Luminous Balls And Close Contacts In Zglobnya (Poland) - Alternative View

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Luminous Balls And Close Contacts In Zglobnya (Poland) - Alternative View
Luminous Balls And Close Contacts In Zglobnya (Poland) - Alternative View

Video: Luminous Balls And Close Contacts In Zglobnya (Poland) - Alternative View

Video: Luminous Balls And Close Contacts In Zglobnya (Poland) - Alternative View
Video: Soviet-Polish war 1919-1921 2024, October

In the small area of Zglobin, located in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, 10 km west of the city of Rzeszow, in 2014-2016, there were UFO sightings in the form of glowing balls, which were even photographed by one of the residents. However, in addition to light phenomena, other events took place here - meetings with mysterious creatures. Polish ufologist Arkadiusz Myazga tells about his investigation of these unusual cases.

I was able to find out about the cases of sightings in Zglobnya thanks to a 32-year-old resident who contacted me to tell about his meetings with the unknown. It is worth mentioning that Zgloben is located between two settlements that were already known in connection with UFO sightings and the appearance of crop circles. These are Notskova, where in 1988 there was a series of UFO sightings and close contact of the 3rd kind (CE III), as well as Nosówka, located in the direction of Rzeszow, where in July 2000 there was a close contact of the 2nd kind (CE II), after which two circles, connected by a line, were found on the field. I described these events in detail in my book "UFO over Subcarpathia", published in 2015. Zgloben is another point on the ufological map of this region. I want to share with the reader thatwhich I was able to document on July 13, 2016 during the interview of eyewitnesses at the scene.

Local map. Places where UFOs or other phenomena were observed in the area of Zglobnya are marked in red. The above-mentioned places of close contacts in Notskova and Nosówka are indicated in yellow


Glowing balls over the forest

My informant - an eyewitness - turned out to be a very sympathetic and trustworthy person who wished to remain completely anonymous for fear of ridicule from his inner circle. Let's call it Tomek. Tomas made his first observations in the summer of 2015 with two of his acquaintances who refused to meet with me. On that day, eyewitnesses climbed a hill, from which a beautiful view of the southern outskirts opened up. During this meeting, everyone suddenly noticed a luminous ball appeared in a southerly direction over the nearest wooded hills. The straight line distance to it was about 5 km. The ball hung in one place, alternately increasing in size, then decreasing, after which it disappeared. In another case, an eyewitness, together with another friend, observed a similar phenomenon in the form of a large red ball,which suddenly appeared over the forest and, slowly moving in a westerly direction, faded out. In both cases, the eyewitness ruled out the possibility of observing Chinese lanterns or aircraft.

Observation point of glowing balls over the forest

Promotional video:


