The Curse Of The Mounds Of The Ancient Scythians - Alternative View

The Curse Of The Mounds Of The Ancient Scythians - Alternative View
The Curse Of The Mounds Of The Ancient Scythians - Alternative View

Video: The Curse Of The Mounds Of The Ancient Scythians - Alternative View

Video: The Curse Of The Mounds Of The Ancient Scythians - Alternative View
Video: The Scythians - The Mounted Warriors of Antiquity (The Amazons) - Great Civilizations of the Past 2024, October

Little is known about the Scythians in our time, and what archaeologists find is often difficult. The fact is that the Scythians were a large Indo-European group and lived as nomadic tribes, having, nevertheless, a common language and culture with minor differences depending on the region.

After themselves, the Scythians left references in Greek and Byzantine sources, disappearing in the era of migration of peoples and dissolving among other tribes. Reliable sources of information about the Scythian culture and way of life are numerous barrows that can be found in the south of Russia, in Ukraine and even in the Altai Territory.

The Scythian mound could have different shapes, but most often it is an earthen embankment over the burial of a noble person. Utensils and gold items were often found in the mound. It was this that served as a signal for black archaeologists, who began to actively search for and plunder them. But sometimes, if in those distant times the Scythian Magi did not want such a sad fate for the deceased, they imposed terrible curses on the mound. There are cases when marauders paid dearly for their tricks. So, for example, some archaeologists (if they can be called archaeologists) often died in car accidents after plundering several mounds or for a very strange reason, when for no reason a person went crazy.

Of course, most of these accidents can be attributed to the circumstances of life, but those who study the occult know that curses exist and punish the guilty in their own way.

Scythian magicians, shamans and priests inherited their knowledge from ancient times and knew blood magic. The Scythians were a warlike people, and it can be assumed that their pagan religion and rituals could be intimidating. The priests multiplied the energy for the rituals by sacrificing livestock, and sometimes captives, and applied protective spells on the mound. As you know, over time, the curse loses its force, and it is not surprising that in our time archaeologists are already getting off with only a feeling of horror or mental disorders.

Judging by the traces of the actions of the ancient robbers, the latter sometimes even broke the bones of an already decayed corpse, fearing revenge from the buried. The most vicious mounds had, in addition to the usual, pronounced curses, traps. For example, in one mound in Ukraine, archaeologists found the remains of a marauder from the 5th century, who was crushed by a slab deliberately installed next to the entrance to the burial chamber in the mound. The thief dug a tunnel, but as he walked down to the camera, suddenly the earth settled above him and he was crushed.

Nowadays, black archaeologists no longer risk being crushed or cursed to the seventh generation, but the chances of catching a gangster's bullet and losing the mined gold items that other robbers will take away is still very high.