Why Was An 11-year-old Girl Sentenced To Life In Prison? The Story Of Mary Bell - Alternative View

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Why Was An 11-year-old Girl Sentenced To Life In Prison? The Story Of Mary Bell - Alternative View
Why Was An 11-year-old Girl Sentenced To Life In Prison? The Story Of Mary Bell - Alternative View

Video: Why Was An 11-year-old Girl Sentenced To Life In Prison? The Story Of Mary Bell - Alternative View

Video: Why Was An 11-year-old Girl Sentenced To Life In Prison? The Story Of Mary Bell - Alternative View
Video: THE MARY BELL CASE 2024, October

When the phrase "serial killer" comes to mind, the names of Chikatilo, Dahmer, Bundy come to mind - criminals who can hardly be called people, knowing what they have done. But even more terrible cases are known to history. Cases when children became ruthless killers. One is the story of Mary Bell, an 11-year-old British woman who was sentenced to life in prison in 1968.


She was only ten when she committed her first crime. How could a child with an angelic appearance become a murderer?

Scary facts from the biography of Mary Bell

In May 1957, a 16-year-old prostitute named Betty Bell gave birth to a baby girl. For unknown reasons, she, being completely deprived of the maternal instinct, did not abandon the child. Mary's shelter would have been much better than her parents' home.

Betty made frequent business trips to Glasgow. Mary never missed her mother, because only in her absence she felt safe. When Betty returned, strange things began to happen with the girl: she would fall down the stairs, then she would accidentally drink sleeping pills.

There is a version that the accidents were staged by Betty herself, who was eager to get rid of her daughter. There is another assumption: the crazy mother suffered from Munchausen's syndrome and attributed the disease to her daughter in order to attract the attention of others.

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Enchanted by death

At the trial, Mary Bell claimed that her mother forced her into prostitution when she was only four years old. However, this has not been proven and, possibly, is the fruit of Mary's inflamed fantasy. The girl, as neighbors and relatives later claimed, loved to compose fables.

However, it is known for certain: what death looks like, the future killer learned at the age of five, when her friend died in front of her eyes. Knowing about further events in the life of Mary Bell, we can assume that death did not frighten her, but, on the contrary, fascinated her.

Outwardly, Mary was very sweet. But neighbors and schoolteachers alike noticed oddities in her even before she became a murderer. The daughter of a prostitute, Betty, was reserved, aggressive and very difficult. But these are not yet signs of a mental disorder …

On the eve of the first crime

On May 11, 1968, one of the boys who lived next door to Bellamy had an accident. A three-year-old child fell off the roof of a one-story building and miraculously survived. Of course, no one thought that the "accident" was the work of Mary, although she was nearby at the time of the accident.

Three days later, three women contacted the local police station with a complaint about the strange girl. They assured that Bell was showing aggression and even tried to strangle their daughters. The police officer did not take the worried mothers' complaints seriously.

First kill

On May 25, the day before her birthday, Mary strangled four-year-old Martin Brown. It happened in an abandoned house. The murder was witnessed by Norma Bell, Mary's namesake. She also became, to some extent, an accomplice in the crime.

The teenage killer came up with a version, which was confirmed by her friend: Martin was beaten by unknown boys, as a result of which he died. True, this version confused the police a lot. There were no traces of violence on the body of the deceased, and next to him was a bottle of sleeping pills.

The law enforcement officers decided that death was the result of an accident. A four-year-old boy accidentally drank sleeping pills. It happens to everyone?

Very soon, another strange thing happened, which, it would seem, it was impossible not to pay attention to. On the day of Martin's funeral, Mary came to his house. The door was opened by an inconsolable mother. The girl said she wanted to look at the deceased. The woman slammed the door in her face and soon forgot about the strange guest. The mother of the murdered boy remembered about this case only two months later, when the second terrible crime was committed.

It is noteworthy that Mary and Norma did not particularly try to hide their guilt. Once they even announced to the neighbour's children that they were involved in Martin's death. This information reached adults, but they considered the girls' statement to be a manifestation of an unhealthy fantasy.

Second murder

It was made on July 31, that is, two months after the death of Martin Brown. Mary Bell's second victim was Brian Howe, three. The baby's body was mutilated with scissors, which police found nearby. The examination showed that a person who did not have great physical strength could commit such a crime. Even a child. It was then that the investigators remembered Mary Bell and her friend. They were interrogated.

The girls were acting strangely enough. Norma was nervous. Mary answered the police's questions rather evasively. Proving their involvement in the murder of Brian Howe, as well as believing that children are capable of such a heinous crime, was not easy. Mary was free for several more days.

The killer also attended the funeral of her second victim. Eyewitnesses claimed that when the coffin was taken out, she hid behind a nearby house, giggling and rubbing her hands.


Striking not only the cruelty, but also the composure of this monster in the guise of a child. During the second interrogation, Mary tried to shift all the blame onto Norma, which she might have been able to do if not for her unbridled imagination. So, she told the police about how she saw a neighbor's eight-year-old boy who hacked the body of three-year-old Brian. But the information about the scissors as an instrument of crime was closed, and the media did not cover it. Mary gave herself away.


The trial of the juvenile killer took place in December 1968. She was sentenced to life in prison. She would have received a shorter sentence if she had not declared openly at the trial about the pleasure that the murders brought her. Norm Bell was acquitted.

On the loose

As is often the case, the killer was released ahead of schedule - in 1980. After leaving prison, she changed her first and last name. In 1984, Mary Bell gave birth to a daughter who for a long time did not know about her mother's past.


In the late nineties, journalists were on the trail of the killer. Bell and her daughter had to change their place of residence.


Who was Mary - a bloodthirsty murderer or a child with a crippled psyche? It is possible that if a girl were born in a normal family, she would not have committed these terrible crimes. What do you think?

Author: Darya Dar