Paranormal Forces, The Hidden World Outside Of Science - Alternative View

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Paranormal Forces, The Hidden World Outside Of Science - Alternative View
Paranormal Forces, The Hidden World Outside Of Science - Alternative View

Video: Paranormal Forces, The Hidden World Outside Of Science - Alternative View

Video: Paranormal Forces, The Hidden World Outside Of Science - Alternative View
Video: July 1, 2021 2024, October

To deny everything or believe everything are two ways to get rid of thoughts, as Andre Poincaré once said. This can be applied to everything unusual that surrounds us in the familiar world, as we think about it.

An interesting story is rooted deep in the ancient mystical teachings with their magic, witchcraft, spells and everything that modern science sees as superstition and delusion, spiced with rich imagination.

However, one should not contempt for the so-called "delusions" of ancient people. Strictly speaking, much in modern science originates from the past: astronomy from astrology, chemistry from alchemy, psychology and parapsychology from mysticism. Much is taken from magic, which, having survived the centuries, has calmly reached our days. In the magic of spells, and in fact, prayers are believed even today, and paradoxically, it is more effective than academic teaching.

Here is an interesting example taken from modern times. In the newspaper "Trud" on August 3, 1989, an article was published under the title "Resurrection of a Drowned Man": Three small children swam in the Great Fish River (Cape Province of South Africa). One of them, six-year-old Julius, having miscalculated his strength, began to sink.

When the adults came running to the cries for help, the baby was already lying motionless at the bottom at a depth of five meters. The scuba diver wanted to dive for the child, but was stopped by a local Zulu, George Maseru.

Having stopped the boat over the place where the boy had drowned, the man began to make certain passes with his hands. Literally after three minutes of George's mysterious manipulations, the child's body surfaced. When water drained from the stomach and lungs, Maseru resumed the passes without resorting to artificial respiration. Perhaps there is a divine miracle in this, but after five minutes Julius fully regained consciousness.


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So, perhaps our ancestors had secret knowledge that science attributes to delusions - perhaps because they are inaccessible to her? We do not know the correct answer to this question. Sometimes we are faced with paranormal forces, or supernatural possibilities, we observe strange rituals and do not even know how to classify it correctly.

Very often we call everything incomprehensible magical or divine participation. But this is just a tiny tip of a huge iceberg, carefully guarded and hidden from the eyes of the uninitiated. In the vast literature on occultism, we find only the outer side of secret knowledge, where it all comes down to the obscure - magic spells.

So, for example, the astral world, where people go after death, is described as consisting of many levels. A person traveling in the astral body can briefly visit the "high" levels of life, talk with the "dead", act "there," and then return to their physical body. But how to make such a journey?

According to occultists, this requires special training, and even better a high level of spiritual development. It was precisely this knowledge that was kept in deep secrecy. In India, for example, according to Vrihaspati, every initiated brahmana was warned: “Remember, this is a great secret, forbidden to be announced. If you had done this, you would have met with great misfortunes."

In Agrushada Parikshan, the Book of Spirits, it is warned: “This is a mystery. Close your mouth so that it is not open to the people; squeeze your brain so that nothing comes out. Similar warnings are found in Jewish Kabbalistic books and in the secret writings of other nations.

All examples point directly to us: beyond the academic teachings lies the treasury of hidden knowledge of humanity.


The fact that at all times all peoples had secret knowledge, especially about the unusual possibilities of a person belonging to a special class of initiates, was not a whim or a desire to stand out in a special caste. The initiates were well aware of the fact that the knowledge they possessed could be directed to both good and evil deeds. That is why there were several stages of initiation, and only a select few reached the peak of wisdom.

But, obviously, from time to time there were people who deliberately revealed their secret to the uninitiated. Although it is possible that some accidentally found a way to enter the astral body to the libraries of secret knowledge. For this, ordinary people were either canonized or burned at the stake, often being declared insane.

With the advent of writing, knowledge about the world and about a person began to be recorded - not rarely in an encrypted, allegorical form. So each nation had its own ancient book, which was revered as sacred.

The ancient Babylonians had an epic about Gilgamesh, the ancient Egyptians had the "Book of the Dead", in Tibet - the "Book of the Dead", in China - Chi-King, the Mayans - Po-pol-Vuh, the Persians - Avesta, in India - Vedas, Scandinavians have Edda, Jews and Christians have the Bible.

For example, the statement about the Bible by the great Russian scientist MV Lomonosov (1711-1765) testifies to how highly the sacred books were valued: “The Creator gave the human race two books. In one he showed his greatness, in the other - his will. The first is the visible world, created by him so that a person, looking at the enormity, beauty and harmony of his buildings, recognizes divine omnipotence to the extent of the concept given to himself.

The second book is Holy Scripture. It shows the creator's favor for our salvation. In these prophetic and apostolic books of inspiration, the interpreters and exponents are great church teachers. And in this book, the addition of this visible world is the essence of physics, mathematics, astronomy …

For a long time, it was believed that if knowledge has a false orientation, then the result will be disastrous, even if the intermediate effect was overwhelming. In fact, with an unbiased attitude towards occult teachings, it turns out that the ideas of the ancients are sometimes less erroneous than they seem.

The essence of what is happening is trying to clarify the American researcher Stanislav Grof in his book "Beyond the Brain", when in simple words he says: “There is no such idea or such a system of thinking, even the most ancient or obviously absurd, that would not be able to improve our knowledge.

For example, ancient spiritual systems and primitive myths seem strange and meaningless only because their scientific content is either unknown or distorted by anthropologists and philologists who do not possess the simplest physical, medical or astronomical knowledge.

In science, reason cannot be universal, and the irrational cannot be completely excluded. It is not surprising that scientific researchers who substantiate modern theories of cosmogony turn to ancient tantric texts, and psychologists draw up maps of the spirit that have long been known to fans of ancient mystical practices.

Today it is discovered that the metaphors and symbols of ancient records contain encrypted information about the properties of consciousness, about the mystery of man and the world around us. How do ancient wisdom and modern science relate? Perhaps today we are experiencing a time when the source of one teaching spread out in small streams in order to merge tomorrow into a powerful river of great knowledge.