Scientists Have Discovered In Humans The Gene For Compassion For Animals - Alternative View

Scientists Have Discovered In Humans The Gene For Compassion For Animals - Alternative View
Scientists Have Discovered In Humans The Gene For Compassion For Animals - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Discovered In Humans The Gene For Compassion For Animals - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Discovered In Humans The Gene For Compassion For Animals - Alternative View
Video: Why are humans so different from other animals? 2024, October

Experts from the University of Edinburgh analyzed the DNA of 161 students in an attempt to find the relationship between DNA and feelings of empathy and compassion for animals.

All students who took part in the experiment filled out questionnaires, where they indicated their relationship to our younger brothers.

As it turned out, the students who had the most empathy and sympathy for animals showed special changes in the gene responsible for the production of oxytocin.

Oxytocin is also called the "love hormone" or "kindness hormone." About ten years ago, it was found that this substance is responsible for the feeling of trust in people, the reduction of anxiety and fear, the feeling of satisfaction and the desire for altruism.


Now it turns out that oxytocin also has an impact on our relationship with animals. According to the researchers, this is the first such discovery.

The researchers also found that among those with a special altered version of the gene, women were more than men. Also, people who chose caring for and caring for animals had an altered version of the gene.


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It is generally believed that many social factors influence people's attitudes towards animals, including life experiences, personality traits, and even religious beliefs.

However, geneticists have now proven that this is also embedded in human DNA.

The full results of the study were published in the journal Animals.