Why Didn't The Vatican Rehabilitate Giordano Bruno? Did The Scientist Know Magic? - Alternative View

Why Didn't The Vatican Rehabilitate Giordano Bruno? Did The Scientist Know Magic? - Alternative View
Why Didn't The Vatican Rehabilitate Giordano Bruno? Did The Scientist Know Magic? - Alternative View

Video: Why Didn't The Vatican Rehabilitate Giordano Bruno? Did The Scientist Know Magic? - Alternative View

Video: Why Didn't The Vatican Rehabilitate Giordano Bruno? Did The Scientist Know Magic? - Alternative View
Video: Unbelievable Mythbusting: Giordano Bruno was a Martyr, Yes, but Not for Science 2024, July

In 1600, in Rome, in the Square of Flowers, early in the morning, by the verdict of the Inquisition, Giordano Bruno was burned. In Soviet times, in the relevant literature they wrote about him as an atheist, although in his works, in general, there is clearly a religion, history, philosophy and … mysticism. But why hasn't this scientist been rehabilitated yet? And for what reason did the Vatican not declassify the documents of this trial to the end?


Little is known about the family of the great scientist, it has been established that he was from a noble, but not particularly noble family, his father was a soldier, a standard-bearer in the army.


Born in the town of Nola, hence his nickname - Nolanets. Everyone knows that Giordano Bruno was widely known in Europe as a brilliant scientist with phenomenal abilities, but in addition to philosophy, astronomy, natural science, poetry, music, he was engaged in mysticism, alchemy, magic. There is a version that he practiced magic in combination with Kabbalah. Also Giordano Bruno was very interested in astrology and numerology. They say that because of this he had a conflict with Giovanni Mocenigo, who wrote a denunciation against the scientist. On what basis there were disagreements between them, there are several versions.


According to one of them, unofficial, allegedly, Bruno never taught Mocenigo magic, the ability to turn base metals into gold. It is interesting that the trial in the case of the great scientist lasted about 8 years, the execution of the sentence was postponed several times.


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And, despite the fact that science has recognized his assumptions as relevant and true, Bruno has not yet been rehabilitated. Cardinal Angelo Sodano called his execution "a sad episode", argued that the inquisitors tried to save the scientist's life, made every effort for this. However, the head of the Roman Catholic Church justified the actions of the inquisitors and refused rehabilitation.


In addition, many documents of this trial, like many works of the brilliant scientist, are not fully declassified. It is said that Napoleon tried to achieve this, but his efforts were in vain. Maybe Bonaparte was trying to find some secret knowledge in these documents?