Dragons - Alternative View

Dragons - Alternative View
Dragons - Alternative View

The dragon is a mythological creature with a reptilian torso, clawed paws and webbed wings. According to most legends, it can spew flame. As a rule, endowed with reason and speech. Lives in caves, where he brings gold and other valuable things and protects them. According to some sources, the creature is bloodthirsty enough, it can kill and eat a person.

There are myths about dragons in almost all cultures, but in the East and in the West there are obvious differences in the image of this creature.

In the East, especially in China, Japan, Tibet and Korea, the belief in the existence of dragons is still alive today.

The first Chinese legends that mention these mysterious creatures appeared 7,000 years ago. Dragons were worshiped in the East, they were considered beings endowed with a higher intelligence. The lineage of all of China's prominent rulers dates back to the union of the dragon and mortal woman. The female dragon Nui-wa is also considered the progenitor of all people.

Eastern dragons symbolize nobility, valor, wisdom. It is believed that they possess secret knowledge and magic. In addition to good dragons, there are evil ones who send disease and misfortune to people. This happens if people offend the dragon in some way. In other cases, these creatures act as protectors of people.

For a long time, the dragon was the emperor's symbol. The appearance of the Chinese dragon is distinguished by the presence of a horn, four legs, scales and sharp teeth on the ridge. His body is long, like a snake, wings are either small or completely absent. But at the same time, the dragon flies and swims perfectly. The dragon's strength lies in the pearl, which he carefully guards.

Western dragons, unlike eastern ones, are always vicious, bloodthirsty creatures. Their main occupation is to guard the collected treasures. To take possession of the dragon's riches, you have to kill him, which is not easy at all, since this creature is not only cruel and dangerous, but also has magic. Dragons in Western legends often act as servants of Satan, who himself often takes the guise of this creature. Killing a dragon was considered a necessary feat for every real knight, so in the Middle Ages all dragons were exterminated.

In the books of Greek authors, descriptions of dragons are often found, by which the Greeks understood all large reptiles. Typically, it is a large snake with wings and legs that can spew flame. The Greeks even had a whole book of recipes for medicines, for the preparation of which it was necessary to take any of the dragon's organs.

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Dragons in the Middle Ages are mentioned in scientific treatises, which indicates that they really believed in their existence.

The main difference between Western dragons is the color of their skins.

The rarest species of dragons are black dragons. They live in caves deep underground and do not like to show themselves to people. If a person accidentally breaks the peace of the black dragon, he will be deprived of his life. Dragons live by hunting, which they go to at night. Instead of flames, black dragons spew sulfuric acid.

In addition to black, there are blue, sapphire, mercury, bronze, copper, fire and many other varieties of dragons. Their common feature is an increase in size as they grow older. Since dragons live for more than a thousand years, gradually their wings become unable to lift their body weight. But instead of the lost lightness and maneuverability, dragons acquire wisdom and the ability to magic.