The Civilization Of Giants, Gigantic Inhabitants Of The Earth - Alternative View

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The Civilization Of Giants, Gigantic Inhabitants Of The Earth - Alternative View
The Civilization Of Giants, Gigantic Inhabitants Of The Earth - Alternative View

Video: The Civilization Of Giants, Gigantic Inhabitants Of The Earth - Alternative View

Video: The Civilization Of Giants, Gigantic Inhabitants Of The Earth - Alternative View
Video: When Were There Giants? 2024, July

I am sure that each of us has at least once heard about the civilization of giants. History in the face of old legends describes them as intelligent beings of enormous growth who walked the Earth at a time when the planet had a greater amount of oxygen in the atmosphere.

Some call the giants Cyclops, adding to the description a strange feature of their vision - Cyclops were one-eyed creatures. Nevertheless, there is a difference here - many huge skulls were discovered, but with one eye socket, among them were not found.

However, before we move on to the topic of giants in more detail, which is of course very interesting in itself, let's first make a reservation: we do not have an informational eyewitness from that time, so we will rely here and in the future on versions and findings.

Analyzing mythological stories about giants, it becomes alarming in the soul, because every time a large and heavy giant walks on the ground, a local earthquake occurs. Perhaps we are studying only tales from the ancients, but some people are sure that the legends about the civilization of giants are not fictional tales, they contain more truth than we think.

Researchers, stating the idea of 5-7 meter high mansions of the Earth in the past, point to numerous giant skeletons found on all continents of the planet. Note, over the years, the mystery of the existence of giants remains one of the most discussed topics, and represents a continuous battle between mythology and reality.

Lovers of secrets claim that an extremely important secret of history is hidden in the case of the giants. Because when the question comes about the race of giants and evidence of their existence in the past, everything immediately becomes inaccessible for study by the open communities of scientists. Is there really something incredible in this that requires hiding the truth from people?

In 1940, on excavations in Romania, while searching for objects of antiquity in the ruins of the largest citadel of the great leader Burebist, (the king of Dacia 82 - 44 BC, was killed during the rebellion), a historical discovery took place. One of the workers unearthed a huge skull, nearly three times the size of modern humans. And then the action began in the tradition of the "conspiracy theory" - "important" archaeologists arrived, examined the find, and … all were removed from the excavation site.


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According to history, skeletons of giants and some things of their life were found here. All incredible finds were loaded into the trucks of the military (who set up a cordon around the town during the work), and the further fate of the amazing artifacts is unknown. According to reports, about 80 skeletons have been found, most of which are reasonably well preserved for research.

Romanian artifacts, however, are only one of the cases of the mysterious race of giants, as numerous other excavations have taken place, with similar results of unthinkable finds.

In the past years, residents of Skayana (a village in the Donduyushani region of Moldova), engaged in laying out apple orchards, came across an ancient cemetery with huge bones. Like the finds from Count Dracula's homeland, the skulls were three times the size of the head of an ordinary homo sapiens. Along with the skeletons, fragments of ceramics, jewelry and metal statues were recovered.

According to local researchers, immediately after the discovery of the find, a team of archaeologists arrived at the site. A group of specialists completed excavations and … mysteriously disappeared with artifacts. There were no public statements about the significance of what was found, and everything related to the discovery quickly became another story on the Internet forums.

Could it be that this is just mythology? Apparently not, since we see an abundance of stories about the giants of this country. According to local legends, huge people lived in the mountains and forests of this area. They say that there are huge thrones, carved in mountainous areas and inaccessible to ordinary people. And yet, old legends mention a pair of huge vaults lying under the mountains and keeping the treasures of the giants.

Yes, you yourself probably remember many different stories telling about the life of giants. Similar fragments from the past are kept in all religious books, including the Bible: "There were giants on earth in those days" … "after the sons of God began to enter the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them" - the entire ancient chronicle is saturated with legends about giants …

The giants are believed to have been the offspring of the "sons of God" and "daughters of men", this was before the history of the universal flood. This name is also used to refer to the giants who inhabited Canaan during the Israelite conquest of Canaan. “And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, who come from the giants; and we were in their eyes like locusts … - here is the possible ratio of the growth of giants to man.

China is a rather closed country, where visiting the "White Pyramid" is taboo for outside scientists, but even Chinese archaeologists have reported the discovery of huge fragments of skeletons, bones, jaws and teeth. The growth of the giants there reached 4 meters, and the weight was close to four hundred kilograms.

And here it is necessary to recall important artifacts from Basarst (Australia), when stone household items, knives, chisels, axes and clubs were found in the river sediments. All the tools were of a serious weight, 4 - 9 kilograms, it is doubtful that a person of modern sizes could successfully use a knife or chisel with such a weight.

Meanwhile, in 1985, an expedition of Australian anthropologists was sent to the excavation site, who, at a depth of up to three meters, extract a molar from the ground. The study showed that the fossilized tooth 67 by 42 mm was in the jaw of a creature with a growth of at least 7 meters, while the age of the find, determined using hydrocarbon analysis, dates back to 9 million years!


Are these findings and evidence from ancient books proof of the existence of a civilization of giants on Earth in the distant past? This is a significant question for historical canons, after all, mentions of giants can be found in all religious scriptures. By the way, 200 years ago, a French scientist, considering the growth of humans and mega-anthropes, even constructed a pattern.

At the very beginning of the 18th century, the curious French academician Henrion, having studied the ancient measures and descriptions of giants in the Bible, deduced a kind of mathematical model, thereby making an attempt to visualize the evolution of the growth of earthlings. And I must say, he got extremely interesting research results in this area.

Degeneration of growth was clearly visible already in the time of Noah, who grew only to 33 meters. Over time, the growth regression became even more visible: Abraham grew only up to 9 meters, Moses was not at all 4 meters tall. The conclusions of the academic scientist are paradoxical - humanity would have to degenerate to the size of mice, if the important thing had not happened - the coming of the Messiah, who stopped the degeneration of our culture.

And here's what is curious: Why is the leading science silent about the interesting question, who needs to keep this matter a secret? What kind of mystery is hidden behind the life of the civilization of giants, because in the end, this must be answered.

The incredible hypothesis about the appearance of giants

There is one wonderful version that knows the truth about the giants, although it is crazy. According to this assumption, in which such things as aliens, Earth, and giant predatory lizards are closely intertwined, giants came from space.

Once, alien explorers-scouts of an ancient race, came to an unknown system, where a third planet was revolving around a yellow star, suitable for a biological form of life. However, there was no intelligent culture here, but there were huge lizards - dinosaurs, as we know them.

The planet was a marvelous find not to be missed. And now, after some time, a landing party comes to the third planet.

The newcomers not only cleansed the Earth of predators that hinder the development of life, but were also remembered by history as "sons of God" - messengers from heaven and giants. I agree, this is more than a strange assumption, but how well the hypothesis clarifies the delicate moments of history.