Is The Huge Megalithic Complex At Karnak An Ancient Space Map? - Alternative View

Is The Huge Megalithic Complex At Karnak An Ancient Space Map? - Alternative View
Is The Huge Megalithic Complex At Karnak An Ancient Space Map? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Huge Megalithic Complex At Karnak An Ancient Space Map? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Huge Megalithic Complex At Karnak An Ancient Space Map? - Alternative View
Video: Baalbek without Aliens? Mystery of the Great Megaliths 2024, October

The megalithic complex at Carnac (Brittany, France) is the world's largest cluster of megalithic structures.

The complex of megaliths includes alleys of menhirs, dolmens, mounds and individual menhirs - more than 3,000 prehistoric megaliths carved from local rocks and erected by unknown pre-Celtic peoples of Brittany more than 5 thousand years ago. Some of the stones are even older, they were installed back in 4500. BC e.

Local residents have several legends about these megaliths. So it is assumed that the megaliths are Roman soldiers turned into stones by God himself to protect Saint Cornelius, the patron saint of Karnak. According to another legend, at night the stones come to life and go to the water to quench their thirst or just refresh themselves.

Karnak stones are credited with healing power and are believed to help people who are looking for their soul mate.


According to the researchers, initially there were much more stones in Karnak, over 10 thousand, but many were eventually stolen or destroyed by people. Now the Karnak megaliths are divided into 4 groups (Le Menek, Maly Menek, Kermario and Kerlescan) and the largest cluster is located near the village of Le Menek. There are 1,099 stones of various sizes arranged in 11 even rows.

If you look at the rows of Karnak megaliths from above, it seems that in front of you is either an encrypted message or a code.

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Different eras gave rise to different theories, trying to explain the secret of these stones. In the nineteenth century it was suggested that these were places dedicated to solar and lunar cults. In the same 19th century, other authors believed that they were a kind of "road" that led to stone temples, which are currently destroyed.

Researcher Hans Hirmenich suggested that the ranks of menhirs were the tombs of the Atlanteans who died during the Trojan War. Researcher James Fergusson almost agreed with him, confident that the erection of these stone monuments took place after a great battle that took place in antiquity.


Other scientists who have studied the megalithic stones of Karnak went even further and suggested that they are real gravestones. According to them, they found support for this hypothesis in local place names: for example, the word Kermario in the ancient Breton language from the Celtic group means "city of the dead." True, the megaliths of Karnak appeared long before the arrival of the Celts in this region.

The first to suggest that the megaliths of Karnak are an ancient huge space map was the explorer André Chaumbri. He found in Karnak the layouts of the stars, planets and even the signs of the zodiac.


After Shaumbri, others began to write about it. In 1970, the English engineer Alexander Thom applied his Stonehenge research to Karnak and suggested that Karnak was a huge ancient observatory, with a huge menhir called the "Big Broken Menhir" from Lokmar'ake as its center. This observatory, according to Tom, predicted eclipses of the Sun and Moon.

Big Broken Menhir:


According to Tom's measurements, the eight extreme positions of the moon could be observed from the location of this giant menhir. He also suggested that Karnak's even series is a "calculator" used to correct errors observed in the moon's movements.

The Big Broken Menhir of Lokmarake is also known as Er Grah (Fairy Stone). In its entirety, it was more than 20 meters high and is believed to have stood in a group with other large menhirs, of which no trace remains now. This menhir weighed about 280 tons. It remains a big mystery how the ancient people created this huge menhir and moved it.