Cross Inside A Tree - Alternative View

Cross Inside A Tree - Alternative View
Cross Inside A Tree - Alternative View

Video: Cross Inside A Tree - Alternative View

Video: Cross Inside A Tree - Alternative View
Video: Tree from church yard has cross inside 2024, July

Reader Alexander Ivanovich told the site "Ukraine Abnormal" this story. In 2005, the forester prepared firewood, and when splitting the house, he found an Orthodox cross on both halves, in a mirror form.

Currently, this piece of wood with the image of the Cross is located in the village of Kostylivka, in the Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church (Transcarpathian region, Ukraine).


Earlier, "Ukraine Abnormal" has already written about this phenomenon. A fairly widespread (mainly in Western Ukraine) phenomenon that can be described as "the wonderful face of a cross in a tree trunk" periodically makes itself felt on the territory of Ukraine.

2002 year. Transcarpathia. In the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Brestov, Mukachevo district, Transcarpathian region, there is a tree, in the longitudinal section of which an image of a cross appeared.

“In April 2002, four loggers carried out planned felling on the outskirts of Brestov,” says the village head Vasil Gankovich. - In one of the century-old beeches the saw suddenly stopped. The guys ran after another. When they started working, this one also jammed. Then the foresters brought the third. Only after that was the tree cut.


Three days later, the foresters cut down the trees. We cut them into meter-long decks. Then they chopped them for wood.

Promotional video:

- All parts were split, but one could not. Then they put the tree upright and began to drive a wedge into it. To score - they scored, but could not take out. We suffered for over an hour. Desperate, they threw it.

The tree fell to the ground and split in half. An image of a cross was visible inside.

- People thought it was a miracle God. The decks were taken to the village. The cross in the drawing is of the correct shape, - says Father Svyatoslav Sofilkanich, rector of the Brestov church. - It is the same size as most church crosses - 30 by 15 centimeters. Sharp edged, as if baked. This surprised me. The image was light pink at first, then faded. I wanted to ask a familiar joiner to trim the deck a little. But the tree didn't give in. The tool broke twice. I decided that God didn't want anything to be tweaked.


A photograph from the same Transcarpathia - this time an Orthodox cross (its exact copy). Unfortunately, the administration of the site "Ukraine Anomalnaya" could not get the details from open sources. There is hope that the author of the picture will be found and tell about this amazing story.

October 30, 2010 in s. Berezovo, Khust district (in the same Transcarpathian region), a silhouette of a cross was found in a tree. A local resident of Tegza Ivan, a physical education teacher, a parishioner of St. Nicholas Church, preparing for the winter, began to chop the firewood brought from the forest. One of them split and saw the silhouette of a cross. By God's Providence, the cross was not cut with a saw, although it was not at all visible from above.

The rector of the Temple, Archpriest Dimitri Shutko, having examined the image, brought it to the Khust Diocesan Administration for examination. The reflection of the cross is on both halves of the split tree and is deep enough.


Archbishop Mark of Khust and Vinogradov blessed the image of the cross to be consecrated and placed in the village church.

It is noteworthy that similar images of a cross in a tree were found in several places in the diocese. Currently, such crosses are kept in the village. Iza-Karputlash (St. Nicholas Monastery), s. Grushevo (St. Archangel-Mikhailovsky Monastery), with. Lipcha (Holy Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery), with. Coal (Church of the Nativity of the Virgin). In all known cases, the saw did not touch the image.

The cross in the tree made itself felt in Chinadiev (a small village in the Transcarpathian region) in 2002. Discovered by local foresters, the relic is kept in a local temple.

The chairman of the church community Vasily Sofilkanich and priest Vasily Babinets demonstrate the find. It looks like a piece of an ordinary chopped beech log, eighty centimeters long, placed in a special wooden frame. The image of a cross is clearly visible on the light sand wood. It's hard to believe that a human hand didn't touch it, the proportions are so perfect! It was as if someone had carefully gouged a hole in the log and poured a greyish brown mixture into it, which had solidified.

- In my opinion, - says the priest Father Vasily, - this is either a natural phenomenon or a warning for us. If we could understand what this tree wanted to say, the world would surely become a better place, but we didn’t learn … Officially, the church does not yet give an explanation for what you saw. We invited scientists from Kiev to us, asked - have your say. But so far no one has given an assessment …

Forester Andrey Reshetar:

- In winter, in February 2002, during the sanitary cleaning of the forest, we had to cut down this beech with a trunk thickness of 1 m 30 cm. We started to work, but the saw immediately jammed. We suffered, we suffered, only they broke the saw! Postponed until tomorrow. But tomorrow the saw does not take a tree, and that's it! Only on the third day was the beech piled down. They began to cut the trunk into pieces: in one place the saw stumbled again - it doesn't go! They retreated further, and only then did they saw it. Because of the snow, the tree was left to lie down until spring. And no one even touched the twigs from it, although all other trees were "capitalized".

At the beginning of summer we began to split pieces of the trunk. But one log did not give in in any way! I put it upright and drove a wedge. The wedge entered, and suddenly the log opened, like a book, into two halves. And inside there are two crosses! I got scared, I call others - look! The lads at first thought it was me who painted the crosses with clay for a joke. We tried to erase it and got scared ourselves - a miracle!

The head of the Department of Botany of Uzhgorod University Yuri Petrus also came to the Chinadiyevsky miracle:

“Beech is the most widespread tree species in this area,” said Yuri Petrus. - In our opinion, the "picture" could have been created by some kind of fungal formation. But we did not come to unambiguous conclusions and sent photographs of both halves of the log to Kiev to the Institute of Botany. Waiting for an answer.

The cruciform silhouette on the stump aroused interest in the summer of 2010 among the residents of the Sumy region. In the city of Romny, in the courtyard of the central regional hospital, they carried out sanitary felling of old emergency trees, and cleared a place for a future parking lot. On the second day, a sign appeared on a fresh cut of an old chestnut (on a stump) - a cross.


Historically, a German military field hospital was located on this site in 1942-1943. The Germans who died of their wounds were buried nearby. This is how the cemetery arose. After the liberation of the city, the remains of German soldiers and officers were moved to another place. Some believe that the appearance of the cross is somehow related to these historical events. Others saw in the cut of the tree the silhouette of a church (there used to be a chapel for prayers on this place, which was destroyed) and rumors were born about the need for its construction here.

The answer of the believers here is standard: this is evidence of the fervent prayers of Christians! Skeptics agree that this is just a beautiful and rare coincidence, and sometimes just an outright fake! In any case, the history of the images of crosses does not end there and is waiting for its logical continuation …