Columbus And Ancient Maps - Alternative View

Columbus And Ancient Maps - Alternative View
Columbus And Ancient Maps - Alternative View

Video: Columbus And Ancient Maps - Alternative View

Video: Columbus And Ancient Maps - Alternative View
Video: Amazing Old Maps 2024, October

In the distant past, our civilization possessed scientific knowledge orders of magnitude superior to modern ones, but orthodox science stubbornly refuses to admit this. Instead, she is engaged in falsification and myth-making …

Unfortunately, the scientific world is still dominated by "scientists" who stubbornly support "scientific myths". These scientists turned science into a religion, and they themselves became its preachers. But not all people succumb to religious brainwashing. And therefore, many thinking people seek the truth and spread it in all possible ways.

In January 2006, the media spread another "sensational news": an ancient Chinese map was discovered, which once again calls into question the primacy of Columbus in the discovery of America, and which the Chinese collector Liu Gang acquired in 2001 in an antique store in Shanghai for five hundred dollars. The map dates back to 1763, but has the inscription: "This map was drawn by Mo Yi Tong, a subject of the Qing dynasty, during the reign of Emperor Gong Li in 1763 according to the original map of 1418"!

This is 74 years before the arrival of Columbus in the New World, but both Americas are already shown on the Chinese map. Moreover, both coasts are both western and eastern (photo 1). The map is close to modern, which could not have been in the Middle Ages. Moreover: it depicts not only both Americas, but also Antarctica, officially discovered on January 16 (28), 1820 by a Russian expedition led by Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev.

This map is far from the only example of maps that seriously contradict the official version of history.

In 1929, in the old imperial palace in Constantinople, a map was discovered that was drawn on the skin of a gazelle and dated 919 according to the Muslim calendar, which corresponded to 1513 according to the Christian chronology. It bore the signature of Piri ibn Haji Mamed, admiral (that is, the "voyage") of the Turkish fleet, now known as Piri Reis.

It was surprising that the map depicted not only the islands of the West Indies, discovered by that time by Columbus, but also that part of the coast of South America, which was unknown to Europeans in 1513. Numerous examinations, including those on the handwriting of Piri Reis, ruled out the possibility of forgery.

An expert in ancient cartography, Captain Arlington H. Mallery, who spent many years studying old maps, came to the conclusion that its southern part reflected the bays and islands of the Antarctic coast, or rather the Queen Maud Land, now hidden under the ice. Later, Charles Hapgood sent the Piri Reis map for additional examination to modern cartographers. On July 6, 1960, the reply came from the USAF:

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The Piri Reis map contains errors due to the fact that the author used several sources at once when compiling it, the accuracy of each of which turned out to be amazing. This made Hapgood pay attention to the conclusions of one of the leading researchers of medieval nautical charts (the so-called "portolans") - A. E. Nordenskjold, who compiled a whole atlas of such maps and wrote a work on their history.

Nordenskjold put forward a number of arguments in favor of the fact that medieval portolans may have come from more ancient times. First of all: these maps were too accurate to be considered the authors of the medieval sailors. Secondly, the surprise was caused by the fact that there were no signs of their development on these successful samples. The portolans, which date from the early 14th century, were as perfect for their time as the 15th century portolans. It was as if someone had immediately created such amazing maps that they could not be improved even after two centuries of very intense sea travel.

Moreover, Nordenskjöld found evidence that there was only one map, and that all the portolans made later were only copies that differed in varying degrees from the original. Based on the analysis of the contours of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, Nordenskjold concluded that all portolans are similar and seem to have been drawn from the same map. But the main thing: they all used the same scale, and distance units were taken back to ancient times.

In theory, both the Piri Reis map and the Chinese map of 1418, in this case, should also be drawn from this single ancient map. But could such a source exist in ancient times, which showed not only both Americas, but also Antarctica?.. And why not?!.. Recently, more and more data has been accumulating that indicate very lively contacts between residents of different continents.

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs were found on the Pacific (far from Egypt!) Coast of Australia - a hundred kilometers from modern Sydney. The text tells that courageous travelers, having overcome more than one thousand kilometers of the way, landed on the coast, where they lost their leader. By the way: this leader was the son of Pharaoh of the IV dynasty Djedefr, who replaced the famous Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops) on the Egyptian throne! And this means that already four and a half thousand years ago the ancient Egyptians (some information about those who founded Egypt and built the pyramids sailed the seas and oceans not only near their native shores!


