10 Most Amazing Coincidences Of Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View

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10 Most Amazing Coincidences Of Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View
10 Most Amazing Coincidences Of Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: 10 Most Amazing Coincidences Of Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: 10 Most Amazing Coincidences Of Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View
Video: 10 Most UNBELIEVABLE Archaeological Coincidences! 2024, October

On our planet there are many mysterious traces of the past, the secret of which has not been solved. But the most amazing thing is that in different parts of the Earth they find exactly the same structures or artifacts, no one can explain the similarities between them. We bring to your attention 10 of the most amazing coincidences of this kind.

1. Ancient metal staples

Ancient metal staples found on megaliths, temples, and other prehistoric sites are one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of the past. More precisely, we are not talking about the braces themselves, since almost all of them have long been destroyed, but about their traces left in the stone.

Scientists are wondering why the builders used these small metal braces inside the huge monolithic stone blocks. Some of them suggest that they were used for ritual purposes. Other researchers believe that the metal braces served to tie the blocks, which were actually cast from some ancient concrete, the composition of which is unknown.


But even this is surprising, but the fact that exactly the same mysterious technologies were used thousands of years ago in Egypt, Peru, Cambodia and other countries, which are thousands of kilometers apart. Note that America was discovered quite recently by historical standards and it was believed that it was in no way connected with Eurasia, however, on both continents of the Western Hemisphere there are exactly the same traces of staples on megaliths, as, for example, in Italy or Iran.

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2. Identical pyramids

Most people think of Egypt first when they hear the word "pyramid". But few people know that the pyramids were built all over the world. Moreover, recently new similar buildings have been found, even in the center of Europe. What used to be taken for mountains of the correct shape suddenly turns out to be an artificially created structure. It is curious that, according to medieval drawings, there were many more pyramids on Earth at that time, later destroyed and disassembled by stone.


It is still unknown why these pyramids were actually built. It is believed that they were tombs, but not every pyramid had burials. It is possible that the Egyptians simply used the pyramids already built by someone in order to bury the pharaohs and priests in them. It is also surprising that the pyramids are oriented to the cardinal points and stars.

3. Identical dolmens

Dolmens are stone structures made up of two or more vertical stones supporting a large flat horizontal stone. They were probably used for ritual purposes.

Ancient dolmens are another excellent example of the amazing similarity of ancient civilizations, for completely identical dolmens are found in India, Spain or Korea. Obviously, the ancient traditions were the same in different cultures, despite the huge distances separating them.


4. Mysterious images of hands

Images of hands are found in ancient rock paintings from around the world. They are made in different ways - these can be prints of a painted hand on a rock, outlined hands along a contour, etc. Moreover, on the rocks there are images of completely different hands - men and women, old people and children. I must say that these days, similar images are very popular with avant-garde artists and in interior design.


5. Ancient symbols of the swastika

Nowadays, the swastika is associated with Nazi Germany, and this is a very heavy symbol that causes the most unpleasant feelings. However, in fact, this is a very ancient image, the true origin of which is rooted in the deep past - the swastika symbol, for example, is widely used in Hinduism. Swastikas have been found on ancient ruins throughout Europe. All ancient European cultures, that is, Etruscans, Greeks, Romans, Gauls, Celts, Slavs, etc. - used the swastika, and as a symbol of happiness, good luck and the sun.


6. Ancient Sphinxes

The Sphinxes played an important role in the ancient world, judging by their numerous sculptures and images. The Sphinx is a mysterious creature, an idol with a human head and the body of a lion, one of the most important symbols in human history. It is the keeper of knowledge, shrines and secrets of life, a symbol of mysteries and intrigues. The oldest known sphinx was found in Turkey. It is proven to be created in 9500 BC. Egyptian and Babylonian sphinxes guard sacred tombs and religious temples. It is interesting that numerous images of sphinxes have survived in India and China.


7. Ancient deities showing tongue

Images of gods showing their tongues are found all over the world. What does this symbol mean? Now in some countries it is a sign of respect, in other parts of the world it is a sign of intimidation of the enemy and denotes strength and fury. It is unknown what this meant in the past, or why the same image was used in completely different cultures.


8. Pine cone symbol

The oldest images of the pine cone are found all over the world. It is one of the most mysterious symbols used in ancient art. Moreover, it can be found in different cultures - among the Indonesians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans. The cone symbol is also used in Christianity. It is also used in esoteric currents such as Freemasonry, Theosophy, and Gnosticism. Usually, a bump denotes a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. It also symbolizes the "third eye", a certain secret human organ, possibly the pineal gland, located in the brain.


9. Ancient priests

Priests and priests in the ancient world played a very important role and existed from the earliest times. They were the keepers of ancient wisdom and power, performed various religious rites, for example, sacrifices or propitiation of a deity or deities. It is surprising that many rituals around the world are similar, as are the sacrifices made to the gods - for example, killed animals. Why did people in different parts of the world come to exactly the same rituals and rituals?


10. Images of the spiral

Spirals are found in every ancient culture around the world. It remains a mystery why ancient cultures used this sign so actively, but they did it all over the world. It is the oldest symbol still used in spiritual practices and symbolizes growth and evolution. The spiral is often an image of the goddess, womb, fertility and life force energy. We add that science has proven that the development of man, animals, plants and many processes occurring on the planet follow a spiral. In addition, our galaxy has a spiral shape. Is it possible that people could have known about all this in ancient times?


Natalia Trubinovskaya