The Principle Of Operation Of Spaceships In Simple Words - Alternative View

The Principle Of Operation Of Spaceships In Simple Words - Alternative View
The Principle Of Operation Of Spaceships In Simple Words - Alternative View

Video: The Principle Of Operation Of Spaceships In Simple Words - Alternative View

Video: The Principle Of Operation Of Spaceships In Simple Words - Alternative View
Video: Rockets 101 | National Geographic 2024, October

The Confederation of Cosmic Worlds has at its disposal a mass of fleets that fly through the vastness of the Great, and endless Cosmos with various research tasks, with various expeditions, studies, research, which are manifested within the framework of the Confederation's activities for observation, and integral interaction with the Elixir Reality.

There are brigades of Sirius, Pleiades, Andromeda, Arcturus, and many other delegations, and formations that represent the unification of the Galactic Worlds, observing the evolutionary matrices of different planets, and the vastness of the Far Space, regularly traveling and moving through the Primordial Creation, using their command aircraft …

The basis of the evolution of the Great Cosmos is peace and the highest existential Harmony.

In the worlds of Light, Light Beings cooperate for the good of the Common Cosmic House (Source), and their purpose is to strengthen and spread positive connections and interactions that would contribute to the eternal ongoing evolution of the Great Whole.

The main nuances of the directions of work of cosmic associations are closely related to what is happening in the vastness of the Great Cosmos, what tendencies are present, what trends are observed in the First Creation, in the Solar Systems of the Great Whole, and what vibrations are built around all these features, and interactions formed in the First Matter …

There is what is called - an unconditional fact, denied by the earthly world of the past, as regular visits to the Earth by alien delegations.

This happened during a wide variety of historical periods, including the mid-20th century, when representatives of the Galactic Confederation came into open contact with the American leadership.

At that time, the goals were to try to establish a relationship that would allow solving earthly problems, and improve life on Earth, through natural cosmic cooperation.

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But, as you know, (and as you will also learn from informational chronicles that are disclosed on planet Earth from independent public information sources), your leaders ignored the wishes of the Light Brothers from Space, and positively-oriented cooperation was interrupted for many years on the 20th century, because the world of people developed according to certain laws, and tendencies that still remained - part of the Experiment, and part of the Free Choice (the sacred right of the Part of the Whole to form its destiny in the Universe).

When the public, shown on satellite TV, official contact with the Pleiades, and Sirius, at this point of your earthly evolution takes place, you can expect from us confirmation of these and many other facts of our cooperation with you for many years (… including thanks to terrestrial forms of contact communication, through our allies, such as: channeling, telepathic impulses, the exchange of positive energies, and vibrations).

And also, you can be sure that the Higher Worlds will provide you with comprehensive informational chronicles on the cycles that you went through, on the purpose of your cosmic quadrant, on the lessons that the Particles of the Whole had to go through - in the sphere of the reincarnation model of life.

At the same time, in addition to those assignments and tasks that are included in the missions of positively-oriented space groups, there are also things that we would like to clarify related to the topic of what a Spaceship is and what its vibrational sphere is. (Wednesday).

We will explain this briefly, and in simple words, so that you have a clear idea of what is Spatiality and the Energeticity of Ether.

There are many different fleets, as we have said. One of the most numerous, in your Solar System, refers to the command system of Ashtar Sheran - a loving Being of Light who is responsible, together with Jesus Christ, for the evolutionary fateful central Ray of your planet, and accompanying the Earth and its Transition during the times of a changing paradigm.

Spaceships come in a variety of forms, some of which are small reconnaissance vehicles designed for local missions, while others are large-scale mother ships covering an area comparable to several football fields in diameter.

On board ships performing a space function, you can understand that there is a special atmosphere and special conditions to ensure the processes of flights, travel at superluminal speed, and conditions for a comfortable and harmonious stay on board the ship's crew members.

The technologies that are used - THERE are natural space technologies of a super-ecological model, which do not harm the environment, do not generate harmful toxic fumes, or something similar.

The standards of the Cosmos are the standards of High Life. And the standards of the Federation Ships are standards that do not violate Universal Harmony, and Equilibrium, based on a reasonable methodology, or - on reasonable approaches.

Around the regular Confederate spacecraft, there is an electromagnetic field that protects it from various external factors, atmospheres, and a variety of conditions present in different space (star) systems.

The principle of operation of such a ship is based on a deep understanding of the laws of natural forces in the Universe, one of which, for example, is antigravity. In the onboard cabin of the spacecraft, there is an elegant, and shining with bright radiation - the Particle Accelerator.

Its purpose is to provide work for the movement and navigation of the Ship of Light across the limitless Cosmic Universe.

In such an accelerator, there is enough energy to create a hyper-high-speed movement of the Ship in certain zones of the Universe (a consequence of the combination of two certain quantities).

Various elements, such as the electromagnetic field around the Ship and the Particle Accelerator, do not work autonomously, but in a special connection. For example, there is also a software biocomputer on board the regular Federation Ship, and it also works in connection with a special type of interaction.

We call this mental connection. Since no processes can work without the Consciousness of the Light Being, the fundamental part of the processes is reduced to the mental interaction of the Light Being and the Ship of Light. Therefore, devices are only conductors of certain processes, the bulk of which occurs in the Mind of Light Beings.

We do not use steering wheels, or rudders, to control navigation and the movement of the Ship along the waves of the Universe. We use Natural Energy and Mental Connection. And our biocomputers and accelerators provide us with a process that is called the work of the Ship.

You will not take the path of intelligent understanding if you use the categories of Newtonian physics.

For a complete picture of things, you need to understand that there is a movement of Light, and Hyper-Light. And also, there are processes that are almost completely inexplicable in the standard human state of consciousness.

But, in the cosmic state of consciousness, they are understandable. Superfine energies, information, and waves placed in the Sphere of Light (… what, in essence, the Spaceship is) - can create such a vibration that is characteristic of life in Ether, or - for life in the Cosmic World - Elixir.

And, when these processes converge at one point (one Sphere), they give the force to act to laws and quantities, which, for example, are difficult to imagine in earthly conditions.

The very wave field that makes up the universe is not just a field that serves for meaningless purposes.

This is a complex multi-level structure, which, having begun to deeply study, the Cosmic Man begins to understand many facets, and the subtleties of how things can work in different environments, how you can derive rational benefit from this, and how you can cooperate with this phenomenon - on a multidimensional one. multifaceted basis (rationality of Space, and Fields).

If you like to read books about science fiction, for sure, you will come across stories about Space Apparatuses from the Distant and Mysterious Cosmos, about Brothers in Mind, and about the facts of contacts of different groups with each other.

The truth is that some of these books perfectly stimulate the imagination (… but, in fact, their authors are direct ambassadors of cosmic wisdom, clothed in thought), and some are documentary evidence that you (earthlings) are not alone in the universe.

Both are the outpost of the common truth. And the time comes when all these facts and information - will find their way out in the society of your planet.

This is positive news, and the world of the Earth is in the stage of ascent to a new evolutionary stage, where information and knowledge of this kind will become the natural interest of an earthling, for the Cosmos is multidimensional, and the Light of the Golden Age pours onto the planet eonized, and with the purpose of the Transition.