Ball above the cemetery

Another interesting observation took place in July 2015, when Tomek and a friend got out for observation in the vicinity of the cemetery. It was about 22.00 when they noticed a strange glow in the direction of Blendowa Zglobenska. At first, they thought that the light might refer to a car coming from the north, since this is where the road passes. According to the report, the object was in the form of a pale, light ball, it performed back and forth movements and was at a height of about 8-10 m above the ground. Interestingly, it was near the cholera cemetery, where the remains of the victims of the epidemics of 1831-1877 rest, or even directly above it. Being in one place, the ball jerked in different directions. At the scene, as well as using the Google Earth program, I was able to calculate that this phenomenon was probablywas at a distance of 600 to 1000 m from eyewitnesses. The ball moved in absolute silence. During a survey at the scene, I asked Tomek about the size of the ball, and it so happened that at that moment a car was passing along the road near the cemetery, so we were able to establish the approximate size of the object. Comparing it with the car observed in the distance, an eyewitness reported that the ball was slightly larger than it. Thus, as a first approximation, the diameter of the ball can be estimated at 3-4 m. During the observation, eyewitnesses noted another interesting circumstance. At a certain moment, the ball released a beam of light pale light towards the ground, which went out after about four seconds, and a little later the object itself disappeared. All this lasted for several tens of seconds. During the conversation, Tomas stressed that he had never seen anything like this in his life. The ball moved in absolute silence. During a survey at the scene, I asked Tomek about the size of the ball, and it so happened that at that moment a car was passing along the road near the cemetery, so we were able to establish the approximate size of the object. Comparing it with the car observed in the distance, an eyewitness reported that the ball was slightly larger than it. Thus, as a first approximation, the diameter of the ball can be estimated at 3-4 m. During the observation, eyewitnesses noted another interesting circumstance. At a certain moment, the ball released a beam of light pale light towards the ground, which went out after about four seconds, and a little later the object itself disappeared. All this lasted for several tens of seconds. During the conversation, Tomas stressed that he had never seen anything like this in his life. The ball moved in absolute silence. During a survey at the scene, I asked Tomek about the size of the ball, and it so happened that at that moment a car was passing along the road near the cemetery, so we were able to establish the approximate size of the object. Comparing it with the car observed in the distance, an eyewitness reported that the ball was slightly larger than it. Thus, as a first approximation, the diameter of the ball can be estimated at 3-4 m. During the observation, eyewitnesses noted another interesting circumstance. At a certain moment, the ball released a beam of light pale light towards the ground, which went out after about four seconds, and a little later the object itself disappeared. All this lasted for several tens of seconds. During the conversation, Tomas stressed that he had never seen anything like this in his life.and it so happened that at that moment a car was passing along the road near the cemetery, so we were able to establish the approximate dimensions of the object. Comparing it with the car observed in the distance, an eyewitness reported that the ball was slightly larger than it. Thus, as a first approximation, the diameter of the ball can be estimated at 3-4 m. During the observation, eyewitnesses noted another interesting circumstance. At a certain moment, the ball released a beam of light pale light towards the ground, which went out after about four seconds, and a little later the object itself disappeared. All this lasted for several tens of seconds. During the conversation, Tomas stressed that he had never seen anything like this in his life.and it so happened that at that moment a car was passing along the road near the cemetery, so we were able to establish the approximate dimensions of the object. Comparing with the car observed in the distance, an eyewitness said that the ball was slightly larger than it. Thus, as a first approximation, the diameter of the ball can be estimated at 3-4 m. During the observation, eyewitnesses noted another interesting circumstance. At a certain moment, the ball released a beam of light pale light towards the ground, which went out after about four seconds, and a little later the object itself disappeared. All this lasted for several tens of seconds. During the conversation, Tomas stressed that he had never seen anything like this in his life.that the ball was slightly larger than her. Thus, as a first approximation, the diameter of the ball can be estimated at 3-4 m. During the observation, eyewitnesses noted another interesting circumstance. At a certain moment, the ball released a beam of light pale light towards the ground, which went out after about four seconds, and a little later the object itself disappeared. All this lasted for several tens of seconds. During the conversation, Tomas stressed that he had never seen anything like this in his life.that the ball was slightly larger than her. Thus, as a first approximation, the diameter of the ball can be estimated at 3-4 m. During the observation, eyewitnesses noted another interesting circumstance. At a certain moment, the ball released a beam of light pale light towards the ground, which went out after about four seconds, and a little later the object itself disappeared. All this lasted for several tens of seconds. During the conversation, Tomas stressed that he had never seen anything like this in his life. During the conversation, Tomas stressed that he had never seen anything like this in his life. During the conversation, Tomas stressed that he had never seen anything like this in his life.

