"The Myth Of The" Mongols From Mongolia In Russia "- Alternative View

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"The Myth Of The" Mongols From Mongolia In Russia "- Alternative View
"The Myth Of The" Mongols From Mongolia In Russia "- Alternative View

Video: "The Myth Of The" Mongols From Mongolia In Russia "- Alternative View

Video: The Russian Conquest of Central Asia and the Myth of the "Great Game" 2024, October

The most grandiose and monstrous provocation of the Vatican and the West in general against Russia

It is obvious that the invasion of Eastern Europe and Russia in 1236-1240. from the East was. This is evidenced by the cities and fortresses taken by storm and destroyed, traces of battles and devastated settlements. However, the question is, who are the "Mongol-Tatars"? Mongolian Mongolians from Mongolia or someone else? Is it not a fake "Mongols from Mongolia", launched by the spy of the Pope Plano Carpini and other agents of the Vatican (the worst enemy of Russia)? Obviously, the West has been playing its game of destroying Russian civilization not since the 20th century, not even from the 18th-19th centuries, but from the time of its inception, and the Vatican was the first "command post" of the Western project.

One of the main methods of the enemy is information warfare, distortion and rewriting of true history, the creation of the so-called. black myths: about the primordial "savagery of the Slavs"; about the fact that the Russian statehood was created by the Vikings-Swedes; that written language, culture and "the light of true faith" brought the developed Greeks-Romans to the Russians; about the "traitor" Alexander Nevsky; about the "bloody tyrants" Ivan the Terrible and Stalin; about the "Russian invaders" who seized one-sixth of the land and turned it into a "prison of peoples"; that the Russians took over all the achievements of civilization from the West and the East; about drunkenness and laziness of Russians, etc. In particular, at the present time in Ukraine-Little Russia a myth about "Ukraine-Rus" is launched, that is, the Russians were cut off history for several more centuries. It is clear that the West will gladly support this black myth.

- How could semi-savage shepherds (albeit belligerent) crush such developed powers as China, Khorezm, the Tangut kingdom, fight the Caucasus mountains where warlike tribes lived, scatter and subjugate dozens of tribes, crush the rich Volga Bulgaria and Russian principalities and almost capture Europe, easily dispersed by the troops of the Hungarians, Poles and German knights. And this after heavy battles with the Rus, Alans, Polovtsy and Bulgars!

After all, it is known from history that any conqueror relies on a developed economy. Rome was the foremost power in Europe. Alexander the Great relied on the farm created by his father Philip. With all his talents, he could not have done even half of his accomplishments if his father had not created a powerful mining and metallurgical industry, strengthened finances, and carried out a series of military reforms. Napoleon and Hitler had the most powerful and developed states of Europe (France and Germany) and practically the resources of all of Europe, the most technologically advanced part of the world. Before the creation of the British Empire, over which the sun did not set, the Industrial Revolution took place, which eventually turned England into the "workshop of the world." The current "world gendarme" - the United States has the most powerful economy on the planet, and the ability to buy "brains" and resources for paper.

And the real Mongols at that time were poor nomads, primitive pastoralists and hunters, who stood at a low stage of primitive communal development, who did not even create a pre-state formation, not to mention the Eurasian empire. They simply could not crush, and even relatively easily, the developed powers of that time. This required an industrial, military base, cultural traditions that are created by many generations of people.

The Mongols of that time did not have the necessary demographic potential to create a large and strong army. Even now Mongolia is a desolate, sparsely populated country with minimal military potential. Obviously, almost a thousand years ago, she was even poorer, with small families of shepherds and hunters. Tens of thousands of well-armed and well-organized fighters who went to conquer almost the whole continent simply had nowhere to take it.

