Secret Operation Of The KGB And Scientists In Egypt 1961. They Were Looking For Something There - Alternative View

Secret Operation Of The KGB And Scientists In Egypt 1961. They Were Looking For Something There - Alternative View
Secret Operation Of The KGB And Scientists In Egypt 1961. They Were Looking For Something There - Alternative View

Video: Secret Operation Of The KGB And Scientists In Egypt 1961. They Were Looking For Something There - Alternative View

Video: Secret Operation Of The KGB And Scientists In Egypt 1961. They Were Looking For Something There - Alternative View
Video: Inside the KGB's Spy Museum 2024, October

An online record of Soviet scientists exploring one of the Egyptian tombs sparked speculation. According to its content, the KGB officers might have found something that, if released to the public, would forever change our view of the history of ancient deities from heaven.

In the early years of the Cold War, the Russian military was allegedly afraid of the tactical advantage the United States would gain by analyzing flying saucer technology.

Convinced of this fact, the Russians were determined to find their own source of extraterrestrial technology, in particular ancient artifacts left behind by aliens centuries ago.


It was assumed that one of the places where they were looking was an ancient tomb located somewhere on the plateau at Giza. Their search was largely based on the old legend of the Guest Tomb of God. According to information allegedly provided by Dr. Viktor Ivanvich, the case is gathering momentum after two Bedouins accidentally discovered a mysterious tomb. Shortly after crossing the threshold of the tomb, for some reason, their health suddenly deteriorated to the point that they had to be hospitalized.

The Egyptian authorities passed the information to the KGB, which wanted to get to the grave before the CIA. As a result, an expedition was quickly organized as part of the ISIDA project, and the collaborating Egyptian authorities provided Russian Egyptologists, scientists and military personnel with all the assistance they needed.


The problem is that, although Dr. Viktor Ivanvich, who has access to the case file, confirms the existence of this expedition, none of the records mentions what was found in Egypt.

Promotional video:

As he said:

According to research by the staff, the alien creature was about 2 meters tall and dated to 13,000 years old, which means it is older than all Egyptian dynasties. At this stage, it is worth mentioning the papyrus found in Turin, named by a certain Turin canon. Although the condition of this ancient manuscript is poor, the names of the Egyptian kings, written in hieratic language, are the main tool for determining the chronology of the reign of Egyptian kings before Ramses II.


According to the first column of this document, the kings of Egypt were individual gods, who often performed their functions for several or even tens of thousands of years. Assuming Osiris was to become the first King of the Gods, the strange tomb found by scholars could have been one of the newest rulers of ancient Egypt. Some members of the expedition had to inform their superiors about a strange repulsive force that pushed them away from the walls of the tomb, which could serve as an example of the action of alien ancient technology.


The only evidence that this was a KGB operation is a rather low quality video without sound (you can find it on YouTube at the request "Secret video of the KGB of the USSR. Egypt. 1961"). She shows how the KGB officers open the tomb, from which misty smoke comes out. Just in case, the researchers escape from the burial chamber and, wearing gas masks, begin to examine it.

The recording itself may serve as good evidence of the veracity of these messages, but due to the fact that in the age of computerization, creating such a forgery is child's play, it is worth considering whether it makes sense to believe in it.

Whether you believe in the veracity of these messages depends only on us. The fact that from time to time there are reports of ancient cultures being investigated by secret government organizations of the Nazis, Americans or the USSR is nothing new to people interested in this topic.

It is worth remembering that the socio-technical games used by governments are different, and the emergence of such conflicting news may well be a smart way to make money, as well as a tool for discrediting real events from the past that could change our perception of the past.