The fact of the discovery in ancient Egyptian mummies of the drug cocaine, which is produced from coca, which grows only in America, is quite widely known. This means that the Egyptians already at that time sailed not only to the east, but also crossed the Atlantic. Moreover, not only in one direction!..

In Brazil in 1872, a carved stone was found with an inscription in the Semitic language, which was only translated in 1967. The text read: “We are the Sidonian Canaanites from the city of the King of Commerce. We arrived on this distant island, in the land of mountains. In the nineteenth year of the reign of our powerful king Hiram, we sacrificed the boy to the heavenly gods and goddesses and set off from Etziongeber to the Red Sea. We went to sea and together with ten ships sailed around Africa in two years. Then the hand of Baal divided us and we parted from our comrades. And so we, twelve men and three women, arrived here on the Iron Island. Can I, lord of the fleet, disappear without a trace? Not! May the heavenly gods and goddesses bless us."

A large stone vessel resembling a drinking bowl was found in the vicinity of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. There would be nothing surprising in it if it were not for the cuneiform inscription with a mixture of Sumerian and proto-Sumerian signs, chronologically dating back to 3500-3000 BC!..


Carthaginian coins found at different times in the states of Massachusetts and Connecticut (USA); a tiny Roman bust found in 1933 at an archaeological site called Calixtlahuaca, 72 kilometers west of Mexico City; amphorae made about two thousand years ago in Morocco and found in 1976 in the Gulf of Guanabar, about 24 km from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; a vessel with a treasure of several hundred Roman coins on the northern coast of Venezuela - all this testifies to the very intensive contacts of the inhabitants of the Old World with the inhabitants of the American continents.

In light of all this, the question of Columbus' priority seems simply ridiculous …

But if our distant ancestors already thousands of years ago plowed the seas and oceans so actively, then could they not create maps of the two Americas?.. And could they not have discovered Antarctica?.. In theory, of course, they could. However, only in theory. The fact is that the prototype that can be traced in ancient maps is not just accurate. It is impossibly accurate!.. Impossible neither for medieval sailors, nor for Ancient Greece and Rome, nor for the civilizations of Egypt and Sumer …

Nordenskjold's idea of a common source fascinated Chalz Hapgood, and he and his students began to analyze a wide variety of old maps. As a result of many years of work, they managed to identify a number of maps that were striking in their accuracy and were clearly based on a common ancient source. Including:

Ptolemy's map of the North (2nd century AD) - detail:


China Map (1137):


Map de Canestri (1335-1337):


Portolan Dulcerta (1339) - drawing:


Zeno Map (1380) - Option 2:


Portolan of Venice (1484) - Image not found.

Portulan Yehudi Ibn Ben Zara of Alexandria (1487):


Map de Canerio (1502):


Map of André Benincas (1508):


Reinel Indian Ocean Navigation Chart (1510):


Piri Reis Map (1513) - drawing:


Oronteus Phinius World Map (1532) - Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere:


Map of Haji Ahmed (1559):


Mercator's Map (1569):


In the course of research, Hapgood and his young colleagues discovered such features that do not fit into either the version of the ancient source, or the version of its earlier compilation by the ancient Egyptians or Sumerians.

First, the authors of the original source knew the length of the equator with very good accuracy. The error did not exceed 100 kilometers, which is only a few tenths of a percent!.. However, there is no certainty that this error is not the result of later copying by less educated map makers.

Secondly, the authors of the original source were well aware that the Earth is not an ideal ball, but is flattened at the poles. As a result: far from everywhere on the surface of the planet, the length of a degree in latitude is equal to the length of a degree in longitude. And this difference takes place on the studied maps.

Thirdly, maps have very high accuracy not only in latitude, but also in longitude. If there are no problems with the determination of latitude (it is quite easy to determine by the height of celestial bodies above the horizon, which could have been done already in ancient times), then the situation with longitude is much more complicated. And for a long time they could not solve the problem of any precise determination of longitude. It was known that the difference in longitude of two points is proportional to the difference in local time at these points. All that was needed was an accurate chronometer. Its creation became possible only in 1771, when John Harrison's chronometer for two months of sailing lagged behind by only five seconds. This is less than only two and a half hundred years ago, while the primary source of ancient maps is clearly more than one thousand years old. At such a distant time, absolutely no traces of more or less accurate watches can be traced.

Fourth, according to Hapgood's findings, the original maps were constructed using spherical trigonometry. This is what made it possible to correctly transfer data for the spherical surface of the Earth to a flat map.

