close attention of the media, for the only reason that all the materials were kept for a long time in the archives of researchers from "Kosmopoisk" under the stamp "DSP". The head of the research organization V. A. Chernobrov. Judging by the materials from the "special folder", he managed to find the landing site of the spacecraft. The team of Mysterious Urals correspondents went to the place where, perhaps, a real alien ship buried under a layer of kaolin clay is still located.

The author's drawing by V. A. Chernobrov
The author's drawing by V. A. Chernobrov

The author's drawing by V. A. Chernobrov.

The only one who conducted a comprehensive investigation of the events associated with the "Kyshtym alien" was the head of the ONIOO "Kosmopoisk" V. A. Chernobrov. Vadim Alexandrovich dealt with this issue almost from the very beginning of making it public and in fact until the date of his own death. The Kyshtym question remained one of the highest priority areas in the activities of the research organization, so that prospecting work did not stop for two decades. Several times in the vicinity of the village of Kaolinovy (a suburb of Kyshtym, where the "humanoid" Aleshenka was discovered - approx.), Regional meetings of the research organization took place. And on the shore of Lake Anbash, near Kaolinovoye, by the forces of the participants of "Cosmopoisk", the only monument to an alien in Russia was erected, of course, we are talking about Alyoshenka.

V. A. Chernobrov against the background of the monument to the Kyshtym stranger
V. A. Chernobrov against the background of the monument to the Kyshtym stranger

V. A. Chernobrov against the background of the monument to the Kyshtym stranger.

For many years, part of the information collected by "Kosmopoisk" on the Kyshtym dogs had a conditional status - "For official use" and was not published in the media. The reason for this was the object of the search - a spaceship, on which, according to the researchers, the alien Aleshenka arrived. Participants of "Cosmopoisk" are sure that the apparatus of extraterrestrial origin landed in the vicinity of the village and, moreover, crashed. Among the residents of Kaolinovoye there were eyewitnesses who shared with ufologists their own observations of strange events that took place in 1996. It turns out that, according to "Kosmopoisk", there were several creatures like Alyoshenka, as eyewitnesses say about this, describing their own meetings with strange "little men", outwardly similar to the "Kyshtym dwarf".

The drawing was made by V. A. Chernobrov from the words of a police officer who observed in the forest near the village. Kaolin is a group of strange creatures. Author: V. A. Chernobrov Cosmopoisk
The drawing was made by V. A. Chernobrov from the words of a police officer who observed in the forest near the village. Kaolin is a group of strange creatures. Author: V. A. Chernobrov Cosmopoisk

The drawing was made by V. A. Chernobrov from the words of a police officer who observed in the forest near the village. Kaolin is a group of strange creatures. Author: V. A. Chernobrov Cosmopoisk.

Promotional video:

In addition to eyewitnesses who told about encounters with aliens, there were also witnesses of the landing on the outskirts of the village, in the nearby forest, of a glowing UFO. Having processed all the information received, the representatives of "Kosmopoisk" easily managed to localize the site of the object's landing, since according to the indicated azimuth, the kaolin quarry closest to the village was the only suitable site.

The same kaolin quarry is the UFO landing site
The same kaolin quarry is the UFO landing site

The same kaolin quarry is the UFO landing site.

A common way among forest scientists is to assess retrospective events by examining tree rings. Using this method, it is possible to assess the conditions in which the tree grew and thereby find out the year in which there were any events associated with a sharp change in the climate or the growing conditions of the tree: a deforming mark will remain on the annually formed rings. Once at the intended landing site of the spacecraft, Chernobrov resorted to a similar method of assessing retrospective events reflected in environmental changes. By the location of the tree ring, dated 1996, the researcher determined that it was this year that a powerful thermal effect was exerted on the tree. The main version was the hypothesis thatthat the source of the increased temperature was not a fire, but an alien ship that landed on the surface of the kaolin quarry, according to eyewitnesses.

The geographical position of the object found by V. A. Chernobrov
The geographical position of the object found by V. A. Chernobrov

The geographical position of the object found by V. A. Chernobrov.

The head of the "Cosmopoisk" assumed that the ship landed on the surface of a kaolin quarry and, under the weight of its own weight, simply drowned in the clay. As for the strange creatures noticed near the village, and in particular Alyoshenka himself, all of them are the crew of the spacecraft, who urgently left the object in distress.

Site layout and depth. Author: V. A. Chernobrov Cosmopoisk
Site layout and depth. Author: V. A. Chernobrov Cosmopoisk

Site layout and depth. Author: V. A. Chernobrov Cosmopoisk.

Vadim Alexandrovich personally conducted an echolocation study of a kaolin quarry and came to sensational conclusions - at a depth of several meters there is a disc-shaped object, presumably consisting of metal! The find was made in 2002, however, unfortunately, Vadim Aleksandrovich did not have time to implement the idea of carrying out excavations at the place where the mysterious object was discovered - the researcher died in May last year. From the technical point of view, such an operation required significant financial and resource support, unfortunately, the public organization did not have such a potential.

V. A. Chernobrov conducts echolocation surveys at the site of the alleged UFO landing. Archive of Cosmopoisk
V. A. Chernobrov conducts echolocation surveys at the site of the alleged UFO landing. Archive of Cosmopoisk

V. A. Chernobrov conducts echolocation surveys at the site of the alleged UFO landing. Archive of Cosmopoisk.

With all due respect to the personality of Vadim Alexandrovich, initially this story raised a lot of questions, the main one of which was the method by which the echolocation of the kaolin quarry was carried out. Let me remind you that the work was carried out in 2002, using a fairly simple, apparently, an echo sounder. How a device operating on the principle of a radar could detect an object in the thickness of kaolin masses, at a depth of several meters and outline an approximate outline of the object is a mystery.


The fact is that the principle of operation of the echo sounder does not allow such an operation, this device is focused on receiving radio waves reflected from underwater objects, including from the bottom surface. It is also doubtful that the use of this type of device made it possible to obtain a visual outline of a disc-shaped object. If you have ever seen the display of the echo sounder signal on the display of the device, then you know what I mean: any underwater objects are displayed in a rather arbitrary form, as a rule, schematically displaying objects.


As for the hypothesis of a sunken spacecraft, it does not stand up to criticism, firstly, kaolin does not have the properties of quicksand; secondly, everyone knows that when clay comes into contact with a source of elevated temperature, ceramics are formed, and if the object emitted such a high temperature that this change was reflected in the annular structure of annual rings, then the quarry should have turned into a ceramic bowl.


This quarry belongs to the production company "Ksanta", engaged in the extraction and processing of kaolin. So any survey work at this facility must be coordinated with the owner of the production site. The team of the "Mysterious Urals" went to the site of the alleged sinking of the alien ship, where they conducted a visual inspection, wandered around the neighborhood with a metal detector, but found nothing strange and alien. By the way, due to the exploration work, the appearance of the quarry has changed quite dramatically, and where there was water in 2000 - now sand and dried clay. In general, the quarry is changing dynamically, and provided that it is possible to find contact with the administration of this object, it would be possible to try to excavate the indicated place with the help of an excavator involved in quarrying. Although, I must admitthat the chances of finding a sunken spacecraft, if not zero, then somewhere very close to that. It is possible to unambiguously dot all the i's in this story only by getting to the bottom of the truth, and, moreover, in the literal sense.

