Why The Court Of King Solomon Was Considered The Fairest In The World, And He Himself - Inveterate Sinner - Alternative View

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Why The Court Of King Solomon Was Considered The Fairest In The World, And He Himself - Inveterate Sinner - Alternative View
Why The Court Of King Solomon Was Considered The Fairest In The World, And He Himself - Inveterate Sinner - Alternative View

Video: Why The Court Of King Solomon Was Considered The Fairest In The World, And He Himself - Inveterate Sinner - Alternative View

Video: Why The Court Of King Solomon Was Considered The Fairest In The World, And He Himself - Inveterate Sinner - Alternative View
Video: Why did God allow Solomon to have 1,000 wives and concubines? | GotQuestions.org 2024, October

We often hear the phrase - "Solomon's decision", which has become a catch phrase. From time immemorial, the image of King Solomon has come down to us as a character in many legends and parables. In all legends, he acts as the wisest of people and a just judge, famous for his cunning. However, there are still controversies among historians: some believe that the son of David actually lived, others are sure that a wise ruler is a biblical falsification.

Solomon. (15th century). Author: Justus van Gent
Solomon. (15th century). Author: Justus van Gent

Solomon. (15th century). Author: Justus van Gent.

However, not only the Holy Scripture is the main source of information about the life and reign of Solomon - the third Jewish king, the ruler of the united kingdom of Israel in the period of its highest prosperity, namely the 10th century BC. In addition, his name is mentioned in the writings of some authors of antiquity.

Solomon is the third Jewish king, the ruler of the united kingdom of Israel
Solomon is the third Jewish king, the ruler of the united kingdom of Israel

Solomon is the third Jewish king, the ruler of the united kingdom of Israel.

And besides, Solomon is an integral character of both Christian and Islamic religions, leaving a deep mark on the culture of different nations. Shlomo, Solomon, Suleiman - this name in its various sounds is known not only to every Jew, Christian and Muslim, it is familiar to almost everyone, even those far from religion. Since this image has always attracted writers and poets, artists and sculptors, who praised his wisdom and justice in their works and brought the life story of this amazing person to the present day.

King David. Author: Gvechino
King David. Author: Gvechino

King David. Author: Gvechino.

Solomon was the youngest son of King David, who before accession to the throne was a simple soldier under King of Seoul. But showing himself trustworthy, courageous and resourceful, he became the second Jewish king. And the mother was the beautiful Bathsheba, who at first glance conquered the king with her beauty. For her sake, David committed a great sin, for which he paid all his life: he took possession of her, and then sent her husband to the certain death in order to take Bathsheba as his wife.

Bathsheba. (1832). Tretyakov Gallery. Author: Karl Bryullov
Bathsheba. (1832). Tretyakov Gallery. Author: Karl Bryullov

Bathsheba. (1832). Tretyakov Gallery. Author: Karl Bryullov.

Promotional video:

King David died at the age of 70, passing the throne to Solomon, although he was one of his younger sons. But this was the will of the Most High.

King David hands over the scepter to Solomon. Author: Cornelis de Vos
King David hands over the scepter to Solomon. Author: Cornelis de Vos

King David hands over the scepter to Solomon. Author: Cornelis de Vos.

Often, fantastic qualities were attributed to Solomon: understanding of the language of animals, power over jinn. Scenes from the life and deeds of Solomon are found in miniatures of still Byzantine manuscripts, in stained glass windows and sculptures of medieval temples, on paintings, as well as in the works of writers.

Everything passes

Although the great King Solomon possessed great wisdom and cunning, his life was not calm. Rumor has it that the king wore a magic ring, which in the storms of life brought him into balance and acted as an elixir to heal wounds. An inscription was carved on the ring: "Everything passes …", which had a continuation from the inside: "This will pass too."

Especially many legends have survived about his amazing witty decisions in various court cases. He always found a clever way out of a difficult or delicate situation. The Old Testament describes the event that formed the basis of the parable of a wise judge and a mother who was ready to give her own child just to keep him alive.