- A myth was created about the "invincible" warriors of the Mongols. They were described by V. Jan's wonderful historical novels. However, from the point of view of historical reality, this is a myth. There were no "invincible" Mongol warriors. In terms of armament, the "Mongols" were no different from the Russian soldiers. Numerous archers and the tradition of archery are ancient Scythian and Russian traditions. A clear and uniform organization: the cavalry troops were divided into tens, hundreds, thousands and tumens-darkness (10 thousand corps), headed by foremen, centurions, thousanders and temniks. This is not an invention of the "Mongols". For thousands of years Russian troops were divided in a similar way, according to the decimal system. Iron discipline was not only among the "Mongols", but also in Russian squads. The "Mongols" preferred to conduct offensive actions - the Russian squads also acted. The Russians knew the siege technique long before the "Mongol" invasion. The same Russian prince Svyatoslav stormed enemy strongholds with the help of battering rams, battering and throwing machines, assault ladders, etc. "Mongols" could make long campaigns without carts, without replenishing food supplies. However, the soldiers of Svyatoslav also acted, and then later Cossacks. It is reported that among the "Mongols" even "women are warlike, like themselves: they shoot arrows, ride horses like men." We remember the Amazons of the times of the Scythians, Russian Polyanitsa, that is, this is one tradition.and then later Cossacks. It is reported that among the "Mongols" even "women are warlike, like themselves: they shoot arrows, ride horses like men." We remember the Amazons of the times of the Scythians, Russian Polyanitsa, that is, this is one tradition.and then later Cossacks. It is reported that among the "Mongols" even "women are warlike, like themselves: they shoot arrows, ride horses like men." We remember the Amazons of the times of the Scythians, Russian Polyanitsa, that is, this is one tradition.

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And therefore, all the countless works of art, novels and films about "Mongol warriors" destroying everything in their path is a myth.

- We are told about "Tatar-Mongols", but from the course of biology it is known that the genes of Negroids and Mongoloids are dominant. And if hundreds of thousands of warriors of the "Mongols", destroying enemy troops, would pass through Russia and half of Europe, then the current population of Russia and Eastern, Central Europe would be very similar to modern Mongols. Let me remind you that during all wars, women were prey and were subjected to massive violence. Mongoloid features include: short stature, dark eyes, stiff black hair, dark, yellowish skin, high cheekbones, epicanthus, flat face, poorly developed tertiary hair (beard and mustache practically do not grow, or very thin), etc. The described is similar on modern Russians, Poles, Hungarians, Germans?

Archaeologists, for example, look at the data of S. Alekseev, excavating the places of fierce battles, find mainly the skeletons of Caucasians, representatives of the white race. There were no Mongols in Russia. Archaeologists find traces of battles, pogroms, burnt and destroyed settlements, but there was no "anthropological Mongoloid material" in Russia. There really was a war, but it was not a war between the Russians and the Mongols. In the burial grounds of the times of the Golden Horde, only the skeletons of Caucasians are found. This is confirmed by written sources, as well as drawings: they describe the warriors-"Mongols" of the European appearance - blond hair, light eyes (gray, blue), tall. Sources describe Genghis Khan as tall, with a luxurious long beard, with "lynx", green-yellow eyes. Rashid ad Din, a Persian historian of the Golden Horde, writes,that in the family of Genghis Khan, children were "born mostly with gray eyes and blond". There are no racial differences in the miniatures of the Russian chronicles, and there are no serious differences in clothing and weapons between the "Mongols" and the Russians. In Western Europe, on engravings, "Mongols" are depicted as Russian boyars, archers and Cossacks.

In reality, an insignificant amount of the Mongoloid element in Russia will appear only in the 16th-17th centuries, together with the serving Tatars, who, being themselves Caucasians, will begin to acquire Mongoloid features on the eastern borders of Russia.

There were no "Tatars" in the invasion either. It is known that until the beginning of the 12th century, the mighty Mughals and the Tartars-Turks were at enmity. The "Secret Legend" reports that the warriors of Temuchin (Genghis Khan) hated the Tatars. For some time Temuchin subdued the Tatars, but then they were completely destroyed. Much later, the Bulgars, the inhabitants of the Volga Bulgaria state on the Middle Volga, which became part of the Golden Horde, began to be called "Tatars". In addition, there is a version that the Tatar, translated from Old Russian (Sanskrit), is just a distorted "Tatarokh" - "royal horseman".

- The notorious "Mongols" did not leave a single (!) Mongolian word in Russia. The words "Horde" familiar from historical novels are the Russian word Rod, Rada (Golden Horde - Golden Rod, that is, royal, of divine origin); "Tumen" is the Russian word for "darkness" (10000); "Khan-kagan", the Russian word "kohan, kohan" - beloved, respected, this word has been known since the times of ancient Russia, so the first Rurikovichs were sometimes called (for example, kagan Vladimir). The word "Byt" means "dad", a respectful name for the leader, as the president is still called in Belarus.

