Alien Bodies - Sensation Or Fake? - Alternative View

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Alien Bodies - Sensation Or Fake? - Alternative View
Alien Bodies - Sensation Or Fake? - Alternative View

Video: Alien Bodies - Sensation Or Fake? - Alternative View

Video: Alien Bodies - Sensation Or Fake? - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, October

Periodically, there are reports in the press: in one place or another, the corpse of an alien or some part of it (or even a living alien) was found. However, despite the excitement around the finds, there is not a single official document confirming this information. Are the relevant organizations trying to hide it? Or is it all just ducks that are launched with an incomprehensible purpose?

Well forgotten old?

Recently, American scientist Stephen Greer, head of Project Discovery, a scientific group that has been collecting documentary materials on the UFO problem since 1993, made a sensational statement: he and his team were able to examine the corpse of a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization.

On his blog, Greer says: “We took full body X-rays and CT scans. In addition, we received DNA samples that are currently being studied by the world's leading geneticists. Research has shown that we are dealing with a humanoid organism, there is no doubt about that."

Dr. Greer also announced that he is currently working on a screenplay for the film Sirius, which will provide a full account of this research and provide many other evidence of the presence of aliens on Earth.

Back in 1991, the director of the Geneva Institute for Planetary Synthesis, R. Schneider, publicly released the report of his colleague Milton Cooper "The Secret Government", which said that from 1947 to 1952 about a dozen alien ships landed on American soil alone. Some crashed, others made an emergency landing. As a result, the Americans ended up with 65 corpses and … one living alien!

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Humanoids instead of secret weapons?

The most famous story involving the military and aliens happened 65 years ago. We are talking, of course, about the famous incident near Roswell in the US state of New Mexico, where an alien ship crashed. How did the events unfold?

On July 8, 1947, an Air Force report appeared in the local press about a crashed flying disc discovered by a rancher near Roswell. The text stated that the farmer, who did not have a telephone, kept some of the wreckage in his yard for several days, and then handed it to the Chavez County Sheriff, who, in turn, contacted the command of the nearby Air Force base. After the military examined the find, it was transported to the headquarters of the higher command. Just hours later, the commander of the 8th Air Force, Brigadier General Roger Ramy, spoke on the radio. He said that an incomprehensible contraption is currently in his office and is nothing more than fragments of a probe ball with an aluminum foil screen. According to the general, the object had a completely terrestrial origin. Soon, the military called a press conference, at which they officially announced: this is just a probe.

Meanwhile, rumors were spreading around Roswell. For example, a local undertaker said that he was summoned to the Air Force base to take measurements of "children's bodies". The nurse, with whom he talked, told the man that the coffins are intended for the short humanoids who died in the crash of the plate …

Recently, information has appeared in the foreign press that on the night of August 12-13, 1947, six local Apache Indians, who settled for the night in a desert area in southern New Mexico, observed the wreck of another alien apparatus. Inside the ship there was "a small man in a white spacesuit, with a large head and huge eyes, who was lying on the floor, at times shuddering and writhing." In the morning, the humanoid was taken on a stretcher to the village and began to be treated with local remedies. Soon, the Star Brother (as the Indians called him) began to recover and after a while was able to make contact with his saviors. He communicated with them using the violet crystals that were with him, which gave an image as on a screen.

The humanoid said that aliens visited the Earth even in the days when there was no life on it. When it was born on our planet, the aliens constantly corrected the process of evolution. Sometimes this correction led to positive changes, sometimes not.

All this is described in detail by the grandson of one of the Indians who allegedly saved the alien, in his book “Terra. Unknown history of the Earth”. He claims that all the stated facts were told to him in 1976 by his grandfather, who in turn learned everything from a rescued alien.

However, most researchers are skeptical about the information about the Roswell disaster and the events that followed. Dan Brown writes in The Point of Deception: “The Roswell incident was nothing more than the crash during a test flight of a spy apparatus designed to monitor Soviet nuclear tests. The secret project was called Motal. The device then went off course and fell in the desert of New Mexico. Unfortunately, the civilians found him earlier than the military. " According to Dan Brown, the "alien" version suited the secret services more than the disclosure of classified information about military equipment.

"Fake" aliens

It is not uncommon for people to mistake something completely different for aliens or parts of their bodies. Scientists are convinced that various organic "miracles" are the result of a bizarre game of nature or a victim of an unfavorable ecology that has turned ordinary animals into mutants.

So, on September 12, 2009, four boys, playing on the shore of a lake in the small Panamanian town of Cerro Azul, were almost attacked by a strange creature that crawled out of the reservoir in front of them. The "alien" was about five feet tall (over 1.5 meters). Schoolchildren say that the monster suddenly surfaced from an underwater cave and began to climb the rocks, approaching them. In a panic, the boys threw stones at the monster, then pushed him into the water and ran away.

The next day, their parents found the corpse of an unknown creature, which washed ashore. The locals claimed that the monster was very similar to Gollum from Tolkien's novel The Lord of the Rings. However, it is unlikely that a fantasy character would suddenly come to life …

However, back in 2008, a scientific expedition, which included researchers from Australia and New Zealand, discovered about a hundred previously unknown animal species at the bottom of the Tasman Sea. Among them - a sea spider, a fish with tongues hidden in its teeth, a creature with an elongated head, capable of capturing electrical impulses emitted by potential prey.

And here is a very recent story. October 10, 2012 on the beach in the American city of Fort Lauderdale, Florida (see "Secrets of the XX century" No. 46, 2012), a certain Gino Covacci found a ball-sized object resembling a giant eyeball. Its research was undertaken by specialists from the Florida Institute for the Study and Conservation of Nature, trying to find out who exactly could belong to the massive visual organ.

The eye photo was posted on the Web, and users began to wonder who had lost their organ of vision. There was an option with an alien. However, scientists are still inclined towards a more prosaic explanation: the eye belonged to a giant sword-fish and was cut out by some prankster-fisherman - apparently to mystify the public, greedy for sensations …

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №51. Author: Ida Shakhovskaya