An unusual phenomenon in the vicinity of the cemetery


Cholera cemetery


Unfortunately, the next day, eyewitnesses did not check the surrounding area for any traces. As we know, light phenomena of this type have more than once been responsible for the appearance of crop circles, and the territory surrounding the cemetery is mainly fields sown with cereals. Also noteworthy is the observation of such a phenomenon over a cholera cemetery or near it. This is not the first case of its kind. Skeptics, of course, can say that this is not unusual and that this is just a natural phenomenon: they say, under certain conditions, the methane released during the decomposition of human, animal or plant remains can ignite. It is worth confessing that this explanation has its weaknesses,and why has no one yet recorded such a phenomenon in nature? In the case of Angry, the object carried out reasonable movements, and the emission of a beam, in my opinion, excludes the version with the ignition of methane. If this phenomenon had been observed 100 years ago, then it would surely have been explained by the manifestation of the souls of the dead, or the restless souls of land surveyors. This is how many phenomena were previously explained, which we now interpret in a completely different way. We can find many such examples in old folklore, where luminous balls appear under the name of pale lights, fireflies, surveyors' souls, etc. This is how many phenomena were previously explained, which we now interpret in a completely different way. We can find many such examples in old folklore, where luminous balls appear under the name of pale lights, fireflies, surveyors' souls, etc. This is how many phenomena were previously explained, which we now interpret in a completely different way. We can find many such examples in old folklore, where luminous balls appear under the name of pale lights, fireflies, surveyors' souls, etc.

Telepathic messages and holographic beings

After night meetings with UFOs, Tomas became interested in the topic of the unknown, but in a rather narrow way. It is not known what was the reason, but he decided to establish "spiritual" contact with what, in his opinion, were aliens from other worlds. It was during that period, in the summer of 2015, that acquaintances watched over his house soundlessly flying strange planes, emitting "smoke or clouds of smoke." They even asked Tomas, did he see these planes himself? During the conversation, Tomek said that once, while at home, he heard a sound in the room as if from an exploding firecracker, and then the sound of a flying plane. He quickly ran out into the street, but did not notice any plane, only a strange "cloud". After that, Tomas had an inner feeling of growing uneasiness, as if something was about to happen. After a while, leaving the house,he heard a vague voice in his head - it sounded like a telepathic short word message. Unfortunately, during our communication, the eyewitness refused to communicate this word, as he felt a kind of threat, as if something forbade him to do it. It was only possible to establish that it was a word in an incomprehensible foreign language. When Tomas went behind the house in the direction of a small garden, at a distance of about three meters from him he saw something simply amazing. Suddenly, two figures about 60 cm in height materialized near the raspberry bush. According to an eyewitness, these creatures did not look as clear as "I see you now." It looked like a hologram. They were light green in color, the heads were large, the eyes were black and rounded, and the mouth was visible. Hands were pressed to the body, but the creatures themselves stood with their legs slightly apart.


Unfortunately, the eyewitness focused his attention only on the head and torso, he did not remember the details about the appearance of the lower body. To multiple questions about additional details, he replied that he did not want to compose, so he would only describe what was stored in his memory. Lack of desire to embellish events, in my opinion, only increases the level of confidence in the story. Both the head and the whole body of the creatures were green, but Tomas could not determine whether it was the color of the skin or some kind of clothing. The eyewitness got the impression that the aliens were not absolutely material. The whole incident lasted about four seconds, after which they disappeared. There was no verbal contact, and the eyewitness himself was, as it were, in a state of "passed out." Upon returning to the house, he felt immense fatigue and drowsiness. No traces were later found at the place where the creatures appeared.

