Why: Jewish Messiah-Antichrist - Alternative View

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Why: Jewish Messiah-Antichrist - Alternative View
Why: Jewish Messiah-Antichrist - Alternative View

Video: Why: Jewish Messiah-Antichrist - Alternative View

Video: Why: Jewish Messiah-Antichrist - Alternative View
Video: The Messiah Before Jesus? | National Geographic 2024, July

Part one: Jewish prophecy

It will be about the Jews, or rather about the Jews.

The Jews have a prophecy, many interpretations of which, in one way or another, say that the construction of the Third Temple in the same place will lead to the coming of the Messiah and the salvation of the Jewish people. As you know, in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount, the Jerusalem Temple was built, which was destroyed. Then the Second Temple was built, which was also destroyed.


In fact, many Jews, including high-ranking ones, believe that the Third Temple should be built as soon as possible, and not sit idly by. There are various social movements, one of which is led by a former Mossad employee, Gershon Salomon.

AA, in fact, what prevents the Jews from building the Third Temple?

At the moment, on the Temple Mount, in the very place where the previous Temples stood, there is the Dome of the Rock - one of the main shrines of Islam. This is not an object that you can just move or buy: it cannot be taken and demolished.

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Now let's digress for a second and think about Islamic terrorism.

Part Two: Islamic Terrorism

The roots of Islamic terrorism date back to sometime during WWI, but the main activity began after the creation of the modern state of Israel. The fight against Islamic terrorism is carried out in a rather strange way: the United States invades various countries of the Middle East, where a relatively secular government operates, overthrows this government, after which the power of the Islamists who have gone is SUDDENLY established there. And in Europe, despite the protests, they welcome illegal migrants and refugees who commit obscenities.

Based on all of the above, you can try to imagine a conspiracy:

  1. There is a certain society VERY concerned about the construction of the Third Temple. He was hinted at by the detained terrorists of the Jewish underground (המחתרת היהודית), who organized sabotage in the territory of Palestinian Jerusalem.
  2. With the emergence of the State of Israel, they have the opportunity, in fact, to build the Third Temple in the right place, but at the moment there is a Dome of the Rock and interferes.
  3. It is impossible to remove the Dome of the Rock in a legal way, so the society has an idea to destroy Islam as a phenomenon.
  4. A long and persistent operation to discredit Islam begins: the society creates allegedly "Islamist" groups that begin to sow death in the Western world. They have a well-developed methodology - Jewish terrorism in the 20th century was quite widespread, all the methods and techniques of Islamists take their roots from there.
  5. The governments of the United States and Europe, which have long housed representatives of the public, secretly collaborate with "Islamists" and promote their spread.
  6. At the same time, a deliberately stupid and clumsy propaganda of "multiculturalism" is being conducted: the authorities deliberately hit the national identity of Western people. Against the background of the fear caused by terrorist acts, this leads to the emergence and development of Islamophobia in Western society. The idea is taking root that Islam is a religion of evil and should be banned.
  7. After another major terrorist attack, the opinion of world leaders is SUDDENLY changing: they start talking about the danger of Islam, which gets public support.
  8. In the end, at the UN meeting, a provision was adopted that Islam contradicts universal human values and must be eradicated.
  9. Islam is banned all over the world, places of worship are turned into museums or destroyed, the Dome of the Rock is destroyed, the Third Temple is being built in its place, and the Jewish community finally reaches its goal.

Also, it is worth noting that some Orthodox Christians have an opinion that the construction of the Third Temple will mark the coming of the Antichrist. Certain conclusions can also be drawn from this.