Solomon's judgment - righteous, wise judgment

King Solomon's judgment. (1854). Author: Nikolay Ge
King Solomon's judgment. (1854). Author: Nikolay Ge

King Solomon's judgment. (1854). Author: Nikolay Ge

Once, two women came to King Solomon for advice, asking them to resolve their dispute. One of them said that they live in the same house, and that they each had a baby, both of whom had recently given birth. And last night, a neighbor in a dream accidentally crushed her child and shifted the dead to her, and took her living son to her and now passes him off as her own. And that now this woman refutes this accusation and claims that the living child belongs to her. And while one was telling this story, the other was trying to prove in an argument that the child was really hers.

After listening to both of them, King Solomon ordered to bring a sword, which was immediately done. Without a moment's hesitation, King Solomon said: “Let both be satisfied. Cut a living baby in half and give each half of the baby."

One of the women, hearing his words, changed her face and prayed: "Give the child to my neighbor, she is his mother, just do not kill him!" The other, on the contrary, agreed with the Tsar's decision: “Cut him, let neither her nor me get it,” she said decisively.

Slomon's trial. (1854) Novgorod State Museum. Author: K. Flavitsky
Slomon's trial. (1854) Novgorod State Museum. Author: K. Flavitsky

Slomon's trial. (1854) Novgorod State Museum. Author: K. Flavitsky.

Immediately King Solomon said: "Do not kill the child, but give him to the first woman: she is his real mother." Of course, the wise king did not even think to destroy the baby, but in such a cunning way he found out which of the two was telling a lie.

Solomon always put justice in his decisions in any dispute. Actually, it went from Solomon that the main figure of any court is the judge, and it is he who must determine the degree of guilt and punishment for the triumph of truth.

The rules of life of the great king Solomon. Wisdom proven for centuries

King Solomon in his advanced years. Author: Gustave Dore
King Solomon in his advanced years. Author: Gustave Dore

King Solomon in his advanced years. Author: Gustave Dore.

To all the benefactors of King Solomon, he was also the author of a source of poetic skill - the book "Song of Songs" and a collection of philosophical reflections - "The Book of Ecclesiastes." In a modern interpretation, Solomon's rules, verified by wisdom, look like this:

Passing the beggars - get lost.

Passing young people - don't get angry.

Passing the old ones - bow down.

Sit down as you pass the cemeteries.

Passing memory - remember.

As you pass your mother, stand up.

Passing relatives - remember.

Passing knowledge - take it.

Passing by laziness - shudder.

Passing by the idle - create.

As you pass by the fallen, remember.

Passing by the wise - wait.

Passing by the stupid - do not listen.

Passing happiness - rejoice.

Passing the generous - take a bite.

Passing honor - keep.

Passing by the debt - do not hide.

Passing by the word - hold.

Passing feelings - do not be shy.

Passing women - do not flatter.

Passing by glory - you don’t stop.

Passing the truth - don't lie.

Passing by sinners - hope.

Passing by passion - go away.

Passing a quarrel - do not quarrel.

Passing flattery - be silent.

Passing conscience - be afraid.

Passing by drunkenness - do not drink.

Passing by anger - humble yourself.

Passing grief - cry.

Passing the pain - take heart.

Passing by lies - do not be silent.

When passing by a thief, do not sneak.

Passing the arrogant - tell me.

Passing the orphans - rub yourself.

Passing by the authorities - do not believe.

Passing death - do not be afraid.

Passing life - live.

Passing by God - open up.

The Sin of King Solomon

Idolatry of Solomon. (1668). Author: Giovanni Pissaro
Idolatry of Solomon. (1668). Author: Giovanni Pissaro

Idolatry of Solomon. (1668). Author: Giovanni Pissaro.

However, as they say, “there is a hole in the old woman” … According to the Bible, Solomon was very loving and had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines. And in his declining years it happened that Solomon, to please one of his beloved wives, built a pagan altar and several temples in Jerusalem, thereby violating the vow made to God - to serve him faithfully.

King Solomon offers sacrifice to idols (17th century). Author: Sebastian Bourdon
King Solomon offers sacrifice to idols (17th century). Author: Sebastian Bourdon

King Solomon offers sacrifice to idols (17th century). Author: Sebastian Bourdon.

It was this vow that was the guarantee of the wisdom, wealth and glory of Solomon. The anger of the Almighty was reflected in the well-being of the united kingdom, and soon after the death of the 52-year-old king, an economic and political crisis began, after which the country fell into two parts.
