Who Is Blowing Up America. The US Is Looking For A Source Of Suspicious Nighttime Explosions - Alternative View

Who Is Blowing Up America. The US Is Looking For A Source Of Suspicious Nighttime Explosions - Alternative View
Who Is Blowing Up America. The US Is Looking For A Source Of Suspicious Nighttime Explosions - Alternative View

Video: Who Is Blowing Up America. The US Is Looking For A Source Of Suspicious Nighttime Explosions - Alternative View

Video: Who Is Blowing Up America. The US Is Looking For A Source Of Suspicious Nighttime Explosions - Alternative View
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For two months the residents of Pennsylvania have been frightened by deafening mysterious explosions at night. The police are making a helpless gesture - they have not yet been able to find the source of the cotton.

For two months now, residents of parts of the American state of Pennsylvania have been faced with an inexplicable and ominous mystery - loud explosions of an unknown nature, which everyone hears, but no one knows their cause.

One of these explosions occurred on Mother's Day, May 13. It thundered at 3.35 am, a blast wave swept along the forest near the town of Upper Black Eddy in Bucks County. According to local residents, the explosion was so strong that nature literally fell silent - frogs stopped croaking and crickets chirping. As Nick Zangli recalls, at this moment he loaded his gun to protect himself in case of danger. As residents say, during the explosion, the ground underfoot is shaking, glass is shaking and plaster is falling.

Zangli still talks about the ominous silence that followed a "very powerful explosion" in this sparsely populated part of Pennsylvania. The next day, someone discovered a crater up to two meters in diameter and 30 centimeters deep close to a country road, densely surrounded by trees.

However, neither the scientists nor the police have yet a clear explanation of the mysterious incidents. “We sometimes shoot a gun and set off fireworks for fun, but what we heard was something outrageous,” Zangler told reporters at his doorstep.

According to experts, since April 2, at least 20 similar explosions of unknown nature have been recorded in Bucks and Lehigh counties.

and local military and government officials, including representatives of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, are at a loss as to the nature of the strange phenomenon.

Police statements are also stingy with details. Police spokesman Mark Allen said the police have no intention of revealing to potential suspects how many people are searching for the source of the explosions.

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There is also something that unites the observed claps. All of them take place between one and 4.30 in the morning, according to the police, there were no victims during this time. The explosions are deliberate and not caused by geological, construction or other reasons, Allen told the Washington Post.

Charlene Hennessy, a spokeswoman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said her colleagues are involved in the investigation along with the FBI. At the same time, she previously stated that the reason could be the detonation of large volumes of explosive tannerite, which is sold legally and whose circulation is not regulated by the authorities. There are many videos on YouTube that undermine this substance. "I wouldn't be surprised if this is the cause of the explosions," Hennessy said.

In the meantime, there are no assumptions from officials, local residents continue to put forward their own versions - from falling satellites and UFOs to illegal drilling.

According to Sue Crompton, the April 30 blast shook the earth and windows in the trailer she lives with her mother. “He almost threw me out of bed,” the woman said. “I immediately thought about meteorites or people making bombs. We heard a loud, loud sound and felt a powerful blast wave. The whole room shook, the whole trailer and the windows. Local TV channels continue to tour witnesses and maintain interest in this topic.

“Fortunately, no one has been hurt so far. However, we are trying to prevent the possibility of accidental damage from these explosions, - told the police to Fox News. "These incidents disrupt our emergency services, distract from routine work, drain local resources, and distract employees from responding to other calls."

The police do not give information about possible suspects, but advise citizens to be attentive to those around them. “Regardless of how insignificant your guess may be, we strongly recommend that you tell about your information,” the police said.