- During the Golden Horde, the population of this empire - mainly the Polovtsians and descendants of the "Mongols", was no less than the population of the Russian principalities. Where have the Horde population gone? After all, the former lands of the Horde became part of the Russian state, that is, at least half of the population of Russia should have had Turkic, Mongolian roots. However, there are no traces of the Turkic and Mongoloid population of the Horde! Kazan Tatars are considered the descendants of the Bulgars-Volgars, that is, Caucasians. Crimean Tatars have nothing to do with the core of the Horde population; they are a mixture of the indigenous population of Crimea and many external migration waves. It is obvious that the Polovtsy and Horde people simply disappeared into the kindred Russian people, leaving no anthropological or linguistic traces. As before, the Pechenegs dissolved, and so on. Everyone became Russian. If they were "Mongols", then traces would remain. Such a huge mass of the population cannot simply dissolve.

- The term "Tatar-Mongols" is not in the Russian chronicles. The Mongolian peoples themselves called themselves "Khalkha", "Oirats". This is a completely artificial term, which in 1823 was introduced by P. Naumov in his article “On the attitude of Russian princes to the Mongol and Tatar khans from 1224 to 1480”.

From school history, you can recall the phrase "Great Moguls". This is a tautology. Mogul and so in translation - great, he became Mongol later, as knowledge was lost and distorted. It is obvious that the Mongols cannot be called “great, powerful” then, and even now. The anthropological Mongoloids "Khalkhu" never reached Russia and Europe. The Mongols in Mongolia learned only from the Europeans in the 20th century that they had conquered half of the world and they had a "shaker of the Universe" - "Genghis Khan" and from that time they started a business in this name.

- Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky was acting in concert with Batu's Horde-Rod. Batu struck a blow to Central and Southern Europe, almost repeating the campaign of the "scourge of God" Attila. Alexander smashed the western troops on the northern flank - defeated the Swedish and German knights. The West received a strong blow, and temporarily abandoned the onslaught on the East. Russia got time to restore unity.

It is not surprising that many, including Russian (!), Historians accused Alexander of "betrayal", that he betrayed Russia under the yoke of "yoke" and entered into an alliance with the "nasty", instead of taking the crown from his hands Pope and make an alliance with the West in the fight against the Horde.

However, given the new information about the Horde, Alexander's actions become completely logical. Alexander Nevsky entered into an alliance with the Golden Horde not at all out of despair - choosing the lesser of two evils. Becoming the adopted son of Khan Batu and the spiritual brother of Sartak, Nevsky strengthened the Russian state, which included the Horde and the unity of the super-ethnos of the Rus. The Russians and the Horde were two active nuclei of a single ethno-linguistic community, the heirs of ancient Scythia and the land of the Aryans, the descendants of the Hyperboreans. Alexander closed the "window to Europe" for several centuries, stopping the cultural (informational) and military-political expansion of the West. Giving Russia the opportunity to grow stronger and preserve its identity.

- There are many other inconsistencies that destroy the general picture of the "Mongol-Tatar" invasion. So, in the "Tale and the Mamaev Battle", a Moscow literary monument of the 15th century, the gods who were worshiped by the so-called. "Tatars": Perun, Salavat, Rekliy, Khors, Mohammed. That is, even at the end of the XIV century, Islam was not the dominant religion in the Horde. Ordinary "Tatar-Mongols" continued to venerate Perun and Khors (Russian deities).

“Mongolian” names Bayan (conqueror of South China), Temuchin-Chemuchin, Batu, Berke, Sebeday, Ogedei-Guess, Mamai, Chagatai-Chagadai, Borodai-Borondai, etc. are not “Mongolian” names. They clearly belong to the Scythian tradition. For a long time, Russia on European maps was designated as Great Tartary, the Russian people were called White Tatars. In the eyes of Western Europe, the concepts of "Russia" and "Tartaria" ("Tartary") were united for a long time. Moreover, the territory of Tartary coincides with the territory of the Russian Empire and the USSR - from the Black Sea and the Caspian to the Pacific Ocean and to the borders of China and India.

Author: Samsonov Alexander