Because of certain fears before his family, Tomas, unfortunately, did not agree to photograph the scene of the incident, and the survey itself was conducted away from home. During the conversation, it was felt that the eyewitness could not fully open up and, perhaps, did not tell about all the events he witnessed. He himself gives the impression of an extraordinarily sensitive person and, in my opinion, may turn out to be sensitive, as was the case with Slocina. During our correspondence, I learned about another incident - about a meeting with a dark demonic figure that appeared outside the window. Unfortunately, due to the informant's aversion to frankness, I know about this event only fragmentarily. About six years ago, when Tomek was watching TV on the first floor of the house, he felt a strange uneasiness and glanced at the window, where he noticed something terrible. Immediately outside the window loomed a creature in all black and with such a hostile expression on his face that the eyewitness was even frightened. Most likely, the figure was hanging in the air. These events, especially the one with two aliens and a telepathic message, cause negative emotions in him. Tomek said that he regards this event and the beings themselves as a manifestation of something demonic. Why he thinks so, I do not know. I was not given a clear answer to this. Do we not associate these creatures with cases of close contact? For example, Emiltsin, or Notskova 5 km from Zglobnya, where greenish figures were also observed against the background of the "screen". Isn't it strange that green creatures were spotted twice in this area, which were already quite rare in Poland?Most likely, the figure was hanging in the air. These events, especially the one with two aliens and a telepathic message, cause negative emotions in him. Tomek said that he regards this event and the beings themselves as a manifestation of something demonic. Why he thinks so, I do not know. I was not given a clear answer to this. Do we not associate these creatures with cases of close contact? For example, Emiltsin, or Notskova 5 km from Zglobnya, where greenish figures were also observed against the background of the "screen". Isn't it strange that green creatures were spotted twice in this area, which were already quite rare in Poland?Most likely, the figure was hanging in the air. These events, especially the one with two aliens and a telepathic message, cause negative emotions in him. Tomek said that he regards this event and the beings themselves as a manifestation of something demonic. Why he thinks so, I do not know. I was not given a clear answer to this. Do we not associate these creatures with cases of close contact? For example, Emiltsin, or Notskova 5 km from Zglobnya, where greenish figures were also observed against the background of the "screen". Isn't it strange that green creatures were spotted twice in this area, which were already quite rare in Poland?which regards this event and the beings themselves as a manifestation of something demonic. Why he thinks so, I do not know. I was not given a clear answer to this. Do we not associate these creatures with cases of close contact? For example, Emiltsin, or Notskova 5 km from Zglobnya, where greenish figures were also observed against the background of the "screen". Isn't it strange that green creatures were spotted twice in this area, which were already quite rare in Poland?which regards this event and the beings themselves as a manifestation of something demonic. Why he thinks so, I do not know. I was not given a clear answer to this. Do we not associate these creatures with cases of close contact? For example, Emiltsin, or Notskova 5 km from Zglobnya, where greenish figures were also observed against the background of the "screen". Isn't it strange that green creatures were seen twice in this area, which were already quite rare in Poland?who were already quite rarely recorded in Poland?who were already quite rarely recorded in Poland?

Glowing balls in the pictures

During the trip, I managed to get acquainted with another case, supported by photographic material. A familiar neighbor of Tomas, who lives a few houses further, on March 28, 2016 witnessed a UFO - two unusual objects that hung motionless in the sky. From his rather modest story, it became known only that one of the balls probably rotated and shimmered with different colors, and the second was emitting something like smoke. The eyewitness did not take this case seriously, since in general he was very skeptical and suspicious of phenomena of this kind. According to him, leaving the house at about 03.00 at night, he noticed in the east direction (towards Nosuvka) two bright lights hanging motionless in the sky - one smaller, the second larger. The glow was intense, the height above the horizon was about 40 degrees. Half an hour later, the eyewitness was fed up with all this,and he stopped watching. What happened next is unknown. Fortunately, he took two pictures, thanks to which we can see what this nighttime phenomenon was. Since the eyewitness expressed a clear reluctance to continue communication, it remains unknown why in the picture taken with a large zoom, one of the objects looks like a crescent moon in rainbow tones.

Shots of glowing lights


Unfortunately, the desire to maintain anonymity and even a certain reluctance to share what they saw with anyone in recent years, it seems, has only intensified among eyewitnesses. This was also noted by me in Zglobnya. On the one hand, paradoxically, this has a positive effect on the level of trust in such reports, but, on the other hand, it reduces the chances that researchers will know about these events. The trip to Zgloben was very significant, as UFO sightings have become very rare over the past year and a half. And it's not a joke. I, as well as my colleagues who are engaged in fixing UFO sightings, have noted a significant decline even among night sightings. The cases from Zglobnya probably indicate otherwise. Maybe eyewitnesses simply do not want to share their stories, fearing the reaction of society,which treats such people as abnormal? Of course, to a certain extent it is. But after all, I and other researchers have always guaranteed the observance of the anonymity of witnesses.

Translated from Polish by Viktor Gaiduchik