Fifth, the authors of the original source mapped the entire globe. Moreover, with such an accuracy that requires the use of either aerial photography, or filming from the orbit of an artificial Earth satellite.

While trying to determine when the original was compiled, Hapgood drew attention to a number of strange details. For example, on the map of Ibn Ben Zara, a large bay is indicated on the site of the present very extensive delta of the Guadalajara River. And Hapgood concluded that this bay corresponded to the coast at a time when the delta had not yet appeared. And since Guadalajara is a small river that does not carry a significant amount of material that forms sediments with its current, it took a very long time to form the delta.

In addition, some maps showed evidence of low sea levels. Despite the extraordinary general accuracy of the map of the same Ibn Ben Zara, for example, many islands in the Aegean Sea are shown in a place where there is nothing now, and some have a larger area than now. The Piri Reis map shows a large island located directly above the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (formerly called the Dolphine Ridge), in the place where the tiny rocks of St. Peter and Paul now protrude from the water, just north of the equator and 700 miles east of the Brazilian the coast. The Boucher map shows an island that sits above the Sierra Leone uplift, now an underwater ridge. And on the map of Hadji Ahmed, there is a land bridge connecting Alaska and Siberia; and up to a thousand miles wide in the meridional direction!..

All this takes the date of the compilation of the original source to a time of thousands of years, not only before Ancient Greece, but also before the first Egyptian pharaohs. And the remnants of glaciation in Sweden, Germany, England and Ireland indicated on the maps of Ibn Ben Zara and Ptolemy indicate an equally distant time.

But the most convincing evidence of the enormous antiquity of the original source is found on those maps that show Antarctica. This applies primarily to the cards of Mercator, Piri Reis and Oronteus Finius. All of them show Antarctica at a time when there was a temperate climate, and the continent had not yet been covered with a solid ice crust. However, if only a narrow coastline is shown at Piri Reis, then on Phinius' map Antarctica is shown free of glaciers at a significant distance from the coast, and rivers flowing from the central regions of the mainland are also drawn! Queen Maud Land, Enderby Land, Wilkes Land, Victoria Land (east coast of the Ross Sea), Mary Byrd Land appear as "iceless" areas.

A study of samples taken in the Ross Sea area during one of Sir Byrd's Antarctic expeditions in 1949 showed that about 6,000 years ago, the accumulation of bottom sediments characteristic of the places of river water outflow stopped here, and the accumulation of sediments began, which corresponds to sediments in ice sea. And this is fully consistent with the fact that rivers flowed in Antarctica not millions, but only thousands of years ago. But it also confirms the antiquity of the original map. Other modern studies have confirmed its highest accuracy.

Most of the authors did not indicate the sources of such accurate data that ended up on their maps. The most outspoken was Piri Reis, who wrote in his comments that some of his sources date from the time of Alexander the Great. Researchers agree that he had at his disposal documents previously stored in the famous Alexandria Library. Studying the Piri Reis map, Hapgood came to the conclusion that the center of the projection of the original map was located exactly in the same place - in Alexandria. However, although one of the greatest cultural centers of antiquity was located here, it was founded much later than the time of the creation of the original source, which is indicated by the analysis of maps.

In this regard, attention is drawn to the enormous similarity of the Piri Reis map with the modern one, presented in the polar equal-area projection, revealed by Hapgood. This modern map was drawn by the United States Air Force during World War II, and its center of projection was tied to Cairo because it was an important air force base. And from Alexandria to Cairo there are only about 200 kilometers, which, taking into account the errors on the Piri Reis map, suggests that Hapgood, being influenced by the comments of Reis himself, was somewhat mistaken in his conclusion, and the center of the projection of the original source was actually on the territory of modern Cairo.

It was here that the oldest "religious" center, Heliopolis, was located. And here is the Giza complex, the owner of which the ancient Egyptians called the god Osiris. The time of the reign of Osiris, according to the data of Manetho, falls on the middle of the X millennium BC. This is just a period of gradual climate change after the Flood due to the change in the position of the planet's poles. The very period during which the glaciers of Europe were melting, Antarctica was finally covered with ice, and there was a gradual rise in the level of the World Ocean, which engulfed not only many small islands, but also the "bridge" between Alaska and Eurasia. It all fits …

All this and many other facts convincingly prove that the author of the primary source map is the highly developed civilization of the Slavs-Aryans, which colonized this planet more than 600 thousand years ago, and possessed extensive knowledge and advanced technologies.

In preparing the material, the article by A. Sklyarov Ancient Maps was used …
